The City of Terror

Chapter 980: Wolverine

Then send a chapter, in fact, these two days, the poor road finally knows what is cold.


The reason is very simple. Because of the dance, 90% of the senior officers on the other battleships of the aircraft carrier formation are in this conference hall.

In other words, if it is really an enemy attack and the enemy attacks the aircraft carrier, then the entire aircraft carrier formation may be in a state of paralysis.

After all, the officers on duty on the warships have far less experience in controlling a warship.

"Arrange helicopters, boats, and send back the warship officers! Fleet-level combat preparation! If you encounter an attack, immediately counterattack!"

The commander of the aircraft carrier, whose hair had already been gray, took the hat that the adjutant handed over and quickly ordered it.

It must be said that the Navy’s navy is very efficient in this regard.

Not long after, the officers were sent back to the warships, and the entire aircraft carrier formation was like a plucked beast.

All the warships were lighted, the muzzle was quickly unsealed, the missile well entered the rapid detection program, the torpedo was sent to the torpedo tube, the helicopter was patrolling around the fleet, and the logistician on the aircraft carrier was checking the fighter at the fastest speed. , come on, fill the missile.......

In short, the aircraft carrier formation is ready to go to war in a very short time.

But the only problem is that no enemies are found!

"I didn't find any ships approaching? That submarine?" The angry face of the aircraft carrier commander quickly became a bit odd.

Well, if it is really a fake enemy, this old face will be lost in front of the new ambassador.

"Report, m-098 did not find any traces of submarines."

When the commander ordered the investigation of the enemy attack, which was issued, the attack report of the supply support ship was sent.

The supply support ship sentinel died four people, all injured by cold weapons.

From the beginning to the end, the contents recorded in the report made the commander's lord somewhat unbelievable.

A group of people touched the supply support ship, then killed the sentinel with a bow and arrow, and finally escaped?

"This is not a big sailing era!"

Well, even if it is a battle in the era of great voyages, it is impossible to kill the sentinel and sneak away without a trace.

In any case, the aircraft carrier team killed six soldiers, this report can not be written, the only eyewitnesses even the enemy looks like, it is difficult to describe, only know that they are riding a horse.

Well, after hearing this sentence, the commander wants to hang this officer directly!

horse riding?

Why don't you say riding a whale?

It’s ridiculous!

Fortunately, a monitor was installed on the supply support ship, and Bai Mayi was recorded from the entire process of killing the sentinel.

Otherwise, the officer will probably be closed directly by the commander.

The aircraft carrier formation slowly stopped, and the fighters on the deck of the aircraft carrier began to fly together to investigate the surrounding waters.

Undoubtedly, after encountering such a strange thing, the commander of the commander felt that his face fell a bit, and he also wanted to catch the murderers!

Seeing that the huge aircraft carrier formation slowly stopped, Zhao Ma and other white horses hiding under the sea could not help but rejoice.

Although they failed to destroy a warship, they delayed the other's actions.

In the following period, because Bai Mayi appeared from time to time, it was the commander of the commander who saw the cavalry running on the sea.

Of course, from every time when Bai Mayi appeared, the machine guns on the battleship, the machine guns would open fire, in an attempt to kill these guys.

If it is not that their strength is strong enough, those bullets will hit the muscles when they hit them. I am afraid that Bai Mayi will almost die in a few minutes.

No way, the firepower is too fierce, and a pair of fire tongues have been chasing behind their buttocks, hitting the sea and picking up a row of stray pillars, and they will be hit by bullets if they are careless.

However, the soldiers on the battleships also felt some headaches.

When these guys are about to be hit by the fire tongue, their horses will be drilled in the sea. After that, no matter how they shoot or even throw the deep water bombs, they will not be able to give these guys from the sea. Blow it out.

Once these guys enter the sea, they will soon disappear.

The two offensive nuclear submarines could not catch up, which was really discouraging.

The most frustrating thing is that each time these guys emerge from the sea, they will shoot a row of arrows, and any exposed soldiers may become their target.

More than an hour passed, and Bai Mayi never had a casualty. The soldiers hanged by the aircraft carrier formation were almost enough to go up two rows.

To be honest, this is still the case that Bai Mayi is afraid to scare them away. He has not let go of his hands and feet. Otherwise, the number of casualties in this aircraft carrier formation may be more than three times.

This is not a joke.

