The City of Terror

Chapter 887: King!

The third chapter is sent! Originally intended to go out to run in the night, but the poor road saw too many night run murder cases, really worried that the bad guys coveted the poor, so decided to continue the code, the code words will not be coveted, right?


Indeed, when Wei Xiaobei looked at the Great Island, there was no accident to discover the stone creatures that were moving around on the Great Island. &

Undoubtedly, compared with volcanic rock people, this new type of stone man has a more active personality, or vitality.

If volcanic people don't bother them, they may sleep for a long time, for decades or even a century.

But the stone people on these deserted islands, um, precisely the granite people, are not in a state of sleep, they are more fighting each other to show their powerful granite.

The granite man is actually a humanoid piece of irregular granite. Well, it is like the stone monsters that appear in the game.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei did not think that these granite people would be so strong, the smallest of them are five or six meters, and the largest one is more than ten meters.

But the most horrific granite man should be a whole granite hill. It is only 19 meters high when it is lying on the ground. If you stand up, I am afraid that the height will exceed 40 meters.

Biology level: four stars elite!

And the weakest granite man in it has reached the level of Samsung!

Well, Wei Xiaobei is a bit stunned.

The most powerful monsters that Rocky had changed before were not more than Samsung's ordinary, but now, these granite people completely exceeded Wei Xiaobei's expectations.

The only thing that is fortunate is that these granite people seem to be afraid of water. Even if they are crazy fighting each other, they will choose to be more than 20 meters away from the beach. Sometimes some granite people are liked to fall into the water. The mouse in the hot pot, desperately climbed to the shore.

The sound of the granite people fighting each other is deafening.

Although these granite people are very strong. However, Wei Xiaobei still walked slowly from the sea, and put the pair of ink gloves on his hands. Undoubtedly, he wanted to work on these granite people, and the gloves seemed to be more convenient.

obviously. The small point of Wei Xiaobei didn't cause the attention of the granite people at all. They still fight each other, just like the energy that can't be exhausted.

Even a granite man with a body shape of more than 12 meters was punched on the head by the same type, and the gravel was sputtered everywhere. The granite man who stood unsteadily fell down toward Wei Xiaobei.

It is conceivable that if Wei Xiaobei is just an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will be smashed into a mud.

"Your mother didn't tell you not to fight?"

Wei Xiaobei's right hand stretched out and held the fallen granite man, and his mouth was joking.

Obviously, this granite man did not understand the goodwill of Wei Xiaobei, and even if he felt that there was some inconvenience in his body, he slammed it down against Wei Xiaobei.

But before the granite man's fist smashed Zhongwei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei's hands with gloves were throwing out the granite man.

After a blink of an eye, the granite man slammed into his own kind, and the huge impact force hit the ground with his kind.

For Wei Xiaobei, whose strength of arms is more than a thousand tons. A granite man with a weight of 100 tons is naturally not an opponent.

Next, Wei Xiaobei caught up and just punched the granite man's chest.

The granite man's chest burst open, and his fist instantly fell into his chest. When Wei Xiaobei took his fist back, he grabbed a stone heart that was constantly beating from his chest.

As the heart of the stone was taken out, the granite man who had tried to resist it, the next granite rock that formed his body collapsed with the influence of gravity. Falling down the ground turned into a pile of granite stones without any life features.

Name: Granite Heart (Treasure)

Introduction: This is the source of power for granite people. Once this heart is lost, the life of granite people disappears immediately.

Effect 1: Petrochemical. After taking a granite heart, the user will suffer from a petrochemical effect.

Effect 2: Shi Zhili, who takes a granite heart, will have a chance to gain the power of the granite man.

Effect 3: The defense of the stone, taking the granite heart, will have a chance to gain the defense bonus of the granite man.

Effect four: Evolution. A similar organism takes a granite heart and gains a chance to evolve.

I have to say that the heart of this granite man is still a treasure.

Although it will be affected by a petrochemical effect after taking it, it may turn into a stone, but the effect of the second is that the effect three is enough for many people to take risks.

Of course, the effect four should be prepared for creatures such as the mutant dock.

The heart of the granite man who is more than ten meters high is a treasure, then Wei Xiaobei’s eyes fell on the granite man like a hill.

