The City of Terror

Chapter 869: Farming!

The third chapter is sent! Today I saw a piece of news: the mother-in-law competed for the right to serve. The poor road can't help but scream, is this world swollen? Continue codewords, no nonsense.


The honey thing, the storage ring has long been gone, if you can, Wei Xiaobei is going to buy some of this old man.

After all, for a senior chef who is proficient in more than ten Chinese and foreign cuisines, honey is undoubtedly a kind of food. Although it is not used much, but many desserts and even some dishes, this honey is essential.

In the botanical garden of Weijia Island, beekeeping was not put on the agenda.

There are many reasons for this, but it is very important that bees are easier to evolve under the influence of the effects of youth, and the bees after evolution are more likely to hurt if they fly on the island.

As for pollination, when the ordinary people have nothing to do, they will go to artificial pollination, but don't worry too much.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei also thought about it. When he went back this time, he used a life altar to cultivate a kind of bee. Anyway, collecting honey and pollinating something is not a complicated matter. Even if the intelligence is low, it can Complete these things.

After chatting for a while at the old man’s house, I tasted the honey that the old man offered. Zhao Yun was ready to go home.

This time is probably close to noon. If you stay, it is equivalent to telling the villagers to prepare for it.

But the old man was really enthusiastic. In the end, Wei Xiaobei had to let Zhao Yun leave first, while he stayed behind to buy honey with the old man.

What Wei Weibei didn't expect was that when Zhao Yun left, the attitude of the old man changed a lot. Although he was not cold-faced, he was at least not as enthusiastic as before.

Wei Xiaobei has no money. Accurately speaking, there is no coin issued by Shuhan.

But in the end, Wei Xiaobei switched to two small barrels of honey, and the equivalent exchange was the barbecue that Wei Xiaobei took out of the storage ring.

Although living in the vicinity of the forest, it seems that the old man rarely tastes meat in the usual way, otherwise, the attitude of the old man. Wei Xiaobei wants to switch to honey with barbecue, which is really difficult.

Leaving the village, facing the smiling Zhao Yun, Wei Xiaobei is a little bit sorrowful, but this kind of thing is not much to say.

Zhao Yun is very popular in the village. It should probably be the special effect bonus of Zhao Yunping's love for the people.

As for myself, just when the righteousness is riding from the capital, these villagers will know which green onion they are?

For Wei Xiaobei to buy honey, Zhao Yun did not interfere. As long as Wei Xiaobei does not buy strong sales, these are small things.

Leaving the village, the two turned around in the fields near the village. From the perspective of the young people who cultivated the land, there are not many people in this village.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei suggested that Zhao Yun send some people to help the villagers open the fields, otherwise. It’s only the twenty-year-old green and strong, I don’t know when it will be possible to open the fields around the village. It is important to know that the land nearby is not a mature land that has been cultivated for many years, but a forest land that the sergeants have just cut down.

Hey, those roots buried in the ground are enough for these young and strong to clean up for a long time, not to mention digging up these slightly hard soils.

"The second brother said that it is for the brother to forget this."

I listened to Wei Xiaobei’s proposal. Zhao Yun nodded, and even hired a pro soldier, told the matter: "Let the more idle soldiers come over and help the folks to open up the farmland."

But what made Wei Xiaobei somewhat awkward was that he was hesitant after receiving the order. Zhao Yun couldn’t help but feel angry. These pro-brothers were close friends with him for many years. It was the first time that they refused to comply.

Fortunately, Zhao Yun’s mind was more meticulous, and he asked questions casually.

Who wants to know, the pro-brother immediately reported: "The generals are reported to the generals. Now most of the soldiers in the camp have something to do. The only thing that is free is Bai Mayi."


After half a day, I made my own idea. It seems that this errand has fallen on my head.

With Wei Xiaobei’s intelligence, it’s just a matter of moments.

Seeing Zhao Yun's gaze shifting, Wei Xiaobei had to accept the order honestly.

Of course, if this is not a suggestion made by myself, Wei Xiaobei will not be so honest.

It’s impossible to say anything in front of you. Just hit your own face later?

Even if I don’t take orders now, I’m afraid I can’t escape if I go back to the camp. It’s better not to be a bachelor.

"So very good, then start today, what is needed, the second brother sent people to ask for the Zhuge main book."

Zhao Yun was very satisfied with the position of the second brother. He took a picture of Wei Xiaobei's shoulder. After two sentences, he returned to the camp with a few of his relatives.

As the coach in the army, Zhao Yun is also very rare to take a break to take a break, now, but also have to go back to busy business.

When Zhao Yunyi left, Wei Xiaobei sent Zhao Tian back, letting him inform Zhao Tong, and brought Bai Mayi to him. By the way, he found Zhuge’s main book to borrow some wooden cows, iron plows, in short, the tools for farming are looking for Come.

From this moment on, Bai Mayi has become a cultivated land.

