The City of Terror

Chapter 956: Trouble with soul strength

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After two days of walking around Cuihu University, Wei Xiaobei could not find a slight chance, and eventually had to leave the gray world with a little regret.


After returning to reality, Wei Xiaobei went to the security base for the first time.

When Wei Xiaobei came over, Wei Xingwu was very excited.

In Wei Xingwu's view, the most correct choice he has made in his life is to rely on Wei Xiaobei.

If you are still a mercenary, you may have lost your life now.

Where may be like this, under the control of a security base with more than 3,000 people, the garrison in Cuihu City must be polite to three points. As for the small organizations around Cuihu City, they don’t dare to see themselves. Half rude.

Therefore, Wei Xingwu also understands that he can rely on what can get this power.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei is not easy to come here, Wei Xingwu naturally wants to perform for Wei Xiaobei Ma before the saddle.

After a little understanding of the current status of some security bases, Wei Xiaobei was very satisfied with Wei Xingwu's work.

Although on the surface, with the power of Wei Xiaobei, this security base is optional.

However, we must know that this security base has averaged 20 core disciples each year to Weijia Island, which greatly complements the strength of Weijiadao.

This is also a great credit.

"Okay, Lao Wei, don't be busy, Zhao Guanghe Tian Yuwen?"

Wei Xiaobei waved to Wei Xingwu and let Wei Xingwu, who was busy giving himself tea, came over.

Putting a cup of freshly brewed tea in front of Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xingwu touched his forehead because of some excitement and sweating. He smiled and laughed: "Huanglong City has heard that some monsters are more powerful, and the investigation there. The group couldn't cope with it, and asked for help from us. Therefore, Zhao Guang took Tian Yuwen to check the situation in the past. It will not be long before it will come back."

Huanglong City, Wei Xiaobei naturally knows that it is a medium-sized city located in the north of Cuihu City, with a total population of only over five million, but because of its long history of humanities, many myths and legends, it has the most scenic tourist areas nearby.

Even in the citizens of Green Lake City, many people go to Huanglong City for vacation during the holidays.

As for the monsters that appeared there, Wei Xingwu was not very clear. He could only wait for Zhao Guang and Tian Yuwen came back to know.

After eating a working meal by Wei Xingwu at the security base, Zhao Guang and Tian Yuwen finally rushed back.

However, when the two returned, the wolverines looked like Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised.

The two men's clothes were ruined, and Tian Yuwen had a deep wound in his chest. Zhao Guang was a wound on his arm.

Tian Yuwen did not say, its biological level is Samsung ordinary, and Zhao Guang is now a four-star elite, the general monster wants to hurt him, basically it is impossible.

"Guanger, what is going on?"

Wei Xiaobei threw two bottles of syrup to Zhao Guang and Tian Yuwen, and then he asked.

"Two uncles (Master)."

After the two people greeted Wei Xiaobei at the same time, Tian Yuwen said things one by one.

It turned out that the Huanglong actually appeared a dragon!

This dragon has actually rolled up the river and made waves, and the number of people who died under his hand is no less than two thousand.

It can be said that this evil has made the citizens of Huanglong City smell discolored, not to mention the ordinary citizens. Even the army that was urgently transferred has been attacked so much that half of the group was directly submerged in the river. .

Zhao Guang has always been influenced by Zhao Yun, and most of them can't see the suffering of the people of Limin. Therefore, with Tian Yuwen in the past, after seeing the evil, he could not help but kill him.

That evil is good at controlling water. As long as it is in the river, it can condense the river into a water arrow to shoot the enemy.

Zhao Guang is certainly a four-star elite, but the opponents who are so powerful in nature and who are good at controlling water are more disadvantaged.

In the end, the two sides killed a tie, Zhao Guang, Tian Yuwen both injured, the evil also fell a lot of scales, and then covered by military artillery, fried and fleeing, probably want to repair a period of time, and then come out again If you do evil, it will take some time.

After listening to Tian Yuwen’s remarks, Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh. According to Tian Yuwen’s description, the evil power is probably above the four-star elite.

It seems that the connection between this gray world and reality is getting closer and closer.

Monsters like this four-star elite appear more and more.

The former Leviathan, the Protoss aircraft carrier, the Turtle demon king, etc. are all monsters of this level.

Although it is now out of one, it will not be possible in the future.

For a time, Wei Xiaobei felt that his strength was not enough in the future changes.

After a short sigh, Wei Xiaobei returned to God and looked at Zhao Guang, and his heart was relieved.

In any case, I have Weijiadao as the foundation, and many disciples have been included. Other things, at least my family, friends and family should be able to keep it.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei and Zhao Guang talked about the evil means for a while.

