The City of Terror

Chapter 929: , not the same gray world, the Civil War

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it's finally over. 》

Wei Xiaobei’s mind was popped up in the blink of an eye.

However, Wei Xiaobei still can clearly see what happened inside Dantian.

The faceless villain sat down cross-legged and sat on the liquid ball. The body gradually gave off a faint golden light. When it came to the back, this golden light made Wei Xiaobei unable to see what changed the faceless villain.

After waiting for a while, Wei Xiaobei saw that Jinguang had not subsided for the time being, and then turned his attention to the property panel.


What Wei Xiaobei never imagined was that on the property panel at this time, the physique column became a question mark.

Perhaps these question marks will disappear after the change of the faceless villain is completed.

Wei Xiaobei did not think too much, anyway, it was a matter of course.

At this time, a voice came from outside the door.

Is Tu Qingqing back?

Hearing the sound of the elegant, like a bailing, Wei Xiaobei hurriedly got up and prepared to open the door in the past.

At this time, Tu Qingqing was talking to Zhao Tian who was outside the door: "Where is the wife? Do you want to introduce one to you? The nineteen sisters of the nephew, the 27 sisters are very good."

Hearing here, Wei Xiaobei could not help but look black.

I have to say that the character of Qingqiu has a bit of a break. I haven't thought that Tu Qingqing has this tendency. Now it seems that women are elusive and have their own hidden side.

Open the door, painted green and full of smiles, watching Wei Xiaobei.

"came back?"

Wei Xiaobei reached out and pulled Tu Qingqing in. At this time, it was not a good time to speak at the door.

"came back."

Tu Qingqing's face powder is moist, and Wei Xiaobei seems to be somewhat emotional in his arms.

The ancients cloud, the day is not seen as the third autumn, Wei Xiaobei and Tu Qingqing probably have not seen a month.

Seeing that Tu Qingqing is so delicate, where can still be tolerated, and his legs slammed into the big bed, hey, the clothes fluttered, and a scream came...

Zhao Tian, ​​who was outside the door, couldn’t stand it anymore. When he smoked, he went to the gate of the villa and took a breath.

It’s too fierce to ride an adult, but now it’s daytime!

Ok, well, the things here are so weird, a house built of special stone, very chic, and the big dog, looks fierce...

Zhao Tian tried his best to distract his attention, but the voice from the villa was a bit too strong.

After about two hours, the villa returned to calm.

Wei Xiaobei smeared with a hand on his face, and his face was satisfied.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei had time to ask about the past situation of Tu Qingqing.

Tu Qingqing white Wei Xiaobei, I have to say that his own man is like a tiger, and his whole body feels broken.

However, it is important to do business. Tu Qingqing has not played a small temper, and he will come one after another.

It is said that the manpower sent by the Sam State is still somewhat capable, but even if it is painted, it will be a bad luck for eight generations.

A illusion goes on, these guys have explained their decades of old.

Like those of the gray world experienced by Wei Xiaobei on the destroyer of the Alexanders, the people who came here were also in the gray world of Sam.

However, the last time the gray world practitioners were mainly in the Sam War of Independence, and the gray world practitioners were in the Sam War.

In short, the strength of these gray-level practitioners is stronger than the previous ones. If it is not Tu Qingqing, such as pre-emptive, directly use illusion to trap them, let Huang Kun take the core disciples in the past, and may be dead.

Wei Xiaobei heard some embarrassment from Tu Qingqing's remarks.

However, although Tu Qingqing added a lot of homework during this time, he did not know much about foreign history such as Sam, and thus did not find any problems.

"Do you bring it back?"

Wei Xiaobei thought for a moment and asked.

"I brought back one, and the rest were hinted at by me."

Tu Qingqing's face is light, but the meaning contained in the discourse is not so simple.

The so-called suggestion is originally a means used by the hypnotist to the hypnotized person, using a special language frequency to plant a seed in the subconscious of the hypnotized person, thereby achieving the means of affecting the superficial consciousness of the hypnotized person. .

But Tu Qingqing, as a nine-tailed fox, her suggestion in her mouth, I am afraid it is not just a hypnosis.

Wei Xiaobei didn't know much about Tu Qingqing's means, and he didn't ask much. Then he was accompanied by Tu Qingqing and went to the prisoner.

The basement, dimly lit, with a bit of stench and moisture in the air, has all the features of the interrogation room in the movie.

Wei Xiaobei looked at the guy brought back by Tu Qingqing.

