The City of Terror

Chapter 930: , a variety of special ability to activate

The third chapter is sent, I don't know how, sitting in front of the computer for a few hours, the inspiration is more violent, but the speed of the code word is slow, the poor road can only say, God, come to a thunder, let the poor road sober Let's have a look.

But one thing to note is that for a master like Wei Xiaobei, this feature of the Sam's country is undoubtedly a bit of a talent.

It is difficult for a strong person like Wei Xiaobei to appear in the gray world of Sam.

If most of the gray circles in China are supposed to be in the first-class gray world, then the gray world of Sam State can only be regarded as second-class or third-class.

But then again, after learning that the gray world of the Sam State is like this, Wei Xiaobei gave birth to some thoughts.

Undoubtedly, the Sam Country Grey World is very suitable for cultivating new people.

Of course, now is not the time to consider this issue.

The problem that Wei Xiaobei needs to solve now is how to dispel the sneak peek of Sam’s country on Weijia Island, or how to shock the Sam State.

However, even with the intellectual nature of Wei Xiaobei, after thinking for a long time, he did not come up with a perfect plan.

The reason is very simple, the human heart is very varied.

For a country, even if it used the powerful violence to punish the other side, it is hard to say that there will be no situation in the future.

If you think about it, you will know that it is a country, and a country is made up of many people. There will be thousands of changes in one's mind, not to mention so many people.

Although a country's policy is not unexpected, it will not be biased in general, but it is hard to say that a person threatens a country.

In short, Wei Xiaobei listed a number of programs in his mind, each of which can solve the current threat of Sam, but the problem is that each program has a lot of trouble.

Even some programs are likely to attract peep from other countries.

In this way, you can only see the move.

Wei Xiaobei thought for a while and felt that the best way to do this now is this.

Anyway, Sam is now in a state of temptation.

Probably in the eyes of the high-ranking country of Sam, Weijia Island is a very mysterious place. Although various information shows that the island does not have much surprise, the giant tortoise suddenly appeared near Weijiadao. It is enough to make the top of the Sam State feel threatened and taboo.

This is also a helpless thing, then the big turtle is in the sea, even if it maintains a layer of rainstorm at any time to block the peep from the space satellite, but it can still be seen from the sea, especially when Huang Kun opens When the boat was used, when the past feeding, the huge picture of the huge head protruding out of the sea, many fishermen will be regarded as miracles.

In short, such a big guy is there, it is impossible to block the news.

To be honest, for a long time, no reporter ran to check it, and it made Wei Xiaobei feel a bit strange.

To be honest, a big country like Samo, when dealing with enemies, can't easily do it if it can't be fatal.

Thus, constant temptation is a must.

Let's drag it for a while.

Wei Xiaobei thought about it and finally handed it over to Tu Qingqing.

To say that to Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun, Wei Xiaobei is really not too reassuring.

Zhu Xinyi's ability in this area is enough, but after all, it is only a 20-year-old girl. This is a heavy burden for the task of giving the fate of Weijiadao to her.

As for Huang Kun, if he is asked to take charge of the matter, it may lead to war directly.

After Wei Xiaobei finished the conversation, he handed over the matter to Tu Qingqing.

Tu Qingqing spit out a small bubble from the mouth, and the bubble quickly fell on the Marlens.

Just after the bubble fell on Mullens, the bubble suddenly expanded and covered Marlens. Then, with the bubble shrinking, Marens eventually turned into a finger size and flew toward the green. It fell on the palm of the green palm.

Wei Xiaobei did not worry that Marens scared a heart attack, but he had a sharp interest in Tu Qingqing.

In Wei Xiaobei's view, this hand is really powerful. If you can learn it, you can save a lot of space in the storage ring.

"This is air traction."

Tu Qingqing saw Wei Xiaobei’s look and knew that he was very interested in this. He chuckled and put the bubble in his hand. A white smoke appeared in his body. When the white smoke dissipated, Wei Xiaobei found himself. The wife is gone.

Well, Wei Xiaobei knows that Tu Qingqing should take the Marlens to the Capital Island.

Since it is to be dragged, then the team leader of Marens will return to avoid the direct failure of the action group.

After that, since the entire action group was controlled by Tu Qingqing, then it was possible to slowly grind the time until the upper level of the Sam State could no longer stand the inefficiency of this action group.

To be honest, if you follow the original meaning of Tu Qingqing, the best way is to use the charm of the magic to control the upper level of the Sam State.

The trouble is that Tu Qingqing has not cultivated the charm of the technique. Of course, in the Qingqiu vein, the humanoid fox is not able to achieve the human form. After they cannot achieve the human form, they will specialize in the charm and charm, so as to become a Human form.

