The City of Terror

Chapter 871: Eat mountains by the mountains, eat the sea by the sea!

[Broadcast] Focus on the starting point of reading, get the first hand news of 515 red packets, students who have not robbed the red envelope after the New Year, this time can show their skills.

The second chapter is sent! The monthly ticket is so delicate, let the authors of the world do their best, Fusheng is worthless, and the poor and weak are asked, is there a monthly ticket?


From the second-level village to the third-level, the area has expanded a lot compared with the second-level, and the effect of the village has also increased by one percent, which means that the drafting effect has been increased from 2% to Three percent, taxation, and so on.

When Weibei was busy at lunch today, he saw Zhuge Jun again.

Zhuge Jun came here this time to collect taxes and food.

To be precise, it is the grain.

Because the village has no commercial activities at all, that is, no tax is available. As for the food, watching Zhuge Jun finally let the soldiers carry the small sack of grain on the horse, Wei Xiaobei feels some egg pain.

Just such a small bag of food is also called grain?

“Let them get used to it first, and there is not much food in the village.”

Zhuge Jun did not feel that he was running away in white. In his opinion, this was only a matter of letting the villagers develop a habit.

Hearing here, Wei Xiaobei was a bit stunned by this Zhuge Jun.

In the light of this point of view, Zhuge Jun is placed in the real business society, I am afraid it can be regarded as a powerful person.

But then again, Zhao Yunjun's food seems to be not enough.

Nine thousand people, people eat horses to chew. A lot of food is needed in one day, while in Fengtou Mountain. There is not much food to save, and there is only a small piece of land in the valley that can grow grain. Villages derived from military camps are often destroyed by monsters in a short time.

As a result, Zhao Yunjun can only rely on the body of the monster to live.

Now that I am outside the Tiewei Mountain, it is safer than Fengtou Mountain in terms of overall safety.

But the food problem has also emerged.

The monsters in Tiewei Mountain can all be composed of iron and stone. The body of the car is used for forging. It is a very good raw material. If it is used as food, hehe, I don’t know how good the appetite can be swallowed.

The forest on the left. There are some wild animals on the hills on the right side. The problem is that there are so many wild animals, and they can't stand the multiple of nine thousand people.

The crops on the plains in the plains grow faster, and it takes at least 20 days to mature.

Fortunately, when the grain military was held, Zhao Yun did not forget Wei Xiaobei.

When Wei Xiaobei came to the Chinese army's big account and learned that there was a shortage of food in the army, he could not help but laugh.

"Why did you laugh from the ride?"

Zhao Yun was wearing a silver and gold helmet at this time, wearing a mixed tiger and swallowing the sky. Dressed in a white coat, sitting on the handsome position, see Wei Xiaobei with a smile, a confident look. It is a bit curious, maybe there is still some way for this second brother.

"General, the army is short of food. Why not go fishing along the coast? It can also solve the problem of salt."

It should be said that there are some refining ash fertilizers in the Wei Xiaobei storage ring, but at most, the crop growth time can only be cut in half.

of course. The most troublesome is that Zhao Yunjun has a lot of fields to open up, and his own gray soil fertilizers may not be enough.

It would be better to let Zhao Yunjun go fishing at the beach. That is to solve the food problem, and can get salt, may also be able to train a navy, well, the last point, for the time being can only be regarded as Wei Xiaobei's delusion.

In addition, although Wei Xiaobei can bring a lot of food from reality by virtue of the storage ring, it is better to teach people to fish than to teach people. This principle, Wei Xiaobei still understands.

Besides, when I went out, the food in the botanical garden could not be supported for a long time. In addition, I couldn’t enter the gray world in a short time. Wei Xiaobei didn’t want to go back and forth, it was too much trouble.

Hearing Wei Xiaobei said, Zhao Yun could not help but raise his brow and his eyes were bright.

The rest of the military will ignore the majesty of the Zhongjun big account at this time, and they have whispered in a small voice.

Many of them will agree with each other. Although a small number of military forces will oppose it, the focus of their consideration is that Zhao Yunjun has never crossed the sea. The soldiers in the army are basically people who are squatting, even if they swim, that is Swim in the river, this sea and river can be completely a concept.

It is as if the punts in the rivers are not suitable for sailing on the sea.

"Can you have confidence?!!"

Zhao Yun asked Wei Xiaobei.

"Fully confidence, but only the generals can be equipped with some sergeants and horses."

Wei Xiaobei smiled. When he arrived at the beach, even if he went to the sea to fish, he would also fish the fish. If he said that he did not have full control, he would be a little shameful.

"That's the matter that is handed over to the righteous rider. The rest, you can get in touch with the main book."

Then Zhao Yun even lost a token to Wei Xiaobei.

After Wei Xiaobei took the token, he looked at it with all things and couldn’t help but feel a bit stunned.

The tokens in the Zhao Yunjun army are divided into four categories.

The lowest first-class token allows the holder to leave the battalion to perform the task and travel with hundreds of people.

