The City of Terror

Chapter 942: Unbeatable power!

Sending another chapter, still in the codeword, today is a bit spirited.


This scene looks very beautiful, but it contains a powerful and powerful destruction power.

To be honest, at this time, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to take a breath.

Wei Xiaobei wondered if he was in the position of the Longbo people, I am afraid that if he could not, he would have to escape.

This change is what he did not think of.

He originally thought that this Cheng’s martial arts hall was stepped on by the giant legs of the Longbo people. I am afraid that it will become dust in minutes and seconds, but now it seems that the Cheng’s martial arts in this gray world is not so good. of.

Of course, this change is probably due to the fact that when a very strong enemy is encountered, it will be changed. Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei was destroyed by the illusion of these weapons in the Cheng’s martial arts hall.

No way, even if Wei Xiaobei is at its peak, facing the almost endless weapons illusion, it is difficult to resist.

I have to say that even the people of Longbo have some care.

In a short period of time, the illusion of countless weapons smashed the bottom of the foot of the Longbo people into a crack.



A drop of blood, like the size of a dragon, fell from the sky and squatted on the ground, like a huge stone falling, and a hole was found in a blink of an eye.

Is that the blood of the people of Longbo? ! !

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes are straight!

Ok, okay, let's say that the people of Longbo and Wei Xiaobei still have some fate. Take the big ink gun in Wei Xiaobei's hand. The prototype of the prototype of the prototype is a leg of the Longbo people!

Wei Xiaobei also wanted to ingest the genes of the people of Longbo, but unfortunately, after several episodes of ink and water, the altar of life could not ingest the genes of the people of Longbo.

But now, oh.

Wei Xiaobei could not help but get excited.

Of course, there is another important factor in it. When the blood of the Longbo people fell, the large ink gun stored in the storage ring seemed to change somewhat, just like some excitement.

At the same time, the altar of life parasitic in the left hand is even more exciting. If it is not blocked by Wei Xiaobei, this life altar will almost directly spit out the pork to absorb the blood.

In that case, Wei Xiaobei estimated that he would be exposed.

In any case, the blood of the Dragon's people, Wei Xiaobei needs to be obtained.

But there is also a problem in it. At this time, the battle between the Longbo people and the Cheng's martial arts is in full swing, and the pit formed by the blood is less than 100 meters away from the program martial arts hall!

The intensity of the battle between the people of Longbo and the Chengshi martial arts, less than 100 meters, can basically be said to be within the scope of the battle.

If Wei Xiaobei is in the peak period, quietly sneak in and take the blood away, it is not a problem.

But now, Wei Xiaobei is in a state of weakness, and the strength of all aspects has been weakened. Therefore, it is very difficult to get the blood.

But if you don't take this blood, Wei Xiaobei will probably suffocate himself.

But where people are older than animals, they use tools and use their brains.

The body was squeezed deep into the ruins, and a gap was squeezed out. Then Wei Xiaobei extended his left hand, and several pieces of pork squirted out. In the blink of an eye, several meat **** formed in the gap.

The meatballs ruptured quickly, and several weak pigs were drilled from them. These weak pigs quickly swallowed the shells of the meat. After the body surface dried, they quickly entered the weak state, even if Wei Xiaobei was They cannot be noticed in front of them.

"Go! Bring those blood back!"

Wei Xiaobei issued an order to these weak pigs through the spiritual connection.

The weak pig fanned the small wings on the back and flew past the ground toward the pit.

I have to say that at this time, the blood dripping from the Dragon's people is still very attractive to the surrounding monsters.

Just in Wei Xiaobei's cultivation of the weak pigs, at least hundreds of different monsters were rushed to the pit in various ways, but they were quickly flying out of the Cheng's martial arts. Light kill!

One thing to note is that this range is the attack range of the winged flying sword.

Therefore, don't look at the stage where the Cheng's martial arts and the Longbo people are in a stalemate, but the winged flying sword seems to have the spare power to deal with the nearby monsters.

Fortunately, although the weaker pigs are not invisible, they are able to hide their whereabouts to the greatest extent, allowing other creatures to ignore their existence.

The only trouble is that the battle between Cheng's martial arts and the people of Longbo is too fierce, so that from time to time there will be some sputtered blue light, which is irregularly spattered around.

Just close to the small pit that the blood hit, there were two weak pigs hit by the blue light that flowed freely. In a flash, the two weak pigs broke the connection with Wei Xiaobei, probably should be twisted by the blue light. It became a broken piece.

It doesn't matter if the two weak pigs hang up. The remaining three weak pigs have already put their long mouths into the pit. When they **** hard, the blood in the pit is quickly reduced, even the mud with the blood at the bottom of the pit. They were swallowed into the stomach by the three weak pigs.

