The City of Terror

Chapter 944: Tattered, broken or broken

Then send a chapter, a cold, dizzy, so uncomfortable, the weather is hot, Dao, ah, let's light rain.


To find something to look for, the best breeding creatures should be hidden wolves or sea grazing, but the Cheng's martial arts hall has become a ruin, which requires the hands of ordinary people to clean up from the ruins.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei did not give up the use of canine creatures to assist in the search.

Soon, a group of hidden wolves were nurtured and joined in the search for ruins.

The cost of the hidden wolf is much lower than that of the sea animal husbandry, but in terms of induction, it is no less than the sea animal husbandry. Therefore, Wei Xiaobei chose the hidden wolf.

At this time, the hidden wolf and the Pu people formed a cooperative relationship. The hidden wolf used his keen perceptive ability to find the treasures that may exist in the ruins of the Cheng's martial arts, while the Pu people followed the hidden wolf, once the hidden wolf had It has been found that these ordinary people need to carry all kinds of gravel, earth, construction waste and so on.

In order to find out more things in the ruins of the Cheng's martial arts hall, Wei Xiaobei has trained hundreds of ordinary people and more than 20 hidden wolves.

In terms of the ruins of the Cheng's martial arts, these breeding creatures are enough.

After all, these creatures are much more efficient in finding things in the ruins than ordinary humans, and they don't need to be full of creatures on the ruins.

Soon, the first baby was found.

A Pu people ran over with a raging big gun. After seeing Wei Xiaobei, his legs squatted and the big guns were offered.

Wei Xiaobei stretched his right hand and grabbed the big gun in his hand.

I have to say that the destructive power of the people of Longbo is too great.

Wei Xiaobei has already seen that this big gun is actually a flying gun demon.

If you can get the complete body of the Feishen demon, it is an excellent gift to a disciple.

It is a pity that the guns are now broken, and the guns are pressed into the gears and crushed.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei put this flying gun monster into the storage ring. He plans to take this big gun and re-refin it to see if he can refine a good shot. .

Next, those ordinary people, hidden wolves from the ruins continue to find things.

There are corpses with axe, a hook and a rifle, and nine sticks.

However, most of the bodies of these demons are damaged, and none of them can be used normally.

Soon, Wei Xiaobei’s face became slightly better, and a common person found a breeze sword!

To say that the last time I came to this Cheng's martial arts museum, Wei Xiaobei's monsters were not too small, but I got three books. Now, this Qingfeng sword method should be regarded as the fourth.

Qingfeng Jianfa, Wei Xiaobei knows that it is a relatively common sword method. It is good to use it to keep fit, but it is a bit difficult to say that you want to practice very hard and kill the Quartet.

Of course, this kind of books produced in the gray world, after learning, to acquire skills, in any case, should be much more powerful than the realistic breeze swordsmanship.

But Wei Xiaobei's most important thing is that this breeze sword method can make one more skill!

You must know that if you want to upgrade any skill to the world, you must sacrifice a skill!

As the search work progressed, the books that the popular people searched for were quite a lot.

The most common ones are even the eight-pole boxing, the fine-cut, the eight-level boxing of the treasures of the treasures. There are more than 20 books, and there are more than ten knives, but they are all fine.

What makes Wei Xiaobei happy is that he even found three "Flying Guns".

As for the law of the moon, nothing was found.

In the end, these ordinary people, the hidden wolf turned over the ruins of the Cheng's martial arts, but did not find the trail of the flying sword.

Was the winged flying sword stepped on by the people of Longbo?

However, even if you are stepped on the bones, you should leave a little residue.

"Sir, are you human?"

Just as Wei Xiaobei wondered if he should dig three feet, a seemingly timid sound sounded.

Wei Xiaobei looked up and saw that he was a middle-aged man, and the rest of the humans were still cutting the head, but from time to time.

Well, it needs to be explained that after these human beings enter the gray world, due to the need of survival, after killing the monsters, most of the evolutionary directions are biased toward strength, agility and physique, so even in the The extremely thin guy in reality, staying in the gray world for a while, will become very strong.

"I am human, are you?"

In the gray world, Wei Xiaobei was the first time in the wild to meet human beings who dared to take the initiative to talk to themselves.

"Respected strong, I am from Hou Xiaojun in the square area, there are my companions over there, I don't know what can help you?"

