The City of Terror

Chapter 870: Second-level village

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Wei Xiaobei fixed his eyes and saw that, as Zhao Tong said, the fence of the village moved a lot compared to yesterday.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei can determine by checking the memory. Besides, there is a large circle of open space between the fence and the house, and the extent of the village expansion can be directly seen.

To be precise, the village has expanded outward by at least 50 meters overnight.

To say that the village is expanding more than 50 meters, it should at least occupy a lot of cultivated land close to the village. However, Wei Xiaobei looked at it carefully, but it was not the case. The area of ​​cultivated land that was opened yesterday was not bad.

In other words, the expansion of the village is like a hard-pressed area on the basis of the original space.

However, after reviewing the number of times, Wei Xiaobei could not see anything. It can only be said that the land area here has increased invisibly.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes fell on the village and started everything, but deliberately avoided the villagers.

Name: Village ordinary

Introduction: This building is a derivative of Zhao Yunjun stationed for more than three days. Zhao Yunjun can collect food from the village, collect taxes, recruit new recruits, etc. When the village belongs to a certain area, the village can Promotion, after the fifth-level village can be promoted to a small town, but ten villages can only be promoted to three small towns........

Village head: Tian Laohan

Camp: Shuhan

Level: Level 2

Effect 1: Recruitment, recruits recruits by 2% of the population.

Effect 2: Tax can be levied at a rate of 5 percent of commercial income.

Effect 3: The grain collection can be levied at a rate of 10% of the grain output.


Is this the legendary farming stream?

Wei Xiaobei suddenly felt that it was not a hassle to open up the land.

This village seems to give Wei Xiaobei a pleasure to play games.

Undoubtedly, the village was a level before, and after Wei Xiaobei took Bai Mayi to open eight hundred acres of cultivated land, the village was upgraded and became a second class.

"You first bring people to cultivate the land. I will go in and see."

After Wei Xiaobei sneaked a few words toward Zhao Tong, he walked to the entrance to the village.

At that time, the houses in the village had smoke, and the villagers were cooking.

In addition to the area, the changes in the village and the tree at the center of the village have become bigger.

Wei Xiaobei checked it out. The attribute table of this big tree is a row of question marks, the only thing that can be seen is the name, and a small amount of introduction.

Air tree

A brief introduction, this is the gas transport of the village.

The better the village develops, the bigger the tree will grow. As for more, there is no more in the introduction.

After a while, the village chief Tian Laohan, the old man who sold it to Wei Xiaobei honey, came over with a bronze gong.

Perhaps it was the benefit brought by Wei Xiaobei's cultivation of cultivated land. After Tian Laohan saw Wei Xiaobei, his face became more and more ruthless. He said: "Grandfather, you are so early to come to collect food or recruit troops."

Wei Xiaobei would like to see this levy, how is the conscription of the conscription. But he also knows that in the absence of a military order issued by the Chinese army, if he wants to collect food or recruit troops, he will break the military law. He does not want to try the whip.

"Nothing, just turn around, what are you doing this?"

Wei Xiaobei looked at the bronze gongs in the hands of Tian Laohan, and in the silent, everything started.

To say that this bronze cymbal is a treasure.

Name: Calling the copper enamel boutique

Introduction: This item is held by the village head and is ringing. Can call the villagers to discuss matters.

Well, although the effect seems to be similar to that in reality, the quality of the bronze gongs is not so simple.

"Little old man is preparing to call the villagers to build houses for several migrants from the village head."

Tian Laohan answered the question of Wei Xiaobei according to the facts.


Wei Xiaobei decided to follow it.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei is really nothing. The old man of Nata sounded the gong in his hand.

After a burst of noise, the villagers gathered around in all directions, and they were more excited, with tools on their hands.

What hoe, what axe, saw, etc.

Tian Laohan took a few words. Then he took the village to the east of the village.

Sure enough, Wei Xiaobei saw a group of refugees in the east of the village.

It should be said that although the clothing of the villagers is worn out, the broken places are also patchwork and clean, but they are not the same. The clothes on the body are almost rags, and the face is covered with dirt and black scorpion. Holding a small parcel on the paws, I saw a little nervous when I saw the villagers coming over.

"Dwelling folks, since you came to our village to settle down, then it is the people in our village, Zhang Laosi"

After a few words, Tian Laohan shouted, and then the two middle-aged men came over with a bucket of steaming wood.

Suddenly, the sound of swallowing came from the throat of the more than ten people.

This barrel of food is also a wild porridge with some rice porridge, but in the eyes of these people, it is undoubtedly a delicious dish.

The fluent people swarmed up, and if it weren't for the two men who screamed loudly, the bucket of porridge would have to be fed to the ground.