In the process of returning, another weak pig was hit by the blue light and killed.

However, the return of the two weak pigs is enough to make Wei Xiaobei happy.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei did not intend to study the blood of the Longbo people, and directly dropped two weak pigs into the storage ring.

The blood of the Longbo people came to the hand, Wei Xiaobei could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Anyway, this time into the gray world, it is not a loss.

At this time, the illusion of weapons appearing in the Cheng's martial arts completely resisted the giant legs of the Longbo people, and even rushed it a distance.

Undoubtedly, the resistance of this Cheng's martial arts hall made the people of Longbo somewhat angry. It didn't take long for the giant leg to pull back.

As the giant legs of the Longbo people left, the yellow light above the Cheng's martial arts hall and the illusions of the weapons gradually dissipated.

But there is no doubt that this is not the end. The two giant legs hundreds of meters away quickly slammed into the ground. With a violent shaking of the mountains, the two giant legs left the ground. And soon disappeared above the fog.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei knew that the full blow of the Longbo people came!


A huge whistling sound came, and two giant legs appeared in the fog over the Cheng’s martial arts hall and quickly stepped on it.

The shadow formed by the two giant legs even covered the Cheng's martial arts.

In an instant, a yellow mask appeared again in the Cheng's martial arts hall. At the same time, countless weapons illusions emerged, and as usual, rushed toward the two huge feet that fell at the same time.

But this time, these weapons illusions have no previous power. Although they collide with the huge feet, they still sprinkle countless blue light, but the speed of the two huge feet falls only slowly, still The Cheng's martial arts hall fell.

I have to say that when the people of the Longbo are going all out, the Cheng's martial arts hall is really too much to eat.

Seeing that the Cheng's martial arts hall was about to be stepped on by the feet of the Longbo people, a translucent white Jianguang rushed out of the Cheng's martial arts hall and flew toward the huge footboard.

Hey, I have to say that the attack of this winged flying sword is much more powerful than the weapons of the illusion.

In the blink of an eye, countless cracks appeared on the two huge feet.

However, these cracks just appeared, and a layer of blue light appeared on the huge foot plate, which caused the crack to recover quickly.


The loud noise of the mountain shook, and the yellow mask could no longer resist the huge foot. In the blink of an eye, it broke into countless spots and disappeared into the air. The next moment, the huge foot finally stepped on. On the Cheng's martial arts hall.

For a moment, the entire Cheng's martial arts hall sank down, and then whether it was a wall or a building, it flew up and gradually shattered in the process of flying, turning it into a dust flying in the wind.


Cheng's martial arts hall was broken!

Wei Xiaobei bit his teeth and suppressed his impulse to rush out, and continued to observe the follow-up.


At this time, the people of Longbo broke the defense of Cheng's martial arts, and it was like a bear child trying to avenge others. They jumped and fell in the scope of Cheng's martial arts hall, falling, jumping and falling.

Imagine an eleven-year-old bear child jumping and destroying a city's sand table, almost as much as the current scene.

The destruction process lasted for more than ten minutes, and the Longbo people stopped, and then the two giant legs began to leave according to the previous path.

Until the giant legs of the Longbo people left Wei Xiaobei's field of vision, Wei Xiaobei rushed toward the Cheng's martial arts hall that had become ruined.

Regardless of what Cheng’s martial arts has become, Wei Xiaobei believes that there will always be some good things left behind.

After all, the people of Longbo did not take anything from the Cheng’s martial arts.

And those weapons are strange, even if they are stepped on by the people of Longbo, I am afraid that the body will remain a lot.

Wei Xiaobei thought well, but forgot a little, well, the guy who is interested in the ruins formed by this Cheng’s martial arts is more than one.


A whistling sound, Wei Xiaobei stopped the footsteps of the front, the body flashed toward the side, and the left fist hit a giant beast that rushed past him.


A loud bang came, hard scales!

Wei Xiaobei couldn't help but be a little surprised. The giant beast that suddenly launched a raid on himself was the one who was chased by the people of Longbo!

Unexpectedly, this guy did not escape, lurking in the vicinity, waiting for the Longbo people to go out, drilled out.

As for the fact that he wants to get the benefits of the Cheng's martial arts, or wants to kill Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei does not care.

What he cares is how long it takes for him to kill this guy!

Well, it needs to be explained that Wei Xiaobei’s fist is on the cockroach’s body. Although it does not cause much damage to this cockroach, the scales hit by Wei Xiaobei’s fist clearly leave a Boxing!

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