Zhao Tong’s work was to make Wei Xiaobei feel at ease. Not long after, the first team of more than 50, Bai Mayi rushed over. Their task was to build a tent next to the village. After all, the cultivated land could not be a day or two. If you do something that your home is not built, you can’t just lie directly in the wild.

Then came over to Bai Mayi and Zhao Tong who were rushing to the team.

Wood cows, iron plows and even some hoes, this is all the tools of arable land.

After Bai Mayi started to build the tents together, after Wei Xiaobei communicated with those young and strong, he began the first cultivated land in life.

The control of the wooden cow is relatively simple. The ear is the control switch, and the left ear is responsible for going forward and backward. Only the left ear needs to be moved forward, the wooden cow will move forward, and the backward movement will move backward. The right ear is rotated to control the direction.

Therefore, each wooden cow needs at least two operations to be able to cultivate the land normally.

One person rides on the back of the wooden cow and is responsible for controlling the direction. One person is responsible for holding the iron plow.

At the beginning, these high-powered Bai Mayi was awkward.

The wood cows went west, and the plowed soil was also awkward, not straight, and even the tragedy of the neighboring wooden cows colliding together.

Fortunately, Bai Mayi’s brains are not stupid. After a little familiarity, the situation has become much better.

When Wei Xiaobei saw everyone starting on the road, he formed a team with Zhao Xin, picked a wooden cow, put it on the iron plow, and let Zhao Xin sit on the back of the cow to control the direction, and he held the iron plow behind.

To say that Wei Xiaobei holds the plow, Zhao Xin was originally unwilling. Who wants to know Wei Xiaobei is to let him say with the ear: "I want to be a good man from riding a horse, originally riding a horse, you let this What kind of body will you ride on a wooden cow?"

So, Zhao Xin can only climb the cow's back honestly.

However, after the wooden cow began to move forward, Zhao Xin also returned to the gods, and he couldn’t ride a cow from the ride. He felt ashamed, and he said that he was also a heroic horse. After so many years of fighting, he actually wants to ride. On the back of a wooden cow, hehe...

Next, Zhao Xin, riding on the back of the cow, rubbing his face with his left hand and manipulating the ear of his right hand, it looks extremely cumbersome, just like stealing a cow thief, for fear of being discovered.

Well, in any case, after Bai Mayi joined the arable land, the speed of the arable land is almost ten times faster.

The young and strong people of the village are also one-eyed and open-eyed, and Qi Qi praises General Zhao’s love for the people.

This really made Wei Xiaobei a little depressed.

The feelings of doing things are themselves, the benefits are all taken by the eldest brother?

Is this the good thing in the legend that does not leave a name?

Of course, this is Wei Xiaobei's little depression, and he is not really going to dispute with the villagers for this point.

The area around the village that needs to be reclaimed is about 1,500 mu, and the 1,500-mu field is really open to the public. The food produced is enough for the villagers in the village to eat for several years.

Until the evening of the Hai, it was about ten o'clock, Wei Xiaobei let Bai Mayi stop, after the post was arranged, everyone wash and sleep.

From the afternoon to the present, Baimayi has about 800 mu of cultivated land. This is because some people have not been familiar with the cultivated land and waste a lot of time. I want to come up the next morning and work harder. I can finish the field in the morning.

Finally, it was an errand. Wei Xiaobei calculated the time. Maybe it will be sacrificed again tomorrow afternoon. My heart is also quite cool. This time Wei Xiaobei is ready to upgrade the archery to the world, so as to match the evolution. Ink big bow.

As for the skills used to sacrifice, Wei Xiaobei is ready to use one of the knives.

In short, in Wei Xiaobei's view, everything is going smoothly, and they are all developing in the direction they want.

Sleeping and sleeping, listening to the snoring of Zhao Tong’s kid, Wei Xiaobei, who was lying in the tent, gradually entered a dream.

In the early morning of the next day, Wei Xiaobei got up early and took a fist on the unexplored field. Zhao Tong came over with confused eyes.

"Uncle, are you practicing boxing?"

"Would you like to try?"

Wei Xiaobei laughed and smiled. He pointed to the head of Zhao Tong. To talk about pure guns, he might be worse than Zhao Tong, but if you want to say boxing, Wei Xiaobei has full confidence.

"Not coming!"

Zhao Tong hurriedly waved his hand and refused. He made a joke. The last time he had been stunned and swollen, this time he sent it up?

Zhao Yun may be better, but this Zhao Tong picks up the gun is a dragon, put down the gun is almost worm.

He has not yet reached the realm of Zhao Yun.

"I said, Uncle, I feel a little bit wrong?"

Zhao Tong practiced a shot at the side. After he stopped, he touched his head and looked at the village that could not be seen far away. He said to Wei Xiaobei.

"Isn't it right? What's wrong?"

Wei Xiaobei turned the ink into a glove and asked after re-wearing.

"It’s this village, it feels like it’s closer to our tent than yesterday.”

Zhao Tong pointed to the fence that surrounded the village.

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