The City of Terror

Chapter 888: The first battle of ink and ink

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In the process of the fall of the king of granite people, Wei Xiaobei has jumped up, and it is a mammoth to his chest. In an instant, the stone of the king of granite is splashed in the chest, less than three times before and after. As he struggled to throw his fists down his chest, Wei Xiaobei had already smashed a 20-centi dimple in his chest and quietly pulled out while the giant boxing fell.


The king of the granite man’s double fists squatted on his chest. Not only did he fail to hit Wei Xiaobei, but he would smash the pit left by Wei Xiaobei and even smash the pit. Big.

But when the king of the granite man left the boxing and was ready to support himself, Wei Xiaobei smashed in the past, and his fist fell like a raindrop.

After repeated such a number of times, the depth of the pit on the chest of the Granite King has exceeded one meter.

Although for the king of granite people with a body shape of more than forty-five meters, the one-meter pit is still quite a distance from his heart, but the king of granite people seems to be afraid. In the next battle, it is actually against Wei Xiao. The attack from the north turned hard and pressed the chest against the ground.

Undoubtedly, under such circumstances, Wei Xiaobei can only be separated from it. Otherwise, it is not fun to be crushed by a hill.

Looking at the weight of this granite king, I am afraid that it is more than 1,500 tons, and Wei Xiaobei can hold it up. But under such circumstances, Wei Xiaobei could not resist his attack.

The next battle entered a stalemate phase.

Wei Xiaobei originally planned to jump to his back. In the same way, the back of the back also pulled out a big pit. As long as the heart is removed, the king of the granite man can only be turned into a pile of stones.

But what Wei Xiaobei never imagined was that the guy’s arm could be turned over and there was no human limitation. `

The head and the arm are turned over, and the back becomes the front chest.

Of course, this is not a problem, Wei Xiaobei can still rely on his own flexibility.

But then, the most headache for Wei Xiaobei appeared.

The king of the granite man may have been scared by Wei Xiaobei to the pit, and he has grown dozens of smaller arms from his chest. As long as Wei Xiaobei was close, these arms seemed to encounter the killing of the father and the enemy.

However, this irregular Wang Baquan just restrained the flexibility of Wei Xiaobei. At the same time, the intuition ability could not make Wei Xiaobei dodge in such intensive fists for the time being.

In this case, Wei Xiaobei can only choose the target on his limbs.

Remove the limbs first, then slowly cook the arm on the chest.

There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei’s choice is correct.

Relative to the chest. The limbs of this granite king will be weaker.

Under the constant temper of Wei Xiaobei, the right leg of the King of Granites did not break, and its recovery speed could not catch up with the speed of Weibei's attack. Finally, the right leg of the King of Granite suddenly collapsed. Turned into a pile of gravel.

At this time, the king of granite people may have felt the danger of death, and for the first time opened the mouth and screamed. But there was no sound in the stone giant mouth, just an invisible wave.

Just as this invisible wave emerges. All the granite people on the desert island stopped fighting and the head turned toward this side.


Wei Xiaobei could not help but burst into a foul language. This single-shot seems to be developing in the direction of the group.

Ok, it’s really a bunch.

All the granite people then seemed to have hit the chicken blood, targeting the Wei Xiaobei, rushing over, and its speed has increased by more than half. `

Well, Wei Xiaobei used to see everything before, and the invisible fluctuations in the mouth of the granite man are actually a kind of racial skill.

Crazy siege: When the number of the same family exceeds 30, the ability can be launched. The damage is increased by 100%, the speed is increased by 50%, the defense is weakened by 30%, and the intelligence is weakened by 50%.

Well, in terms of ethnic skills, Wei Xiaobei has seen several kinds of things, the most impressive of which is the siege of the semi-evil mermaid.

Siege: When the number of the same family exceeds three, the damage increases by 30%.

There is no doubt that this siege is a little far worse than the crazy siege.

The cost of raising damage and increasing speed is that the defense is weakened by 30% and the intelligence is weakened by 50%.

And the intelligence of these granite people is very low, even if the percentage is weakened, the change is not big.

If you switch to someone else, there is a headache in the face of a group of granite people who have increased their damage by 100% and the speed has increased by 50%.

You know, although these guys have weakened their defenses, they are still very strong in terms of defense.

But at this time they have to face Wei Xiaobei.