Then, under the leadership of Tian Laohan, less than 20 minutes before and after, a few simple and simple wooden houses were quickly built. At this speed, Wei Xiaobei suspected that it was a unique effect of the village.

The fluent people are full of food and drink, and after they move into a new home, they wash their minds and the mental appearance changes.

This village is increasing its population by relying on these people.

Wei Xiaobei has some doubts about where these migrants came from, but Wei Xiaobei probably can guess a point, I am afraid it is generated out of thin air.

Here is the gray world

Sure enough, not long after, Tian Laohan took people to the west of the village, feeding a group of people who came out of nowhere, building a wooden house.

Gradually, from early morning to noon, the number of people who rushed to the run exceeded hundreds of people, equal to the population before the village.

But the open space after the expansion of the village. Estimated to be able to accommodate a hundred people.

After noon, Wei Xiaobei heard a hoof from the distant horse.

Not long after, Tian Laohan greeted him, after that. A soldier in a robes walked over with Tian Laohan, followed by several soldiers and led two horses.

This army, Wei Xiaobei recognized, is still an acquaintance.

"Chongshan brother. How come you?"

Because it was not in the military camp, Wei Xiaobei appeared to be a little more casual. His hands arched and he greeted the military officer and called his words.

"It turned out to be the white tiger sage. For the brother this time, the general will be ordered to come here to recruit."

The army will be the main book of Zhao Yunjun, the scorpion of Zhuge Kongming, and Zhuge Jun’s word Chongshan.

"Chongshan brother is free, the younger brother is just a look."

Wei Xiaobei smiled and walked with Zhuge Jun.

Zhuge Jun made the soldiers busy.

A soldier took out a list. Sticked to the big tree, and the rest of the soldiers put the table and chairs and other things.

Then Natian old man knocked on the cymbal and screamed out loudly: "General Zhao sent people to recruit, and deliberately came under the tree."

After a few sips, many young and strong people continued to come, and the soldiers standing under the list began to explain the list.

The general idea is to invest in the military, halving the amount of food at home, and the family income has always been Wen Yunyun.

Not to mention, when this family fee is paid out, there will be a lot of young people eager to try.

To say. This consistent copper coin is also a thousand texts. In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the copper coins made by warlords everywhere were mostly inferior, and even there was iron money circulation.

However, Zhao Yunjun’s one thousand texts is the imitation of five money made by Shuhan. Although it is smaller than the Eastern Han Dynasty, it is relatively thick, and it has some credibility in the private sector.

For such a copper coin, at that time, five thousand texts could probably buy a yak, and two thousand texts could buy a bad cow. A thousand texts, the value is not too small, to buy a group of chickens at home, to add some home is more than enough.

Besides, after the army, there are military squads, eating and wearing all-inclusive.

For the vast majority of young people in this poor village, it is also quite tempting.

But the soldier then said, the three sons in the family are preferred, and the only ones are not allowed to join the army.

This condition suddenly brushed most of the young and strong.

In the end, it was possible to register the investigators at Zhuge Jun, and there were only three poor people, even two of them who had just entered the village.

In this regard, Zhuge Jun did not have any slight disappointment, carrying a brush, wrote down the names of the three people, then handed the three small cloth bags to the three people, and told them to go to the big camp after three days. If there is any error, Will be treated as a crime of escape

The three men happily held the wallet that made a crisp crash and went home to settle down.

Wei Xiaobei also understands that, in the current situation of the village, if the army recruits troops, I am afraid that it will not take long for the village to have even the people who planted the land.

Only three people were recruited, and there was no more than the village could afford, but the villagers in the village knew that Zhao Yunjun was recruiting and laying the foundation for the future.

Zhuge Jun was sent away, Wei Xiaobei went outside the village, and with Bai Mayi began to open the field again.

He is now interested in the development of the village and wants to see how far the village can develop.

After all, this village is plain, but it is the foundation of Zhao Yunjun. If the village develops poorly, the food is still good enough to be able to cope with the field, but the follow-up is more troublesome.

At night, Wei Xiaobei took Baimayi more than the first day of the field, and opened a thousand and four hundred acres.

Together with the first day and the village’s self-developed fields, the total number of village fields has reached more than 2,300 acres.

This should enable the village to rise to the third level.

Wei Xiaobei thought about the village for a while, lying in the tent and slowly falling asleep.

The next morning, walking out of the tent, Wei Xiaobei’s first thing focused on the village.

Sure enough, the village was promoted again.

Ps. chasing more children's shoes, free appreciation of the ticket and the starting point of the coin there is no ah ~ 55 red envelope list countdown, I came to pull a ticket, seeking overweight and appreciation of the ticket, and finally rushed to be continued.


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