The second-class token allows the holder to draw thousands of troops.

The token that went up again is the one in Wei Xiaobei's hand. It can be used to transfer two thousand soldiers to perform the task. As for the most advanced token, there is only one piece. The token holder has the same power as Zhao Yun, and the whole army can be adjusted.

Of course, if such a token is not something that Zhao Yun has left the camp, if the person in the camp needs to sit down, Zhao Yun is unlikely to give it.

Soon, the military discussion is over.

With this token, Wei Xiaobei ordered two thousand soldiers in the camp, plus a number of troops, including some artisans. Even Bai Mayi was transferred from Wei Xiaobei to Baiqi, as for the horses. The same kind of material has also loaded more than ten carriages.

This time, Wei Xiaobei is going to play a big one.

The desert that extends around the sputum is not as big as the desert in reality, but the diameter is more than 10,000 meters. High temperature of 60 degrees all day long.

For the average person in reality, I want to go through such a desert. The difficulty is not as easy as the reality of the big desert.

But for the Zhao Yunjun soldiers under the leadership of Wei Xiaobei, such problems are not a problem at all.

More than ten kilometers away. At the foot of the lowest two-star ordinary sergeant, it will pass quickly.

As the desert gradually passed through, with a hint of sea breeze blowing, the soldiers suddenly felt a clear mind, and the whole body was cool.

This is the sea? ! !

The soldiers stepped on the border between the desert and the beach, watching the blue sea, the waves rushed to the beach, and then retreated.

"Let everyone take a break, just on the beach, pay attention. There are crabs on the beach."

Wei Xiaobei told the new soldier Zhao Xin.

Then Zhao Xin even picked up the door and said: "The Lord will have orders! All go to the beach to rest, pay attention to the crab!"

I have to say that this Zhao Yunjun soldier is strict with the military. Even if Wei Xiaobei ordered the rest, several scouts of the squad were sent out to monitor the army.

As for the rest of the soldiers, they led the army to the beach.

Since the Lord has said that he should pay attention to the crabs, those military officers will not be taken lightly.

The highest military officer in the military is a school, which is Zhao Yun’s deputy assigned to Wei Xiaobei. His main role is to help Wei Xiaobei to fill the gap.

After all, Wei Xiaobei was the first to bring so many soldiers. It's hard to say that there won't be problems.

This requires a veteran to help.

At this time, the school was at the forefront. After stepping into the beach, he sipped and suddenly increased his momentum. Even Wei Xiaobei can see that the breath in his body has turned into a red flame and continues to spread around the beach.

This beach suddenly fried the pot.

A variety of crabs, red, black, yellow, cyan........ drilled out of the sand. Scrambling to rush toward the waves.

For these crabs, the close soldiers are of course a huge dish. But the danger of a natural disaster is that they chose to escape.


The exclamation of nearly two thousand people is quite amazing.

It is not that these soldiers are afraid of crabs. But they saw so many crabs for the first time.

To say that crab is a thing, who has never seen it, in the river ditch, there are all sides of the field, but more than the size of the palm crab, densely packed, the number can not be counted, climbed out from the beach, into the sea, these come from The soldiers in the land have never seen it.

"What are you doing! Grab!"

Wei Xiaobei smiled at this time and screamed loudly.

Indeed, for the soldiers, these crabs are a hearty meal.

It is not an easy thing to eat such a seafood in peacetime. Even some nobles may not be able to enjoy it. After all, the sea is too far from the inland.


Wei Xiaobei ordered that the soldiers suddenly dispersed, swarming in, using various methods to capture the crabs, using the knife and gun in their hands, there are direct reach, and the net bag has already been prepared.

In short, in the case of these soldiers, the crabs are considered to be bad.

If you are a core disciple who has just entered the gray world on the defending island, these crabs can still take advantage of the amount.

But the number of soldiers is close to two thousand! The added strength is at least two stars. When you reach out and explore the foot, you can catch a lot of crabs.

Although it could not be said that the disaster was over, the crab on the beach basically disappeared after twenty minutes.

However, when these soldiers caught the crab, Wei Xiaobei went to the other side of the beach.

Over there, Zhao Yunjun's scouts were confronted with the core disciples led by Huang Kun.

If Wei Xiaobei did not find the confrontation between the two sides, I am afraid that after a while, it will be a big hit. In that case, it is really a flood of the Dragon King Temple.


Wei Xiaobei rushed to the scene and screamed.

Huang Kun, who was preparing to take the man and the scout, hit the cockroach and saw that the master came over and hurriedly called: "Master."

And the few scouts who saw Xiaobei came over, they were immediately saluting: "See riding a Tudor."

How is this going?

Looks like these guys know Master?

Huang Kun has not been able to straighten out the relationship here for a while.

Ps. chasing more children's shoes, free appreciation of the ticket and the starting point of the coin there is no ah ~ 515 red envelope list countdown, I came to pull a ticket, seeking overweight and appreciation tickets, and finally rushed!

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