The City of Terror

Chapter 943: Kill, find

I have a cold, and I have a headache for a day. I will send a chapter first, especially reminding my friends. Summer is here, fans, air conditioners don’t blow too much.


Four-star elite?

Wei Xiaobei smiled and took out the large ink gun from the storage ring, and then escaped the slamming attack.

To say that this cockroach is very fast, but in front of Wei Xiaobei, even in front of Wei Xiaobei, who is in a weak state, it is not enough to see.

The ink stunned with a big gun, it was like a venomous snake, and it was stabbed on the scales of the cockroaches.

The scales are a bit strange, it's as smooth as a mirror, but it doesn't reflect much light.

To say that it can withstand Wei Xiaobei's fist, it is also a strong defense, but it can not resist the stab of ink and gun.

Ink and rifle did not enter the small half for a moment, until Wei Xiaobei pulled out the large ink gun, and after avoiding the screaming claws, the scales stabbed by the ink squirt, cracked at the midpoint of the thorn, and numerous cracks appeared. Spread and eventually collapse.

At the same time, a blood spring sprayed out from the wound, wrapped in some minced meat, like a red-hot magma, rushed to Wei Xiaobei.

Although Wei Xiaobei, who was once again flashing away, avoided the blood, but one was careless, and the clothes were stained with some blood.

With the blood stuck on Wei Xiaobei's clothes, the fighting power of this dragonfly has been inexplicably improved.

When Wei Xiaobei wants to approach the other side by speed, the cockroach will suddenly turn around and launch a fierce attack on Wei Xiaobei.

The main attack method of this cockroach is similar to that of a dog.

There is no threat to this bite and flutter, but this makes Wei Xiaobei have some headaches.

Its squeaking sound is like an ultrasonic weapon. Anything that is affected will quickly disintegrate and turn into dust.

Wei Xiaobei was almost in the middle of the attack. If it is not timely, I am afraid that it will be seriously injured.

But then again, although the attack method is quite surprising, Wei Xiaobei is not incompetent.

After being familiar with the speed and range of the opponent's sonic attack, Wei Xiaobei turned the ink squirt into a large bow of ink and rushed to the sky.

At that time, Wei Xiaobei rushed to the sky and wanted to catch up. Unfortunately, he had neither wings nor other ability to fly. After rushing more than 100 meters, he could only helplessly fall. Go on.

After standing on the height of two hundred meters, after Wei Xiaobei took a flame arrow, he opened the ink bow and began to aim at the dragonfly.

Undoubtedly, in the face of this scene, the cockroach was aware of the danger and even began to escape.

To say that the speed of 獜 is not as good as Wei Xiaobei, but how to say it is also a four-star elite creature, its running is still very fast.

Unfortunately, its speed is faster, and it is impossible to exceed the arrow from high altitude.

Pull the bow to lead the arrow!

The right hand was gently placed, and the flame arrow flew out in a blink of an eye.

Even if the head screamed to dodge, the fire arrow still shot less than three meters away.

The flame arrow slammed into the ground with a huge kinetic energy. In an instant, a violent explosion slammed around the scorpion, and countless mud, gravel and even ruin fragments rushed out in all directions.

The cockroach took thousands of pieces of debris in a flash.

Well, on the surface, the scales on the side of the skull that are hit by the impact are broken, but it is flesh and blood, but it can still run fast.

At the same time, the broken scales quickly recovered under the incomparable resilience. Numerous shredded pork rushed out from the wound and reorganized to restore the broken pieces of meat and scales.

Just when Wei Xiaobei shot the second arrow, the wound of this skull had already recovered.

However, Wei Xiaobei will not be discouraged, constantly shooting arrows, the arrow with huge kinetic energy constantly rushing toward the rush, and the cockroach is constantly dodging, from time to time to the high-altitude Wei Xiaobei horrible howl sound.

It is true that the squeaking noise of the squeak is quite strong. At this time, there are many monsters or humans around the battlefield, and the screams that occasionally come out will be mistaken in the secondary car.

I saw a transparent sound wave spreading in the past. Within two hundred meters, whether it was a guy on the open space or hiding in the ruins, it seemed to be blown by the breeze in an instant. The next moment, the whole body cracked and turned into meat. dust.

But this kind of ultrasonic squeak has a shortcoming. Once the distance is too far, its power will be weakened rapidly.

It seems that Wei Xiaobei stood above the height of more than two hundred meters. When the ultrasonic screaming of the screaming shot hit Wei Xiaobei, it was already silent and the rain was silent. At most, it was a little bit of bad breath. Wei Xiaobei’s face made him slightly disgusting.

Well, the Air Force is so dominant, especially when faced with a guy who doesn't have a little flying ability.

