The City of Terror

Chapter 981: And finally caught up

First send a chapter, the poor road is working hard.


A large aircraft carrier formation, even more than a dozen white horses to give up quite awkward.

After a few hours of trekking, the Turtle Demon King finally got close to the aircraft carrier formation.

To be honest, it’s impossible for a monster to be so big that it’s not likely to be discovered.

At this time, the aircraft carrier's radar has long discovered this giant that is constantly approaching.

The only problem is that I don't know the friendliness of this giant.

However, Sam’s country has always been arrogant, and in the face of this behemoth, even if he didn’t even say a word, he launched an attack against the monster demon king!

First of all, the muzzles of the three destroyers were already opened, and the orange-red fire shot from the muzzle, and in the twinkling of an eye, they shot toward the tortoise.

The scorpion demon king did not pay attention to the flying shells, letting them blast on their backs.

A moving island has appeared!

This suddenly caught the attention of those soldiers.

I have to say that the island disguised by the tortoise demon king looks terrible. It is a storm within a hundred meters, but it is calm and calm, giving people a very strange feeling.

Relative to the surprise of the soldiers, the commander of the aircraft carrier formation forgot the scene where he almost hung up, but he was excited to let the adjutant take a piece of information.

This information clearly records the experience of the three warships before the sinking of Sam, after all, the warship sinks fast, and some things can still be transmitted in various ways.

They are sunk by an island that moves.

The biggest feature of this island is that it is always surrounded by a storm!

At the same time, the commander also knows that this island is actually not a real island, but a huge monster!

Finally found the Lord!

This aircraft carrier formation is not a soy sauce, the main task they carry is to investigate the real cause of the sinking of the three warships and find the murderer!

"All the fighters took off and loaded with high-explosive ammunition!"

"The target island, each warship is free to attack!"

With the order issued, the anti-aircraft destroyers around the aircraft carrier, the anti-submarine frigates turned the main guns to the island, and a missile spurted out the fire and fog.


A series of shelling sounds, and the shells soon landed on the back of the tortoise, and a group of smoke and smoke rose up, and the buildings that were affected were blown into piles of ruins.

Those cruise missiles did not even raise their maximum speed, and they were hit by a shell on the tortoise.

As for the dense array defense system, it is constantly pouring countless bullets.

The scorpion demon king may not care much about these attacks, but Wei Xiaobei is different. This time, he is not a passive bag for passive beating!

Wei Xiaobei slid directly into the sea against the edge of the back of the tortoise, and then swam toward the largest aircraft carrier.

Huh, oh........

Wei Xiaobei’s heart was a little awakened, and when he turned around, a torpedo was carrying a bubble and rushed toward him at a high speed.


Wei Xiaobei soon discovered the source of the torpedo. A huge submarine smeared a shark form with white paint on its side, and the front section of the submarine was exactly the shark's open mouth.

The entire submarine is like a giant shark swimming on the bottom of the sea, which is particularly embarrassing.

Wei Xiaobei recognized it at a glance. This is a Galerida-class attacking nuclear submarine!

It should be noted that the so-called attack-type nuclear submarines are not nuclear bomb submarines that everyone thinks. They are only nuclear-powered submarines. Just like the small birds, they use nuclear energy as their driving force.

The real nuclear submarine is called a ballistic missile submarine, also known as a strategic nuclear submarine. Its main attack is to launch a ballistic missile carrying a nuclear warhead!

The attacking method of this attack-type nuclear submarine is a torpedo.

From a certain perspective, the strategic nuclear submarine is part of the national nuclear shock, the classic mascot, and the attacking nuclear submarine is the conventional armed force.

The Galorida-class attack-type nuclear submarine is the largest submarine of the Sam State. There is no one. It is ranked as the world's three bottom-end killers with the Chinese dragon class and the Peter the Great of the Ross State.

It is equipped with super air-toothed torpedoes with speeds of up to 300 km per hour!

In other words, its underwater speed is basically the same as the limit speed of the helicopter, which can reach a speed of 100 meters per second!

It can be said that because of the sudden incident, the distance is too close, the distance between the two is only 800 meters, Wei Xiaobei only looked at the model of the other side, appearance, the torpedo shot in front of Wei Xiaobei.

Then there was a violent explosion and a shock wave that spread across the perimeter.

"Target hit!"

As the observer’s voice sounded, the submarine suddenly cheered.

