The City of Terror

Chapter 957: The ship sank

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But on the last day, Wei Xiaobei bought the next day ticket, prepared to return to Vasnia, and saw a news when watching TV in the airport hotel room. 》

"According to Huaxia News Agency, a frigate of Sam State was sunk by a storm during its visit to the Kingdom of Resnia. According to a spokesperson of the Samui Navy, the accident caused all 213 people on the ship to die... ."

The TV is still playing the news, and Wei Xiaobei’s attention has shifted.

On the way to the Kingdom of Bosnia, a frigate sank! ? ?

Wei Xiaobei thought of the turtle demon king in the first time.

I remember that when I left Weijia Island, I asked the Turtle Demon King to help take care of Weijia Island, and the Turtle Demon King went to the navigation channel of the Kingdom of Samo to the Kingdom of Bosnia.

In other words, the spokesperson of the Sam’s Admiralty lied, the frigate was definitely not sunk because of the storm, but was killed by the scorpion demon king!

Then Wei Xiaobei checked the weather on the Internet. Although there were indeed storms during the time from Sam's to the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Res, the intensity was very small, let alone a 3,900-ton frigate. Dry to the bottom of the sea, even a 500-ton fishing boat, it is difficult to overturn.

We must know that the current warships are rarely killed by storms. Steels and airtight structures, as long as they are not met by the catastrophic storm of the millennium, the general storm, even if it is brought by the 12th-level hurricane, usually It is impossible to let the warships be overturned.

This must be the case.

Although for the sake of confidentiality, Wei Xiaobei did not use a mobile phone to contact Weijia Island, but he also knew that this kind of thing would be Weijia Island, and he might not know it unless the turtle demon king had returned to Weijia Island.

Anyway, now, Wei Xiaobei must speed up the recovery.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei immediately booked a ticket at 6 pm, even if the next day ticket was withdrawn.

Although for this ticket, Wei Xiaobei was charged 30% of the fare, but he thought it was worth it.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, Wei Xiaobei hurriedly took the ticket to board the plane.

It should be said that Wei Xiaobei’s appearance is indeed a peerless beauty, and with a slightly more sturdy body shape, Wei Xiaobei has become a hot spot for many female passengers in the same flight, even some men have been fascinated. Go in.

Even if you are a well-informed flight attendant, you can see that Wei Xiaobei is upset and quite fascinated. If it is not that the experience of the flight attendant is extremely rich, the resistance is extremely strong, and those flight attendants are awakened in time, these flight attendants I almost forgot to say hello to the follow-up passengers.

Wei Xiaobei basically suppressed the soul fluctuations at this time. As long as it is not close to him, it is difficult to feel the fluctuation of the soul that he uploaded.

However, after going to the plane, I saw those women, the man was fascinated, and the color of the soul was like, and Wei Xiaobei could not help but sigh, and let the soul swing that was trying to converge a little.

In a twinkling of an eye, a huge cabin in the cabin becomes like an ice bank. Everyone feels a chill in the heart. Inexplicably, the man who looks very good looks like a monster that lurks in the dark. The illusion that people swallowed appeared.

After slightly releasing the soul's volatility and suppressing all the infatuation and sorrowful thoughts of those who are mad at the woman's heart, Wei Xiaobei was comfortably resting on the seat.

Of course, as one of the sequelae of releasing soul fluctuations, the man sitting next to Wei Xiaobei recovered his consciousness until the plane took off for half an hour, and then ran to the bathroom in a panic.

Well, no way, the fluctuation of the soul is too irritating to him, so that this man has some incontinence.

Fortunately, this guy has a small amount of incontinence. Otherwise, in the sealed cabin, a scent of urine spreads everywhere. After a few hours, everyone will not be too good.

In the next flight time, perhaps the release of the soul wave before Wei Xiaobei had a big impact on the passengers on the passenger plane.

Not long after the passengers were mentally weak, they fell asleep, and even the flight attendants were in the same state of the past, yawning, and even had no effort to deliver the meal.

Fortunately, when releasing the soul fluctuations, Wei Xiaobei deliberately suppressed the soul fluctuations in the direction of the cockpit. Otherwise, the two pilots might be mentally exhausted and accidentally dropped the plane to the ground. .

Anyway, for Wei Xiaobei, this trip is reluctant, although the steak is too raw and does not meet his appetite, but at least it seems to be stronger than everyone as a monkey.

After three and a half hours of flight, the passenger plane landed safely at the Gangcheng International Airport.