A granite man with a body shape of more than 20 meters rushed to the front of Wei Xiaobei in a few steps, and slammed like a fist in the car.

Just try this granite man in a state of crazy siege!

Wei Xiaobei faced the granite man who had several times the momentum and did not have any intention of returning. He made a fist in his right hand and greeted the fist of the granite man.


A dull bang came, and the giant fist of the granite man slammed into the small fist of Wei Xiaobei.

This type of impact is usually determined by the size of the volume.

But Wei Xiaobei’s body stood firmly on the ground, and the granite man’s fist suddenly shattered. This fragmentation spread even toward the shoulder. In a flash, the granite man’s body was half. It was so completely destroyed that the heart of the striking stone was revealed.

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei's jump makes it easy to put this stone heart into the storage ring.

Although the king of the granite man quickly recovered, he joined the battle to defend Weibei.

However, to be honest, the effect of this granite crowd is really poor. The smallest granite people have a height of five or six meters. A group of granite people are besieging them. It is difficult to hit such a small target like Wei Xiaobei. .

It even works well when there is no king of granite people to single-guard Weibei.

So that a group of granite people's fists hit their own kind, and Wei Xiaobei is shuttled back and forth between their fist gaps, easily knocking a head of granite people down to the ground.

Time has passed by, and more and more granite people have fallen down and been dug by Wei Xiaobei.

I have to say that the brains of these granite people are really too bad.

Seeing that their advantages have been reversed to disadvantages, but they still do not have awakened, still use their fists to track Wei Xiaobei, thus creating more opportunities for Wei Xiaobei to kill themselves.

In fact, the weakening of the defensive power by the crazy siege made it easier for Wei Xiaobei to start.

Finally, the last granite man fell and became a gravel.

Their king became a loner.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei re-started to deal with this huge and thick and thick guy.

After losing the restraint of other granite people, the king of the granite man became more difficult to deal with.

After Wei Xiaobei pulled out his chest again, the king of granite people reappeared on the ground and squatted on the ground with dozens of arms in the back, in an attempt to confront Wei Xiaobei.

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei has found a way to deal with it, that is the ink bow!

Between the counting time, the pair of ink gloves was turned into a black and white two-color bow in a group of white light.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei had opened a distance of hundreds of meters from the king of the granite man, and even Wei Xiaobei stood on the surface of the sea.

After the white fog weapon evolved into an ink weapon, Wei Xiaobei was the first to use the ink bow, which inexplicably felt a dangerous premonition, and thus had to open the distance.

He didn't want to shoot this arrow, but instead he got stuck in it.

After all, the evolution of this ink weapon has come from among them. Among them is the ink dripping from the giant pen, which is not a good thing.

In the face of Wei Xiaobei's departure, the king of granite people began to chase after anger, perhaps it thought that Wei Xiaobei was afraid of himself and wanted to escape.

However, Wei Xiaobei's speed is not what he can pursue, so the king of granite people who can't catch up has to grab a piece of gravel from the ground, like a cannonball throwing toward Wei Xiaobei.

I have to say that the head of the granite king's project is too bad. Wei Xiaobei's legs are stepping on the sea, the stones are constantly falling from the sky, and a wave of sea waves is picked up, but Wei Xiaobeifei is not stoned. Hit, even the spray did not stick much.

Of course, the occasional spattering of the spray on the body, in a blink of an eye, was smothered by the suffocating air from the body of Wei Xiaobei.

Pull the bow to lead the string!

An ordinary arrow was immediately placed on the bowstring by Wei Xiaobei.


With a soft bang, as Wei Xiaobei loosened the bowstring, the arrow suddenly disappeared. The next moment, the head of the granite man who was running towards this side was a body, then the chest burst open, and countless dust Come out, form a cloud of dust, shrouded the king of granite people.


Wei Xiaobei looked at the property panel and the evolution point did not increase. That is to say, the king of the granite man did not hang.

It seems that although the ink bow is much more powerful than the white fog dragon bow, even the arrow shooting speed has reached the limit, and there is no sound explosion, but the power of the ordinary arrow is still weak.

Then you can only use a sharp arrow.

A flame arrow was placed on the bowstring by Wei Xiaobei, and the bowstring was slowly pulled open.

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes stared at the dust that was floating in the group.


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