The City of Terror

Chapter 931: Is the dragon tortoise different?

There are monthly tickets, brothers and sisters, come to the monthly ticket recommendation ticket.

The name of this ability is called the majesty of the royal family. This ability is rather eccentric. Any enemy whose identity status is different from that of Marathi will be suppressed by this ability when standing in front of Maras, thus reducing all attributes by 10%. Ninety percent

To say that this special ability is indeed very powerful, but if you encounter a person whose status is equal to or exceeds that of Marathi, this ability is equivalent to being revoked.

Of course, if you want to meet such a guy, it is still a bit difficult for the current step of Marathi.

Unless the marathon is dead, the Nanhai Dragon Palace is provocative and so on.

The apprentices came from all over the place and the time of arrival was different.

The last arrival is the step of Malas.

It’s very joyful to say that Marathing is very happy. After activating the special ability of royal majesty, his prestige in the high-levels of the country even surpassed his big brother.

We must know that once the power of royal majesty is activated, even the most ruthless minister of finance will not speak loudly in front of the steps.

For this phenomenon, both the bystander and the party have only one feeling, and the power of the Prince of Maras is getting heavier and heavier.

As a result, the image of Tamaras in the eyes of the King has also been greatly improved.

The idea that Tamaras wants to compete with Big Brother for the throne has become more and more intense.

Well, whether it’s from a small field or from the evolution of the majesty of the royal family, stepping on the throne needs to take the throne.

Of course, this also requires Master’s support.

Therefore, upon receiving the call of Master, Steps Malas then rushed over by helicopter, regardless of his upcoming ministerial meeting.

"Everyone is sitting down."

Just waiting for the disciples to arrive, there were several monsters around Huang Kun, including the jumping insects in StarCraft, the green skin in Warcraft, and even a space fortress, the Zenith Star. That famous mechanical ball

Fortunately, the mechanical ball is not too powerful, so Samsung is ordinary, and Wei Xiaobei did not have time to take the shot, it was directly broken into pieces by Huang Kun, turned into a blue smoke dissipated in the air.

When the apprentices are all in line, Wei Xiaobei will send the dragon turtle fruit down, each with a fine dragon tortoise.

Wei Xiaobei first said the effect of this dragon tortoise, and after taking it, the situation that may occur, let the disciples take it.

To say, this dragon turtle fruit is not much harm after taking it.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei also wants to understand now. If the faceless villain who was possessed by him at that time was swallowed up by the Ba snake or the fire dragon, he would not hang himself. The consequence would be that the human blood in his body dissipated and swallowed. The blood of the human blood, the snake or the dragon's blood will be further purified.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei's Dantian is somewhat different from normal people. There is a bead from the old man. Therefore, Wei Xiaobei does not know what happens when these apprentices take dragon tortoise, but at least it will not die.

To be honest, this dry disciple was really curious after taking over the dragon tortoise.

Under this day, there are fruits that look so similar to sea turtles, giving people the feeling of ginseng.

Of course, the effect of this dragon tortoise is that it is impossible to match the ginseng fruit.

However, after listening to Master, the dragon turtle can swallow the blood and purify the blood.

What is the meaning of purifying blood?

The disciples look at each other. In the present words, this blood is the inheritance of the gene, but listening to Master’s meaning does not seem to be a simple genetic inheritance in the scientific sense, but it seems to be something like returning to the ancestors.

Well, anyway, Master should not harm himself.

Thinking of this, even the eyes of the horses have become firm, and one by one has swallowed the dragon tortoise in their hands.

What surprised them was that the dragon's tortoise's entrance was instant, and it fell into the throat and turned into a warm current. It took less time to spread throughout the body, and then the body seemed to ignite a flame, sweating all over the body. Keep flowing out.

Wei Xiaobei saw that the states of the disciples seemed to be different from their own. They could not help but be a little surprised. Then they checked and found that the changes in their bodies at this time were indeed different from their own.

Their changes are mainly at the genetic level. It turns out that human gene chains have become more complex, and some genes that were previously dormant have become active.

But this change should be harmless.

Not long after, they also showed various changes in vitro.

For example, Huang Kun’s skin gradually turns blue and very tough, while Zhu Xinyi’s ears are slightly pointed and have a layer of fluff on them. The biggest change should be to step on Maras. A layer of scales grows from the neck.

As for Xiao Baiqi and others, there are also different phenomena.

Xiao Baizheng has a layer of blue feathers on his arms. Both Yang Tingting and Yang Feifei have grown a black monkey tail.

As for the big dragon in the journey, the back has a turtle shell.

Well, the apprentices’ effect of taking dragon tortoises seems to be much stronger than their own.