That Zhao Guang is a newborn calf not afraid of the tiger, vowed to take the evil.

Seeing Zhao Guang was not hit, Wei Xiaobei also slightly encouraged two sentences, and then officially arranged Tian Yuwen to follow Zhao Guang.

First, Tian Yuwen has a lot of knowledge. For the world, he has a lot more than Zhao Guangqiang. It is possible to help Zhao Guang with Zhao Guang.

The second is to let Tian Yuwen learn something from Zhao Guang, and hurry by the way.

Basically, for the moment, Wei Xiaobei is ready to wait for a while, and he will hand over the whole things in Cuihu City to Tian Yuwen. Wei Xingwu is his assistant.

After Zhao Guang, he needs to go back to Weijia Island.

If you can take that evil, then Zhao Guang stayed in this city of Cuihu has not much value.

After arranging things, Wei Xiaobei did not delay the time too much. Instead, he sent Wei Xingwu a car and sent himself to Liuyang City to take a passenger plane back to Weijia Island.

To say that I have been out for so long, Wei Xiaobei is really worried about Weijiadao.

The airport in Liuyang City is said to have reopened. Although there are still no international flights, Wei Xiaobei can at least fly directly to the port city by plane and return to Weijia Island quickly.

However, Wei Xingwu was somewhat stunned. Wei Xiaobei even wanted a refrigerated truck to send himself to Liuyang City.

Wei Xingwu took advantage of the security base in Cuihu City, and there are many cars.

Anyway, the dignitaries in this city of Cuihu have long been ignorant of the traces, tens of millions, millions of luxury cars were discarded on the roadside, Wei Xingwu sent people back, slightly repaired, filled with gasoline can Going on the road.

However, this refrigerated truck, the security base is really not.

Of course, it doesn't matter if there is no refrigerated truck at the security base. The city of Green Lake is so big that it can always find a few.

In short, under the command of Wei Xingwu, the two core disciples drove on a heavy-duty refrigerated truck.

Wei Xiaobei started from the security base and was squatting in the refrigerated compartment behind.

For Wei Xiaobei’s behavior, not only Wei Xingwu’s incomprehensibility, but even the two core disciples are somewhat puzzled.

However, no longer understand, in the face of Wei Xiaobei, the two core disciples are not half-satisfied, just some doubts.

"You said that the owner of the old man is practicing Kung Fu in the back?"

"This is definitely a practice, I don't know what it is, I really want to go in and see."

"Forget it, if you disturb the owner of the old man, you can't afford to eat."

After talking about it, the two men pointed out that Wei Xiaobei was practicing. Of course, as for the hard work, it is not known.

Fortunately, there was no accident on the way to Liuyang City.

The only problem is that when the two core disciples are driving, they can feel the collision sound coming from the refrigerated carriage behind them. At the same time, as time goes by, the air-conditioning in the refrigerated compartment seems to leak. The driving car came, so that the two core disciples could not help but simmer in the back.

They are impossible to know. At this time, in the refrigerated compartment behind, Wei Xiaobei sits cross-legged inside, covered with layers of ice, such as an ancient corpse that has just been dug out of the polar ice. .

Not long after, the ice layer shattered layer by layer, Wei Xiaobei knew that he was in the refrigerated compartment at this time, and did not dare to make a hard effort, just use the softness to shatter the outer layer of ice, and finally open the compartment. The back door sweeps out all the broken ice.

The roads where the ice fell on the back of the road did not take long to melt on their own, leaving only a shoal of water that made it impossible to see the way.

After nearly 200 capsules harvested at Cuihu University, the soul strength of Wei Xiaobei increased by only 30 points and reached 233 points.

To say that so many Lingzhu will increase the soul strength of 30 points, and some are less.

But the strength of the soul is somewhat similar to the property. As you move up, the strength of the soul is stronger! The greater the proportion of each increase in the overall soul strength.

Of course, the increase in the strength of this soul is still a lot worse than the strength of these attributes, but the strength of 233 soul is also quite scary.

To put it simply, at this time, Wei Xiaobei even suppressed the soul fluctuations to the lowest point. The two core disciples who drove in front of them felt cold and almost stiff. They almost rushed the refrigerated truck to the highway. Go outside.

To this end, after Liuyang City, Wei Xiaobei had to prepare for more days in Liuyang City, preparing to lower the soul fluctuations again. Otherwise, according to his current state, he got on the plane, I am afraid that the entire plane will In case of big trouble.

Soul fluctuations will cover the entire aircraft, causing the pilot to stop controlling the body and causing the plane to crash.

Too strong will also cause trouble.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei did not think of it.

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