The City of Terror

Chapter 979: ,Peacefulness

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Those passengers have been on the island for three days. Although they are not eating and drinking, those guys have not beaten them, but they always have a kind of uneasiness in their hearts.

At the speed of the tortoise demon king, I have already swam 1500 nautical miles in three days.

Although the bird carrier formation needs to go to several military ports to supply, but the time and distance are almost the same.

"Let them leave, give them a bit of a shock."

Wei Xiaobei called Huang Kun and sighed two sentences.

Huang Kun nodded. To be honest, those guys were too troublesome on the island to prepare food for them. Huang Kun was impatient.

When he summoned the passengers and the sailors and announced the decision, they thought that these guys would be ecstatic and then leave honestly.

What Huang Kun never expected was that the passengers were not happy, but they cried one by one.

What happened to these guys?

The scene was a mess, screaming screaming, looking for a mother to find a mother, and yelling at us to fight and so on.

A few passengers who flew toward Huang Kun were immediately knocked down by Huang Kun.

After Huang Kun asked a few words, he only knew that the passengers had let them go and thought they were cheating them, and they were going to send them to feed the sharks.

Well, the biggest trick in it is that Sam is fat.

After this guy was thrown away by Huang Kun, he was busy connecting in the passengers on the island for two days. He was alarmist and said that he would fatten everyone and kill delicious meat.

Although most of the passengers did not believe him, at this time, everyone was convinced, and this caused the riot.

After understanding this point, Huang Kun was almost angry and directly disposed of the fat.

Next, those who did not speak much, and directly violently drove away, these two passengers, the sailors were thrown into the passenger liner two or three times. As for the shock, Huang Kun did not bring money, nor did he want to give it.

But then again, when these people were caught up in the passenger ship, they only reacted, and the words of the pirates were true.

When the captain slammed the passenger ship out of the storm, the passengers were soft on the ground. They were so excited that they could cramp, and after spending a lot of energy in a short time, they could no longer stand.

Wei Xiaobei did not have to go in the direction of the passenger ship. Even if Bai Mayi was dispatched and explored around, he must find the aircraft carrier in the shortest possible time.

The formation of the aircraft carrier is very large, but it is difficult to find the more than a dozen Bai Mayi from the sea.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei immediately cultivated a group of flying fish.

Well, these flying fish are not much different from the flying fish in reality, but the muscles are stronger, allowing them to graze on the sea at a faster rate.

As this batch of more than 100,000 flying fish spreads around, a huge search network is generated. As long as any flying fish discovers a human-made steel ship, it will send a signal to Wei Xiaobei.

Next, just wait.

Three hours later, Bai Mayi rushed back one by one. This is the time that Wei Xiaobei gave them a limited time to prevent them from returning before the war.

Bai Mayi’s search results were the same as Wei Xiaobei expected, and they did not find the aircraft carrier formation.

This made Wei Xiaobei wonder if he was missing out with the aircraft carrier formation.

Just when Wei Xiaobei considered whether to release a batch of flying fish, a flying fish sent back the signal, and Wei Xiaobei even connected the consciousness with the flying fish and looked up.

Although Wei Xiaobei saw through the eyes of the flying fish, the surrounding environment looked very vague, but still saw the steel behemoth that was slowly sailing not far away!

That's right!

More than a dozen steel warships that seem to be huge in flying fish!

But then again, this aircraft carrier formation is almost missed, it is in the northwest of the turtle demon king two hundred and eighty nautical miles!

After determining the target, Wei Xiaobei immediately turned the turtle to the direction and chased it.

But then again, after the speeding up of the tortoise, the speed of the warships is faster than those of the warships, but at such a long distance, when the turtles are catching up, the carrier’s formation is not with the flow of the How far is it.

In order to prevent the loss of the target, Wei Xiaobei transferred hundreds of flying fish nearby and stared at it, and then let Bai Mayi move out.

The task of Bai Mayi is to smash the aircraft carrier formation in the past!

Of course, before the departure, Wei Xiaobei also made a few words, the idea is to let them be careful, as much as possible from the bottom of the sea, do not easily break.

Xiaobei’s sister-in-law is not too worried. Although Baimayi is a four-star general from a majority, a few are four-star elites, and with a mixed-race dragon horse, its strength is already strong.

But after all, they are flesh and blood, the formation of the aircraft carrier is composed of steel, equipped with the world's first-class modern weapons. Once the two sides fought, it is hard to say that Bai Mayi will not suffer casualties.

