The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1454: Battle Evergreen

Chapter 1454 Fighting Evergreen


A clear sound rang out, and the clear sound was clearly visible, so that everyone present could hear it clearly. Even one of them even stopped and looked towards Xia Ming. !!


The next moment, Sun Qin screamed, his arms fell down, he covered his arms from side to side, and the sweat on his face flowed down, as if he had suffered a lot of pain!

"what happened?"

"What happened to Sun Qin?"

"What the **** happened?"

"Did you just see it? Just now Sun Qin and Xia Ming met each other, and then Sun Qin became like this!"

"I Cao, it really seems like that?"

At this moment, the eyes of the people who looked at Xia Ming changed, and a pair of eyes were filled with a deep horror.

At the beginning, they didn't take Xia Ming to heart, but this was the only move, and Sun Qin's arm was broken. What is this concept?

Completely crushed.


It's terrible.

The people present at this moment all looked at Xia Ming quietly, Xia Ming glanced at Sun Qin indifferently, and said lightly, "One waste."


Sun Qin's eyes suddenly turned to Xia Ming, staring at Xia Ming with a deep hatred in his eyes: "I want to kill you!"

"Ha ha!"

Xia Ming heard the words and laughed absurdly. It didn't seem to take Sun Qin's words at heart. Xia Ming said lightly, "You try."


Sun Qin was furious. Under this anger, Sun Qin also lost his mind directly. I don't know when in this hand, he added a knife and killed Xia Ming directly.

The people present saw the scene and said, "This guy Sun Qin is crazy, even using a knife!"

The competition between them is not allowed to use weapons, but also because they are afraid of hurting their own people. After all, what they are practicing are all killing skills.

And when fighting against others, all kinds of fierce moves are endless, one careless, it is likely to hurt the opponent.

However, Sun Qin actually used a knife, which made everyone in the audience feel cold.


Xia Ming's eyes flickered, and Sun Qin rushed towards him.

"Eight Immortals!"

Xia Ming's body suddenly disappeared in front of Sun Qin. When he appeared again, he had already reached Sun Qin's side. The next moment, Xia Ming's elbow slammed into Sun Qin's head. Sun Qin suffered as a result. With a heavy blow, the brain fell into a short void.

The next moment, Xia Ming patted Sun Qin's chest with a clap. This crisp voice made the people in the room unable to help but take a nap.


Sun Qin opened his mouth and spit blood, and his body flew out, hitting the ground heavily, his eyes closed, and he passed out.

But the people present were just clear and clear. The sound of the broken bones made the people present a little trembling and chilling ...

This guy even broke Sun Qin's sternum directly. How powerful it is.

And Sun Qin is a master of energy!

That's how Xia Ming was abused.

"not good!"

When Chang Qing saw this scene, he was forced to use the pen in his hand. At this moment, he quickly got up and hurried over here.

When he saw Sun Qin, who was lying on the ground dying, Chang Qing's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly said, "Hygienist, please call the sanitary staff!"

Fortunately, they have prepared spare health workers for a long time!

When the health worker here arrived, the health worker saw the appearance of Sun Qin, and his face changed greatly: "No, his sternum is broken, and he urgently needs to be sent to the hospital for treatment!"

"Hurry up and take him for treatment!" Chang Qing said hastily.


Subsequently, several people left Sun Qin to leave here. At this time, Changqing looked indifferently at Xia Ming, and questioned with monstrous anger.

"What the **** are you doing, soldier!"

"I'm sorry, I'm not your soldier!" Xia Ming glanced at Changqing, and he didn't like Changqing a bit, but Xia Ming explained casually.

"The competition rules do not allow the use of weapons, this guy, using weapons, trying to kill me, I killed him, it is also reasonable!"

Then Xia Ming looked sternly at Changqing again, and yelled, "I don't care who you are, if you want to avenge him, I'll go. It's useless to say other things!"


Evergreen is also furious. This kid is really too arrogant and too embarrassed. I really think that no one can cure him.

"I'd like to see what your kid has!"

Chang Qing snorted, and his momentum rose steadily, which made everyone around him look horrified towards Chang Qing and hurriedly said, "No, the head is angry."

"So terrible, how terrible is the strength of the chief?"

"Who the **** is this leader? Why is it just this momentum that makes me scared?"

"I feel the same way, but we are the King of Soldiers. We can't resist the momentum of the Chief Executive!"

At this moment, the people present looked at Changqing one after another, and they were all startled by Changqing. To be calm, only Xia Ming and Xia Ming stood quietly in front of Changqing, motionless.

Faintly said: "You want to kill me?"

"Huh!" Xia Ming was still so embarrassed at this time, and Chang Qing snorted coldly: "Today I will teach you this unruly soldier for several masters!"

"Ha ha!"

Xia Ming laughed and said, "It's up to you, you don't have that qualification!"


Chang Qing was also irritated by Xia Ming, and immediately shot at Xia Ming.

This scene was exclaimed in the eyes of those present.

"Look, the chief has shot. This guy is really amazing. He doesn't even give the chief's face. I thought I was shy. I didn't expect this guy to be shy than me."

"You're a fart, people have a lot of money! You look at this boy, even the energy master Sun Qin can get rid of it, and we can see that this boy's strength is above the energy."

"What? Over energy?"

The people present were all trembling, how terrible it was to reach the energy level at such a young age? They are the kings of soldiers in all military regions, and there are only a handful of people who can reach the energy level, but this boy has reached the energy level. Did this guy start practicing in the womb?

"Shut up and see what the leader has learned from this guy. I feel this guy is going to get blood mold!"

The people present were watching this scene nervously!


In these countless eyes, Changqing and Xia Ming touched each other, and the two touched each other. At this time, Changqing's eyes became heavy.

"No wonder it's so arrogant. It turned out to be quite capable!"

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