Even if he did not use this ability to understand this ability, Wei Xiaobei could see that when they changed, the strength showed a slight rise.

Finally, the effect of the dragon tortoise fruit disappeared, and the changes in vitro of Huang Kun and others disappeared.

To be honest, this change has scared Zhu Xinyi a few girls. If it is not the last change, they will have to cry out.

Any girl has a heart of beauty. If she is born like that, it doesn't matter, but if this change makes them more ugly, they will tend to collapse.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei used a comprehensive view of everything.

Sure enough, there have been some changes in their property sheets.

To be precise, in the special ability column, there is more blood.

Huang Kun is a famous yak. ​​The yak is a thunder beast recorded in the mountains and seas. It is called the **** of Reze. There is only one leg, but its sound is like thunder.

Xiao Baizhen is Qinglan, Yang Tingting and Yang Feifei are unsupported, that is, the water monkey that was suppressed by the big sister, also known as one of the four monkeys of the mixed race.

Cheng Dalong is relatively simple, that is, the blood of the tortoise, although it seems to be relatively low, but imagine that the turtle demon king is nearby, and the benefits here seem to be quite a lot.

Stepping on Maras is to make Wei Xiaobei somewhat surprised. The blood that appears to be turned out to be a fire dragon is actually a bit of a fate with sputum.

The most surprise to Wei Xiaobei is Zhu Xinyi, she turned out to be the blood of the nine-tailed fox.

Well, Tu Qingqing is an authentic nine-tailed fox, and Zhu Xinyi has the blood of a nine-tailed fox, which really makes Wei Xiaobei feel a bit weird.

But then again, think about Zhu Xinyi, Wei Xiaobei probably understands.

It is said that the source of these blood vessels is very powerful.

But now, although the blood of several apprentices has been revealed, the growth of their strength is more general.

If they activate the bloodline and show the previous change, there will be some bonus on some related attributes.

But it is only limited to this.

If you want to show the power of the source of the bleeding pulse, I am afraid that one or two dragon tortoises can be purified.

Of course, in other words, this is also a good thing, at least to make their strengths continue to improve.

However, after taking a dragon tortoise, it makes everyone very weak. If you want to take the dragon tortoise again, I am afraid it will take at least a week.

Considering that he has many things, he may not be here at any time. Therefore, Wei Xiaobei simply took out 10,000 dragon tortoises from the storage ring and handed them to Zhu Xinyi, who was responsible for distributing them to the disciples.

Of course, if the core disciples have better performance, they can also be distributed by Zhu Xinyi at their discretion.

Just when Wei Xiaobei thought that he was entering the gray world or staying on the island, suddenly a looming spiritual fluctuation appeared in his mind.


Is a weak pig that is placed near the Chengshi martial arts hall in the gray world.

There is a situation in Cheng’s martial arts hall.

Perhaps the distance is too far, the information sent by the weak pigs is messy, and Wei Xiaobei only knows that there are monsters attacking the program martial arts hall. As for the more detailed information, it cannot be distinguished.

Wei Xiaobei remembered that he had given a bottle of bad luck to the winged flying sword in the program martial arts hall, but after that, the doomed powder seemed to have no effect on the winged flying sword.

After that, Wei Xiaobei had to put a few weak pigs near the Cheng's martial arts to monitor the Cheng's martial arts hall, but this swaying was almost half a year, and the bad luck was only effective.

There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei feels that he should go back to Cuihu City to see.

After bidding farewell to Tu Qingqing and ignoring Zhu Xinyi, Wei Xiaobei was ready to leave Weijiadao.

However, I heard that Wei Xiaobei was leaving, Zhao Xin, and Zhao Tian followed up with a group of Bai Mayi, which made Wei Xiaobei have a headache.

This Bai Mayi, Wei Xiaobei may not want to bring back to Cuihu City.

There are too many people, more than 30, too conspicuous, one by one riding a high horse, it is better to stay in Weijiadao.

After saying something, Wei Xiaobei finally left the group of Bai Mayi in Weijiadao in the name of protecting the mother's safety.

Wei Xiaobei left and did not need to prepare luggage, squatting at the night, stepping on the water and heading for the turtle demon king.

Well, although this Weijia Island has Tu Qingqing sitting in the town, there are more than 30 four-star ordinary white horses from the auxiliary, but Wei Xiaobei has to be so far away from home, always feels a little uneasy.

Therefore, this turtle demon king is a card that Wei Xiaobei prepared for Tu Qingqing.

The tortoiseshell demon king is slumbering, this is the normal state of the tortoiseshell demon king.

If it is not the day of feeding every month, this turtle demon king will not wake up, even if someone puts a bomb on its back, it will not wake up.

Anyway, ordinary bombs are not likely to hurt it. To be continued.


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