Bai Mayi’s archery is extremely high. Even at two kilometers, he can hit a palm-sized target with one arrow, and at the time of rapid movement, he can hit a goal at 800 meters.

This shows that Bai Mayi has indeed been merciless.

After all, they also know that it is useless to kill those who stand outside.

Like this, occasionally shooting one or two, neither will scare the other party, but also give the other party some pressure, can not ignore themselves.

"This group of mice!"

The commander of the aircraft carrier formation unceremoniously gave White Horse a new nickname.

"Use a warm pressure bomb!"

The adjutant saw the commander's face anger and could not bear, and could not help but come up with an idea.

I have to say that the use of warm-pressure bombs on the sea is a big killer called the cottage version of the nuclear bomb, the effect is actually not very good.

But then again, in this case, only the warm pressure bomb can easily kill the mice in the mouth of the commander.

Like missiles, shells and the like, just hit out, the other side is hiding in the sea.

The warm pressure bomb is different, it is the high-quality goods researched on the basis of the cloud bomb.

It has both fuel and air characteristics. It should be a fuel-rich, and its composition is composed of heavy oil, such as aluminum, boron, silicon, titanium, magnesium, zirconium and other powders.

After the explosion, it will release a part of the energy, and a large amount of fuel will be sprayed into a specific range in the form of a cloud. After that, the special substance powder will start to burn, and then the cloud-like heavy oil will be ignited, causing severe aerobic combustion. The reaction absorbs the oxygen in the surrounding air while enhancing the durability of the high-pressure shock wave.

Simply put, a target covered by a warm-pressure bomb will withstand continuous high temperature and high pressure damage.

When Sam used to test with warm-pressure bombs, he successfully destroyed the concrete target located 50 meters underground.

This shows the high lethality of this warm pressure bomb.

Of course, as mentioned before, the most suitable place for warm-pressure bombs is the target in a limited space such as caves, air-raid shelters, etc. After all, high temperature, high pressure and air shock wave, these three killing effects are better in limited space. .

For the first time, it is used at sea.

When Bai Mayi re-appeared in the sea and harassed the aircraft carrier formation, a fighter plane passed from low altitude and cast a fat rolled metal can.

Seeing that the metal can fell down a few tens of meters away, even Zhao Tian did not care much.

When the metal cans burst open on the surface of the sea, the dark black oil cloud will spread around, and then the fire will ignite the black oil cloud.

boom! When the loud noise came, the black oil cloud on the sea was ignited, and the fire spread quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, Baimayi was shrouded!

Become? ! !

Up to the commander of the calendar, down to the officers, the soldiers could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

More than two thousand four hundred degrees of high temperature plus thousands of atmospheric pressure and shock waves exceeding the hurricane speed are superimposed, even on the surface of the sea, enough to make a whale hang.

After the blazing fire on the sea was gradually extinguished, the commander of the commander arranged the frogman to go to the sea to salvage the spoils.

Whether it is the body or the equipment on them, it will be the best research material!

But what the commander-in-chief did not expect was that when the frogmen went down, it didn't take long to float up.

This is not because they are quick to move, they have salvaged the spoils, but they have become corpses.

It’s the body that comes up!

What is going on?

Standing on the edge of the ship's side, I was planning to take a closer look at the commander-in-chief of the guy who was a bit dumbfounded, but even more terrible is that when the body was being salvaged, a man emerged from the side of the body and then a big bow quickly opened. On the aircraft carrier is an arrow shot.

The commander did not even have time to react, and he heard a slamming sound coming into his ear.

The arrow flew past the commander's ear for a moment, and finally passed through the chest of a soldier, tied to the steel wall, and penetrated more than an inch!

If it wasn’t for the adjutant to rush to take off his military uniform and disguise it as a commander, then the water stains of the commander’s crotch would be difficult to cover up.

Well, the commander is actually scared, this news is not a good thing.

Of course, what makes the commander most embarrassed is that he almost dated the **** of death.

Even a man of iron and blood, in the face of death, will not be calm.

After escaping from the death date, the commander was almost angry!

He vowed to let the other party pay the price!

As a result, the provoked commander of the commander has no intention of leaving.

As for when the new ambassador who went to work will be able to leave here, it is not known.

Deep-water bombs, machine guns, helicopters, and fighter jets have opened fire on the sea, and there is a tendency to turn this sea area over.

But then again, even if the sea was blown up, the white horse that escaped did not emerge from the sea.


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