This Hou Xiaojun may have seen Wei Xiaobei so powerful, he took the initiative to come to the stone to ask for directions, after all, such a strong, if you can hold his thigh, you can struggle to fight more than yourself in the gray world.

In short, this Hou Xiaojun is a clever person.

Wei Xiaobei’s gaze fell on this Hou Xiaojun. Although he did not start everything, he made Hou Xiaojun a glimpse.

This guy is too scary, right?

Wei Xiaobei’s gaze gave Hou Xiaojun the feeling that a giant beast looked at himself and made himself an illusion that his legs were soft.

Well, in fact, this is not an illusion, but a different strength of the soul, resulting in a momentum suppression.

Although Wei Xiaobei’s soul strength has not recovered to its peak, there are more than one hundred and ten points, and the gray-level practitioners like Hou Xiaojun’s soul strength will not exceed 10 points.

The soul strength of the ten-fold gap makes Wei Xiaobei able to easily suppress the other's soul fluctuations while watching each other, making the opponent appear as a passive effect.

This is an inevitable result. It is like a tiger staring at a goat. Even if the tiger has not revealed his body shape, the goat will be scared.

In fact, this passive effect is somewhat similar to the characteristics of the soul series. However, this passive effect does not require the consumption of the soul.

Anyway, when Wei Xiaobei turned his gaze away, Hou Xiaojun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, he noticed that he had a cold sweat on his back and his legs were shaking, if not considering his little dignity. Hou Xiaojun probably couldn't help but squat directly on the ground.

"Yes, you will call them all over, find me in the ruins, I will give you good."

Wei Xiaobei thought for a moment, and simply handed over the ruins to the group of gray-level practitioners. Although they are weaker in strength, they have better thinking skills in some respects than ordinary people and hidden wolves. A lot.

After listening to Xiaobei’s saying, Hou Xiaojun suddenly became excited and hurried to the side of the head. After some remarks, the humans came over here.

However, it seems that the skull was stolen by monsters, and these humans actually carried their heads up.

Wei Xiaobei looked at it. Perhaps the head of the four-star elite monster is too hard for these humans. They have been busy for so long, and even a scale has not been removed from the skull.

"Okay, let's put it down."

Wei Xiaobei walked over and said in the past.

These humans hesitated to put their heads down. Perhaps they were worried that this head was taken away by Wei Xiaobei, but another thought, the huge monster was originally killed by the strong man in front of him, even if he wants to grab himself. I am afraid that there is no one to fight back, so I finally let it down.

Wei Xiaobei reached out and brushed it on the skull. The scales fell like a raindrop from the skull.

If you are still alive, this scale is not so easy to remove, but it hangs, Wei Xiaobei can easily remove the scales, after all, the dead objects are far better than the living things.

Uncovering all the scales, Wei Xiaobei cut off the meat on his head, and cut the smooth skull into dozens of pieces, each of which is large enough for these humans to make a shield.

As for the embarrassing mind, Wei Xiaobei is a ruthless income storage ring.

The meat can be eaten, but the brain is highly toxic, but in the hands of Wei Xiaobei is a good ingredient.

These humans saw Wei Xiaobei's shot, and he easily unloaded his head. He couldn't help but envy one by one. He was so busy for so many people that he couldn't compare it to half a minute.

As for Wei Xiaobei’s brains, these humans don’t think much about it. They don’t have any storage treasures. It’s just that these scales, flesh and skull are enough to fill their backs. It is.

After the scales, flesh, and skull were tried to fit into the backpack, these humans joined the search.

To be honest, when they get close to the Pu people and the hidden wolves, they are somewhat curious.

The strong guy didn't know how to make the meatballs, and then the meatballs broke out and they ran out of these guys.

The hidden wolf is okay, those ordinary people really make them not quite understand, you say that he is not human, they can also speak, the shape is exactly the same as human beings, you say that he is human, how can there be hundreds of human appearances? Are they exactly the same?

This is obviously what creature the strong man made.

Regardless of what these humans think, Wei Xiaobei quickly gained the benefits of getting them involved.

These human beings have to say that they have different special abilities than the nurturing ordinary people!

Every real human being, when it enters the gray world, will acquire a special ability, which is activated directly, and some need to meet the conditions to be activated.

But in any case, at least 20 people in this group of humans have activated special abilities.

And one of the special abilities is a treasure hunt!

Well, to say that the special ability of treasure hunt, in his opinion, is very incomparable, far less than the fireballs, ice arrows, and even Juli of his companions.

But at this time, this special ability has been built.


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