Obviously, the granite people's feelings to the outside world are so weak that Wei Xiaobei's aggressive eye is on the other side. The granite man has no reaction at all, but he sometimes knocks on his other similar kind. Ground.

A granite man next to a five-six-meter meter may see Wei Xiaobei's body shape better bullying, and slowly stepping over is a fist down the head of Wei Xiaobei.

For any provocation, Wei Xiaobei will not have a soft heart.

With both hands stretched out, Wei Xiaobei grabbed the fallen fist. Due to the unique effect of the ink-and-bag, Wei Xiaobei was considered to fight the humanoid creature of the same type as long as he grabbed any part of the opponent. The influence of the North is completely non-receptive, and with its own great power, it is easy to lift the granite man and then jump up and fall.

A loud bang came out, and the poor granite man knew that he had provoked a killing god. After hitting the ground, he had not recovered, and he was beaten down by a sigh of relief until the whole body of rock fell off. His heart was smashed out by Wei Xiaobei.

Looking at the heart of this granite man, Wei Xiaobei nodded, and sure enough, the quality of these granite people's heart is directly related to their body shape.

This smallest granite heart quality is just a boutique level.

After that, Wei Xiaobei killed a granite man more than 20 meters high, and the heart taken out of his body was also a treasure level, but it was a big circle than the heart of the 12-meter granite man. .

Wei Xiaobei's continuous killing of granite people can be said to make the Great Desert Island shake some mountains.

This also allowed the king of the largest granite man to notice the small point of the wilderness on his own plate.

Well, this granite man has a very low level of intelligence, basically floating between 1 and 3 o'clock. To put it bluntly, it is the beast-level intelligence.

Therefore, after discovering Wei Xiaobei, the king of the granite man did not want to communicate at all. He reached out and grabbed a granite man who was ten meters long, and then lost it to Wei Xiaobei.


After the granite man was thrown out, it brought a huge wind, such as the same giant cannonball, falling toward Wei Xiaobei.

However, for such an attack without any technical content, Wei Xiaobei did not use the double fists. He jumped gently and a whip leg was drawn to the granite man. The granite man who fell from the shell was pumped in an instant. Go back.

The king of the granite man could not be as keenly responsive as Wei Xiaobei, throwing out the same kind of arm that had not been recovered, and the one that had been drawn back was sturdy.

The violent impact makes the body of the Granite King back backwards, but the foot seems to be connected to the ground, even if the body recline angle exceeds 60 degrees, it does not fall down, even slowly. Pulled it back.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not give it any chance to resist, and the right leg slammed the ground, just like a rocket.

Tieshan depends!

Wei Xiaobei has not used this trick for a long time, but it is very powerful.

Compared with the king of the granite man, Wei Xiaobei is completely a small point in the small point, one meter eight, and the king of granite people stand up, the height is more than forty-five meters!

What is the concept of forty-five meters, roughly flush with the thirteen floors.

The little finger of the king of granite people is much bigger than Wei Xiaobei. His legs are like a giant pillar in front of Wei Xiaobei, but Wei Xiaobei does not hesitate, his shoulders are in front, and the sinister collision Above the giant pillar of the sky.

Hey, hey!

I have to say that this king of granite people, as a four-star elite creature, is indeed defensive in terms of defensive power.

Wei Xiaobei's whole body was poured into the shoulder and hit the calf of the king of the granite. It just collapsed its rock layer, and a few slight cracks appeared on the stone surface. However, as for this crack, it was restored by the king of granite people in the blink of an eye.

The king of the granite man of the four-star elite creature is completely different from the ordinary granite man.

Those ordinary granite people are in front of Wei Xiaobei, a plate of small dishes, but the king is the strongest who can confront Wei Xiaobei!

Wei Xiaobei feels that, in terms of hardness, the king of granite is no longer a granite, and it can even be flush with the thick back shell of the tortoise.

Although the king of the granite man did not suffer much damage under this collision, but it suffered this collision, the balance of the previous recovery was suddenly destroyed, and the huge stone man went straight to the sky.

The destructive power of the king of granite people is probably weaker than that of Wei Xiaobei, but it is not too weak, but against Wei Xiaobei, the king of granite people is incomparably strong even if it has strong defense. .

The reason is very simple. Wei Xiaobei’s speed is faster than that of the king.


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