The City of Terror

Chapter 982: ,nuclear reactor? ! !

The poor road decided to break out today! Ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! At the end of the month! Everyone will vote for the monthly ticket! ! This is the first chapter!


What makes these submarine members horrified is that they saw a human being and used their fists to disassemble the outer shell of the submarine!

How can this be!

There is a thought in everyone's mind, this is an illusion.

But soon, when they saw the bulkhead rupture and the rushing seawater flowing through the crack, they knew that it was not an illusion, but a real thing.

But then again, by this time, even if they want to escape, it is impossible.

After the captain issued a message that the "submarine was attacked", the submarine was filled with sea water. Even the most powerful soldier could not escape under such circumstances.

Although people can suffocate in the water for five or six minutes, or even more than ten minutes, the submarine shakes sharply at this time, and even after the outer shell is destroyed, the submarine begins to sink on its own and so on, which makes it impossible for them to take root. Quiet suffocation, not to mention the person who tore the submarine.

Well, this person is Wei Xiaobei. After breaking the submarine shell and entering the submarine, he is not so cruel, letting the officers and soldiers in the submarine die, but reaching out, his fingers popping out, and they are provoked in the sea. The rapids made the submarine become a place of death in a blink of an eye.

For killing, Wei Xiaobei is not jealous. He is not the Virgin. These guys are their own enemies. Undoubtedly, the dead enemy is the best enemy.

Due to the destruction of Wei Xiaobei, the sirens in the submarine continued to sound.

Wei Xiaobei did not leave directly, but walked toward the back of the submarine. The watertight doors that were closed by themselves could not be the obstacle of Wei Xiaobei.

After a punch, these watertight doors, which were enough to resist the anti-equipment rifle, were immediately shattered.

Going to the end of the submarine, Wei Xiaobei saw a very familiar sign.

Well, this mark will know as long as you know a little about the military. The whole circle is round and yellow, and the three black ladders of the same shape form a triangular opposition, with a black dot in the middle.

That's right, this is the famous nuclear power symbol!

All equipment related to nuclear energy, weapons will be labeled with such a sign to remind people that this is dangerous!

Of course, the English introduction next to it is also very clear.

caveat! Here is the nuclear power room!

Well, to be precise, here is the source of power for the entire attack-type nuclear submarine, a nuclear reactor.

Wei Xiaobei can feel the destructive power behind it through the thick metal wall!

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei does not know if the nuclear reactor has an uncontrolled explosion and whether he still has a chance to survive.

Well, this is the sword of Damocles that human society hangs on top of his head.

However, Wei Xiaobei is somewhat interested in this kind of thing.

The reason is very simple. He feels that this nuclear radiation can make the biological gene mutate. The Loki finger can also make the biological gene mutate. If the two are used together to test, is the result interesting?

This idea, Wei Xiaobei has been around for a while, the only trouble is that this nuclear material is difficult to obtain.

The reason is very simple. The radioactive material has been called the curse of the devil since it was discovered by humans. Any normal human being will not end up after a long time or a large dose of nuclear radiation.

Besides, nuclear materials want to be converted into nuclear bombs. Although there are certain technical difficulties, they are not infeasible.

As a result, all countries that produce nuclear materials have a very strict regulatory system for their nuclear materials. In short, if you want to obtain some nuclear materials, the difficulty is almost rushed into the national treasury. It is.

Perhaps the address of the national vault can be found, but the location where the nuclear materials are stored is not far from the wilderness of the people, and a large number of troops are guarding.

Now, a nuclear-powered submarine is in front of Wei Xiaobei. There is no doubt that the nuclear fuel rod inside, Wei Xiaobei is determined to win. If you can, it is also a good thing to move the entire nuclear reactor back.

The problem is that Wei Xiaobei doesn't know much about this nuclear reactor. At most, he only knows that nuclear reactor power generation relies on the heat emitted by the chain reaction inside to heat the steam, and finally pushes the generator to generate electricity through steam.

As for the operating structure of this nuclear reactor and its electrical structure, Wei Xiaobei is unclear.

This nuclear reactor is basically equivalent to a time-exploding atomic bomb, which means that it is very likely that the nuclear reactor becomes a large firecracker.

In this way, after Wei Xiaobei hesitated for a while, he suddenly shot the watertight door!

The next thing is to pay attention to a fast word!

After Wei Xiaobei was close to the nuclear reactor, the nuclear reactor was dismantled from its various external equipment at an extremely fast speed, and finally the nuclear reactor was included in the storage ring in various alarm sounds.

The time in the storage ring is basically at a standstill, so even if the nuclear reactor is to explode, the storage ring can extend it indefinitely.