A strong white man, although he has a whisker, can see that he is about forty years old.

"Let me, I said everything!"

The white man heard the opening of the door, and then he got excited and shouted loudly.

Compared to the revolutionary ancestors made of special materials, this guy is indeed not strong, even very cowardly.

But when Wei Xiaobei first saw the other party, he was a little surprised. The strength of this guy turned out to be Samsung Horror!

Well, Wei Xiaobei knows that anyone who can raise his strength to this level in the gray world will not be weak in his will.

Now the performance of the other side is very unbearable. It can only be explained that Tu Qingqing’s means has turned a sturdy man into a timid soft egg.

Seeing this, Wei Xiaobei could not help but be grateful.

Tu Qingqing is his wife, not his own enemy.

Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei does not know whether he can block the means of Tu Qingqing.

Since this guy has been destroyed by the means of Tu Qingqing, then Wei Xiaobei’s questioning is very convenient.

The name of the white man, called Marens, is the leader of the Sam’s action group and the strongest in the action group.

From his mouth, Wei Xiaobei knows a lot of situations.

For example, the purpose of the Samang State’s action group is to the situation of the members of the action team.

Of course, in these cases, Wei Xiaobei knew it from Tu Qingqing before, so he paid more attention to the situation of the gray country of Sam.

For Wei Xiaobei's inquiry, Marlens did not dare to keep a word.

Not to mention that he has completely destroyed his will now, only to say that when Wei Xiaobei stood in front of him, he looked like an ordinary person.

But Marlens's unique sniper talent allows him to feel the hidden power of Wei Xiaobei, what kind of power is that!

Almost Marens was suffocating, and Marens felt that it was not a human being standing in front of him, but a giant monster that came out of the wild!

Every word that Wei Xiaobei said would make him feel trembling.

How could this be!

too strong!

Marlens has no control over his fears, he can only honestly say everything he knows.

It turned out that after Wei Xiaobei heard the world of Sam’s gray that Marens knew, he could not help but sigh.

The gray world of this Sam country is somewhat different from the gray world of China.

To put it simply, in the impression of Wei Xiaobei, the gray world of China is everywhere, and the gray world of each place is connected.

For example, in the gray world of Cuihu City, the desert formed by phlegm, Cuihu, Cuihu University and so on are all in a space, and they are connected.

The gray world of Sam's country is different. The same city, entering the gray world for the first time, may enter the gray of the war of independence, may enter the gray world of the Civil War, and is more likely to enter the gray world of the Indian tribe era, etc. These gray circles are not connected together, but rather a relatively independent spatial extent.

After entering the gray world of the independence war for the first time, it is absolutely impossible to enter the gray world of the Civil War.

This gives people the feeling that it is like playing a game. It is impossible for an account to enter a game and create a character. If you want to use the character data in this account to enter another game, it is impossible.

At the same time, there is a special feature in the gray world of Sam.

That is the division of occupation.

For example, this Marens is a practitioner of the gray world of the Civil War, and his profession is a sniper.

In addition to snipers, in the gray world of the Civil War, there are occupations such as artillery, logistics, and so on.

After entering the gray world for the first time, this profession will be fixed, thus obtaining a series of professional skills, and the subsequent promotion is also an aspect that tends to be professional.

And the occupational division in each gray world is also somewhat different.

For example, in the gray world of the Civil War, it is probably the occupational division of the Musketeers, artillery, machine gunners, and nurses, while the snipers are the advanced occupations of the Musketeers.

In the gray world of Sam's Independence War, there are no machine gunners and nurses in the occupational division, only the Musketeers and artillery, and there are no advanced occupations such as snipers.

Of course, the more primitive occupations are in the gray world of the Indian tribes. The occupations are divided into Musketeers, spearmen, archers and even cavalry.

In short, this occupational division is a major feature of the Sam country gray world.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei did not think that the gray world of Sam State would be like this.

In the past, Wei Xiaobei went to Sam State, but it was a transit turn. Due to the urgency of time, he did not enter the gray world of Sam.

To say that, from a certain point of view, the Sam country gray world is more suitable for cultivating the army. After all, its occupational division has already tied those gray world practitioners.

There are characteristics between Huaxia and the gray world of Sam.

For the low-level experienced people, the Samsian gray world is undoubtedly the existence of heaven. After entering the gray world, it will be immediately divided into one of the forces, thus having the protection of the power, although it may also lose its life on the battlefield. However, it is much stronger than the Chinese gray world.

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