Of course, in addition to this trouble, there is still a trouble, Tu Qingqing did not say it, so that Tu Qingqing's plan is still at the beginning of planning.

Tu Qingqing left, Wei Xiaobei called the disciples.

Hearing Master’s call, Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun and others hurriedly put down their hands and gathered them.

Of course, this took some time.

After they used the scented dishes to improve their attributes, things that were easy to do before were now more troublesome.

For them, the most troublesome thing is to do some small and flexible things. For example, when eating, the chopsticks will be pinched off with a little carelessness.

This point, Huang Kun is the most prominent.

Its power has now soared to 60 points.

This kind of power surge, if it is not the burden of forced consumption, Huang Kun will not even walk.

As for eating a meal, pinching off more than ten pairs of chopsticks is a common occurrence.

Of course, for Huang Kun, the benefits of the property explosion are not without.

Its willpower, courage, and persuasion have surpassed 20 points after the overall attribute has increased by 3 points.

As a result, Huang Kun entered the gift of the gray world, and the ability to fantasize will be unblocked.

Of course, it is hard to say that the unblocking of this special ability is a good thing for Huang Kun.

For example, now that Huang Kungang has entered Wei Xiaobei’s room, there is suddenly a Marines in StarCraft. He raises his rifle and shouts for a long time in the Terran Empire. After that, the Gauss rifle on his hand fires at Huang Kun. It is.

Hey, the fine needles of the general Gaussian bullets will shoot Huang Kun into a horse's nest. If it is not Huang Kun's quick response, it will be a leap when it is shot.

Of course, for the current Huang Kun, it is not difficult to solve an interstellar machine gunner.

As soon as the hands stretched out, they grabbed their legs, and then they dragged them. Then they rushed to the top and punched the two stars and kicked the Starfighter.

That's right, it's the debris. After the Starfighter guns are broken into pieces, it turns into smoke and dissipates in the air.

Well, in fact, this interstellar machine gunner is the result of that fantasy will.

To say that Huang Kun’s special ability is very powerful from a certain perspective.

From the state that Huang Kun is now showing, Wei Xiaobei has calculated that if Huang Kun’s special ability develops to the extreme, I am afraid that as long as the brain thinks about it, it will be able to create extremely powerful monsters.

But the problem is that if you want to fully develop this ability, you need extremely strong willpower, courage and persuasion.

For the current Huang Kun, this special ability is completely out of control.

Just as in the scene that happened in Wei Xiaobei, the ability of fantasy will, Huang Kun could not even close it, and what he thought in his mind, or something he had been exposed to for a long time, might be at some time. At the point, it is copied by the ability of fantasy will.

That starcraft machine gunman probably was because last night, Huang Kun played too much attention on the game. When he was called by Wei Xiaobei, he thought about it inadvertently.

Fortunately, Huang Kun’s three branches of willpower, courage and persuasion have only passed the passing line of this ability.

Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei still has some doubts that Huang Kun accidentally imagined a monster enough to kill himself.

Of course, Huang Kun wants to master this ability and will work harder in the future.

In fact, when Huang Kun came in, Wei Xiaobei customized Huang Kun's plan to temper these three branches as much as possible in his mind. However, Huang Kun had to suffer some bitterness.

Compared with Huang Kun’s sad reminder, Zhu Xinyi is now a crucial moment.

After several upgrades, the highest of Zhu Xinyi's attributes is the charm of 54.5, followed by intelligence 49, strength 40, agility, physique, and perception close to 30.

With such attributes and the level of various skills, Zhu Xinyi has already arrived at Samsung Horror, but if he wants to break through to four stars, I still need some opportunities.

However, if you want to come, Huang Kun’s fantasy will be very strong, but Zhu Xinyi’s charm control is not a very simple special ability.

If Zhu Xinyi’s biological level breaks through the four-star level, he can charm the four-star creature.

Just think about it and know how powerful it will be.

Do not say anything else, follow Wei Xiaobei to the chaotic sea area and turn around, grab some four-star ordinary aquarium, Zhu Xinyi’s army will be extremely powerful.

As for Xiao Baijun, Cheng Dalong, and Yang's younger brothers, these two apprentices are much worse than Zhu Xinyi and Huang Kun.

Of course, there is a gap in time and a gap in talent.

However, what made Wei Xiaobei somewhat unexpected was the step of Maras.

Tamaras is the second prince of the kingdom of the Resnia, and its special abilities are also related to it. To be continued.


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