Zhao Tian, ​​who is the captain, nodded cautiously. In the hands of Huang Kun, he has fully realized the strength of those steel monsters.

Do not say anything else, just some of the weird things that it shoots, the power is not small, and the speed is very fast.

Bai Mayi chased from the formation of the aircraft carrier.

The tortoise demon king is also a monster, and a huge wave is formed behind him, constantly pushing the turtle to decelerate.

The mixed-breed dragon horses run fast on the sea, which is their talent, and even when the sea waves are surging, they will be faster.

It can be said that the speed of the sea, the mixed dragon horse is much faster than the helicopter, can run two hundred nautical miles per hour!

Therefore, for more than an hour, Bai Mayi, headed by Zhao Tian, ​​quietly appeared near the aircraft carrier formation.

Due to the shackles of Wei Xiaobei, they sneaked into the sea more than ten nautical miles away and then quickly approached.

The night is silent, the bright moonlight falls on the sea, and the waves slap on the battleship, causing numerous splashes.

At this time, a grand dance party is being held in the conference hall of the bird carrier.

The protagonist of this ball is Samson’s new ambassador Jason and the famous singer Marilyn.

Ambassador Jason is deliberately taking the small bird to take office in the past, and he has borrowed the power of the aircraft carrier formation to suppress the meaning of the Bosnian.

This is not surprising. It is important to know that Ambassador Jason’s trip has a very important task, which is to pressure the Bosnian State to allow the Bosnian State to establish a military base on an island.

Well, as for which island, it will not be far from Weijia Island anyway.

The famous singer Marilyn came at the request of the Admiralty.

This kind of thing is very common in Sam, and the Admiralty will pay for it, so these big stars will not refuse.

The glamorous female singer is presenting her second song at this time. Hundreds of officers hold a glass of wine and their eyes are scanned on the female singer, which appears to be slightly greedy.

The wonderful singing came out of the conference hall, and the soldiers who stood on duty stood up and couldn’t help but gather their eyes and screamed in their mouths.

Well, such benefits can only be enjoyed by these officers for the time being. If the soldiers want to see the big stars, they will have to wait until the next day.

However, they did not notice that more than a dozen Bai Mayi emerged from the sea, driving the mixed-race dragon horse to jump on the supply support ship at the end of the fleet.

It should be said that this supply support ship is really unlucky. It is located behind the aircraft carrier formation, and there is actually an anti-submarine frigate and an attack-type nuclear submarine behind it.

However, Bai Mayi did not know much about these warships, and believed that the bigger the fighting power, the stronger the fighting power.

Zhao Tian intends to abolish a warship first and anger the enemy so that it is easier to hold the other party.

As a result, it seems that the supply support ship, which is second only to the aircraft carrier, was selected by Zhao Tian.

To say that you are serving in the Navy, the most comfortable is probably on the supply support ship. There are many reasons for this, but the most important point is that the space is spacious. Unlike other warships, the living cabin is small, and this is enough. Soldiers on other warships envy and hate.

But after this night, the soldiers on other warships probably won't envy them.

After Zhao Tian and other white horses were on board, they killed the past.

Although the supply support ships also arranged sentinels, for modern warships, when sailing on the sea, these sentinels are almost a kind of decoration, a mascot, and the early warning of enemy situations depends more on modern radar, sonar, etc. Wait.

Therefore, when Zhao Tian pulled the arrow and shot a sentinel, the sentinel who was preparing for a fire next to him was stunned, and he did not react at all until the other arrow shot him. This sentry only understood that it was an enemy attack!

But this time I understood that it was already late, and the sentinel had no strength to trigger the trigger warning.

Of course, Bai Mayi’s actions were not completely smooth. Especially after cleaning up the sentinels on the deck and trying to get to the bridge to further control the steel warship, there was still a problem. A smart officer stepped forward. Closed the bridge door and pulled the alarm!

The alarm sound from the supply support ship instantly awakened the entire aircraft carrier formation from sleep.


However, in the conference hall of the bird carrier, the singing and dancing are still flat. The better sound insulation and the noisy singing and dancing make the sound of the alarm coming from both sides of the sea almost impossible to pass here.

Fortunately, even if a series of senior officers such as the captain are in this chamber, there are still officers on duty who are responsible for the operation of the entire aircraft carrier.

The door of the conference hall was pushed hard, and a lieutenant colonel ran in breathlessly and shouted.

Suddenly, the entire conference hall was lit up.

Listening to the two words of the enemy, all the officers are anxious.


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