To be honest, in this peaceful era, the days of these submarine members have gone too far.

Those surface warships are occasionally able to fight soy sauce in some war-torn areas, but the submarines are different. In most cases, they are silent hungry wolves. It is likely that a submarine will be in service for up to 20 years. There will be no chance of a show.

This time, being able to seize this opportunity and successfully hit the target is undoubtedly the same as the background of the extras who have spent the rest of their lives, and finally one day starred!

Ok, well, one thing to note is that the target area is confusing due to the explosion of the torpedo and the shock wave, so that the target situation cannot be clearly identified.

But from the experience of these ordinary human beings, a human being, even the most powerful and strong human being in the world, is hit by a 520 mm caliber super-air bubble torpedo. It is absolutely impossible to have any surviving. opportunity.

In fact, at the moment of being hit, the other party should be killed by a torpedo, and then the explosion is enough to tear the entire body into pieces that are no more than one centimeter in length.

"Don't ignore this goal, we will look to the big guy!"

There is no doubt that the original target of this attack-type nuclear submarine is a giant tortoise five or six kilometers away, but when Wei Xiaobei swam past the aircraft carrier, he happened to meet the front of the submarine.

This is also a helpless thing. The size of the giant tortoise is too large. It is too large. After the anti-submarine radar on the warships is turned on, it can see a huge red shadow that occupies the small half of the display!

That is to say, when the turtle demon king approached the aircraft carrier formation, the aircraft carrier formation also discovered this big guy, and then sent the nuclear submarine to explore the situation.

"The torpedo is set to be five meters deep."

"The second torpedo tube is filled, please instruct!"

Various sounds are transmitted back and forth inside the submarine.

In the submarine, it is an iron law to not emit extra sound as much as possible.

These submarine officers and soldiers performed this iron law very well.

"No. 2 torpedo tube is launched, all personnel are in a fixed position."

"Received, No. 2 torpedo tube launch! No. 2 torpedo tube launch!"



A bubble was again sprayed in front of the nuclear submarine. After a short time, a fish shape nearly four meters long broke through the air bubbles and fell into the sea.

Then the torpedo was activated, and its front end formed a bubble cover, which completely separated it from the sea water. In this case, the torpedo quickly increased the speed to 180 knots!

It is like a swordfish that is riding a wave of wind and waves in the sea. In just one minute, the torpedo hit a front leg that the turtle demon king is slowly moving.

A loud bang, the violent shock wave spread in all directions.

Compared with the visual chaos caused by hitting Wei Xiaobei, the submerged flow around the body of the tortoise demon king will drain the confusing seawater, making the observer clearly see the effect of the torpedo attack.

"Shet! Impossible! How is it possible?!!"

What surprised the captain was that the observer did not immediately report the results of the torpedo attack, but he was amazed at it.

Some anxious captains opened the observers and took a look at the mirror.

Ok, no need to say more, everyone should know what the result is.

Not to mention unscathed, but it really only blows up the reef that has condensed on the giant leg, and the skin inside is not revealed. The pit is still a layer of reef.

However, before the submarine fired the torpedo again, the captain heard a dull crash: "What happened?"

No one knows what happened outside the submarine, but then the impact sound became more and more clear, and even the sound of the submarine's outer shell could be heard.

"There is something that broke the shell!"

Although the submarine was only located more than ten meters below the surface of the sea, the water pressure was very small, and there was no need to worry about the rupture of the submarine's outer shell. These were crushed into crepes, but the officers and soldiers in the submarine all had a cold sweat.

Be aware that the shell of the attack-type nuclear submarine is sufficient to withstand seawater extrusion at a depth of 1500 meters!

The shell of the attacking nuclear submarine can withstand 150 atmospheres according to the formula for increasing the atmospheric pressure by 10 meters.

Don't underestimate the pressure of this one hundred and fifty atmospheres.

Under such pressure, human beings have long been crushed into patties.

The sturdy casing can be broken!

"Start the jk81 system!"

At this time, the captain suddenly remembered something and hurriedly ordered it.

This jk81 system is actually the external camera of the submarine. Since the submarine will soak in the sea for a long time, if the system is frequently turned on, then the lens will be quickly covered by marine organisms and thus scrapped.

Because the system was not used for a long time, the captain almost forgot to have this thing on the submarine.

With the launch of the jk81 system, the scene outside the submarine soon appeared on the monitor display.


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