As soon as the cabin door was opened, the passengers in the cabin were like grabbing bargains. They rushed out to the outside, and they respected the old and loved the young, and the queues were not taken care of.

For them, this flight is not very good. After waking up for a while, they feel that there is an inexplicable danger premonition in their hearts. If they were not flying in the sky before, they all have a desire. The impulse to stop the plane was stopped.

Wei Xiaobei apologized for the confusion caused by these passengers.

But it is just an apology in my heart.

After leaving Hong Kong International Airport, Wei Xiaobei went to the beach. At this time, the black wind was high. Wei Xiaobei stepped on the Shanghai surface and ran quickly. He was ready to leave the Chinese territorial waters in a short time.

It is said that the flight between Huaxia and Resna has now resumed, but Wei Xiaobei is eager to return to Weijia Island, but there is no waiting for a flight after six hours.

On the screen, Wei Xiaobei feels comfortable all over the body. After the soul strength is restored and upgraded to 233 points, the operation of running more than 2,000 kilometers to the country like this is not a burden for Wei Xiaobei. It is.

The only trouble is that when Wei Xiaobei is about to leave the Chinese territorial waters, a series of lights appear on the distant sea.

A speedboat is plundering the sea at a rapid speed, and on each of its left and right sides, a sea police speedboat is being pursued.

The sound of the tweeter was constantly transmitted on the sea police speedboat, and the light beam was illuminated on the escape boat, making it impossible to escape with the night.

"Warning! Warning! The speedboat in front stops immediately for inspection! Stop immediately and check! Otherwise, my boat will sink your boat! My boat will sink your boat!"

Well, even a fool knows that the speedboat in front of the escape is not a good number of roads. Otherwise, this big night is running wild on the sea? The sea police have nothing to do, run to chase you?

"Big brother! Fight with them!"

"Yeah, big brother, fight, it’s a big man after 18 years!"

"Good! Brothers guys! Fight!"

With the snoring of several ducks and scorpions, the speedboat suddenly flashed orange-red fire, and after a while, a series of gunshots came.

I have to say that the firepower on this speedboat is not weak. The bullets that are constantly being shot hit the skins of the two sea police speedboats, and even the glass on a speedboat was broken.

For this kind of police to catch thieves, Wei Xiaobei is not willing to expose himself, so he is prepared to sink into the sea to avoid.

What Wei Weibei could not think of was that he was not willing to provoke the other party. The guy who escaped the speedboat drove the speedboat and rushed toward himself, and actually found himself.

"Big brother, there are people on the sea! Someone!"

A slightly panicking sound sounded, and the sound was not loud. Even in this relatively quiet night sky, it could not be heard how far it was covered by the snoring of the waves.

"A panic, rudder, mother, even if it is Hailong Wang, Laozi will give him a live!"

As this voice was introduced into Wei Xiaobei's ear, a strong man on the speedboat took the ak47 and shot it toward Wei Xiaobei.


I said before, Wei Xiaobei originally planned to leave.

I didn't expect the other party to let go of myself. Well, if this is the case, don't blame me for being welcome.

The man’s shooting method was really good. Even though the distance was more than three hundred meters, the light was dim. The bullets shot by the guy actually hit Wei Xiaobei in succession.

Feeling the dull sound of bullets hitting the body, Wei Xiaobei's right hand clenched his fist, and it was a fist to the sea.


A loud bang, Wei Xiaobei's giant force hit the sea through right boxing, and the strength of more than 3,000 tons made the sea set off a wave more than 20 meters high.

This huge wave fluttered in the direction of the speedboat.

The sudden appearance of the huge waves scared the people on the speedboat with some claws, and the driver was desperately trying to deviate from the waves.

But this time, it was too late, in the twinkling of an eye, the huge waves fell down, the speedboat in the middle.

However, the speedboat has already rotated an angle at this time, just to align the huge waves with the side. As a result, the speedboat will be thrown into the sea a few meters deep by a huge wave, and then the speedboat can no longer bear the huge waves. The impact of the impact, the hull of the FRP structure collapsed instantly and was smashed into countless pieces.

The speedboats have been smashed into pieces. Those who are on the speedboat have opportunities to survive. Some are directly squashed by internal organs, and some are smashed into pieces of hedgehogs, and they are pressed directly on the deck. The internal organs are all squeezed out.

In short, the law of death is awesome.

It is said that the sea police speedboat that has been chasing far is shocked when it sees the sudden huge waves, and then slows down the speed of the ship. When they arrive here, they can only see some floating things on the sea. .

"What is going on? How come suddenly a huge wave?"

Looking at the calm sea, the sea police could not help but look white.

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