Under the arrow that Wei Xiaobei constantly shot, he once again returned to the time when he was chased by the people of Longbo.

Wei Xiaobei only needs to constantly pull the bowstring and shoot the arrow, which will make the head suffocate and die.

Of course, the four-star elite monster is not so good.

Although this cockroach does not have any powerful ability, but the resilience of its four-star elite makes Wei Xiaobei have some headaches.

Even if the arrow hits the cockroach directly, it will be blown up and wounded. This cockroach will continue to recover during the dodge period until it is healed.

Of course, this is mainly because Wei Xiaobei has not got rid of the weak state at this time, so that he can't pull the big bow of the ink to more than 50%. The power of the arrow is not enough to kill the head directly.

In fact, this is the advantage of the four-star elite and more monsters. The incomparable resilience makes it difficult for them to be killed by the enemy. If it is not for the sake of the advantages of the Cheng’s martial arts, I am afraid I have already escaped. .

But even so, the head was finally killed by Wei Xiaobei.

After continuous injuries, the power of the scorpion also slowly weakened, until finally, even if the power to recover the injury did not exist, death became the final end of the shackles.

Three consecutive arrows were shot into the neck of the donkey, and their heads were directly blown out of the body.

When I saw that I was killed by Wei Xiaobei, many monsters and humans rushed to the head that flew out. I have to say that these guys are not going to improve their strength.

Even if the head was blown out, the skull of the skull still killed a few monsters plus more than a dozen humans before it was completely suffocated.

However, at this time Wei Xiaobei did not pay attention to the head that was blown out, but landed on the ground. After the corpse was collected into the storage ring, he extended his left hand and then spit out numerous pork shreds. Dozens of meat **** have formed on the ground.

In the distance near the head, many monsters and humans have become a group. The monster is born to know that the body part of this high-level monster can get a lot of benefits, and those humans know that such a powerful monster has a head that is definitely one. Piece of baby.

The scales on the skull, each of which has the size of a palm, can be used to make armor. The teeth in the mouth, each about half a meter long, can be used to make a short sword or a spear. As for the skull, the skull is polished and cut. You can make some of the best shields.

As for the meat, eyes, skin, etc. on the head of the monster, it has great use in human hands.

Therefore, no matter whether it is a monster or a human being, it is impossible to give up the unexpected wealth that has fallen from the sky. The root of the contradiction between the two sides is here, and no one will give in. As a result, the two sides will not be able to succumb to the death of the skull.

Of course, most of those monsters are fighting each other, and their strength is not so strong. Part of them are green skin, and some are low-level monsters such as fish people. The most powerful monsters are just a few.

On the human side, there are fifty or sixty people. They are extremely united in front of the monsters. The strength is probably between one star and two stars, but because of unity, the monsters are basically not much to fight back. The power, not to be killed in a while, was defeated.

After solving those monsters, these humans were busy dismembering their heads and focused their attention on Wei Xiaobei.

What is this guy doing?

I have to say that these human beings have seen such powerful ones for the first time. Even some of them do not believe that Wei Xiaobei is a human being, perhaps what kind of humanoid monster this guy should be.

But in any case, Wei Xiaobei is undoubtedly an unbeatable object in their eyes, so they dare not have any negligence against Wei Xiaobei.

Especially when they saw a lot of meatballs in front of Wei Xiaobei, they all had some fear.

Not long after, the meatballs burst open, and the head of a red fruit was struggling out of the meatballs, and then flew to the fragments of the meatballs and swallowed up quickly.

Fortunately, the human beings who are cleaning up the heads of monsters in the distance will not feel the strength of these ordinary people. Otherwise, they will probably turn and flee.

The strength of these ordinary people is about the level of the two-star elite, which is much higher than the strength of those human beings.

After eating the pieces of meat, the sticky liquid on these ordinary people was also dry. With the order of Wei Xiaobei, these ordinary people would enter the ruins of Cheng’s martial arts and look for them like cheetahs. It’s up.

These ordinary people do not look at the biological level in the two-star elite, but in fact the combat power is not strong.

Wei Xiaobei deliberately strengthened the attributes of both their strength and induction, while other attributes were greatly weakened.

The reason for this is very simple. If the cannon fodder creature like the Pu people raises the property in an all-round way, it will only lead to a result, that is, the cost is greatly improved.

Just like the Fire Dragon, Samsung's horrible strength, the material reserve of the life altar can only make five heads, but it is better to create some low-power, but some special ability creatures are more cost-effective.

The value of these ordinary people is that they are cheap enough, and the intelligence is not too weak. Their intelligence is barely able to judge whether the things they are looking for have value.

As the ordinary people entered the ruins, the ruins of the Cheng's martial arts became dusty.


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