The nuclear reactor was included in the bag. Next, Wei Xiaobei left the nuclear submarine that was about to sink to the bottom of the sea at the fastest speed.

Of course, the nuclear submarine at this time is not far from the bottom of the sea. It should be known that the depth of this sea area is only over 600 meters.

When Wei Xiaobei drilled out of the sea, it was discovered that the battle had entered a fever.

The tortoise demon king has entered the battle state. There are already more than a dozen fighters on the sky, and the weapons of all the battleships of the aircraft carrier formation are firing toward the demon king.

Naval guns, dense array systems, torpedoes and even missiles, like raindrops, fall toward the monster demon king.

At this time, the tortoise and demon king can be said to be full of horsepower, and the blue demon that is visible to the naked eye is constantly emerging in the body. These demon gases spread out, making the surrounding storm radius extend to the kilometer range. It is still expanding.

If you give the turtle to the demon king enough time, it can roll up huge waves of up to five or six hundred meters on the sea and sweep everything.

However, at this time, the tortoise demon king was somewhat disadvantaged. After seeing the tortoise demon king, the aircraft carrier formation quickly turned and kept a considerable distance from the turtle demon king.

Undoubtedly, they know that once they are approached by the Turtle King, even the aircraft carrier is not likely to resist the slaying of the Turtle King.

The turtle's demon king's block is too big, and only needs to be pressed up to be able to sink the aircraft carrier.

At this time, the firepower of the aircraft carrier formation has been able to completely smash a central city.

Almost every moment, there will be an explosion of fire on the body of the tortoise.

But then again, even a missile that can send a warship directly to the bottom of the sea falls on the tortoise monster, most of which is to crush the building on its back shell and even the reef, as for the back shell of the turtle demon king. That's something that is stronger than the reef.

At least for now, it is difficult for the aircraft carrier formation to want to kill the turtle.

Not long after, the expanded storms began to affect the formation of the aircraft carrier. Under the impact of the huge waves, the warships showed a certain degree of tilt, which made the firepower of the aircraft carrier formation weakened.

At the same time, those who have rushed to some of the outer warships and began to kill the special killings. At this time, they fired all the fire, and the arrows that were shot were no longer as weak as before. The soldiers on the warships were only discovered, and they were instantly It’s the arrow that passes through, and at the same time, when these arrows hit the steel wall, they can go deeper!

In other words, the power of these arrows even surpassed the anti-equipment rifles, almost in comparison with the tank's armor-piercing projectiles.

But then again, Bai Mayi's defense is far better than not defending Xiaobei. Those machine gun bullets can be hard to resist, and shells, missiles, and rockets are a little hard.

As the strong air defense capability of the aircraft carrier formation turned to the sea surface, it was not long before Bai Mayi had several people who had serious injuries and had to withdraw from the battle.

But then again, Bai Mayi has suffered from the battle like this.

After all, the aircraft carrier formation is the most powerful conventional combat weapon in the real human country.

Especially as the fighter plane took off from the aircraft carrier, the situation of Bai Mayi became more dangerous.

I have to say that Huang Kun at this time played a big role.

It actually sat in a fv-0 fighter plane.

Undoubtedly, although these manifested fighters, Huang Kun can control in the distance, but it is definitely not as good as the manipulation of himself.

However, after all, Huang Kun’s driving and air combat technology was a bit stinky. With those fighters killing these hours, even a fighter did not shoot down.

If it weren't for the performance of this fv-0 fighter far beyond Sam's fighter, I am afraid that Huang Kun was shot down before.

Of course, Huang Kun has made a contribution, and his fv-0 fighter has attracted most of the attention of the aircraft.

When you want to come, when the enemy has a fighter flying over the aircraft carrier formation, the take-off fighter must shoot it down. Otherwise, it is very unfavorable to the safety of the aircraft carrier.

However, as the number of fighters that have been launched is increasing, Huang Kun now has only a chance to escape.

Wei Xiaobei emerged from the sea, and this was the case.

However, since the sea is already in flames, Wei Xiaobei has not continued to plan to approach the aircraft carrier from the sea. He stepped on the surface of the sea and rushed straight toward the aircraft carrier.

Compared with the tortoise demon king, Huang Kun, even those who are from the white horse, the Wei Xiaobei rushing from the sea is not conspicuous, even when Wei Xiaobei rushes to the carrier on the ship's side, he is commanding the aircraft to take off. Several ground crews noticed that a person suddenly appeared on the deck runway where the aircraft took off.

These ground staff are almost scared, knowing that at this time a fighter is speeding forward, and not to be able to kill people. Once the fighter hits someone, it will be out of control or difficult to take off. After rushing out of the runway, it is very May be planted into the sea, the machine is destroyed!


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