The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1455: Evergreen's Favor

Chapter 145: Evergreen's Favor

The two just touched each other, and Changqing probably knew Xia Ming's strength, but he did not expect that Xia Ming's strength was so strong that even he was a little admired.

Xia Ming's strength should also be a yellow-level warrior!

"It's not a big deal with you!" Xia Ming said lightly.

"Ha ha!" Chang Qing stared for a moment, looked at Xia Ming, and whispered, "Today, I'll let your boy know what the sky is!"

When Chang Qing said this sentence, he also brought some appreciation. Xia Ming was able to reach the yellow-level martial arts at this age, and he was regarded as a genius. Such a genius was exactly what they needed.

As for Sun Qin, compared with Xia Ming, it is a grade worse. In this year, talent is the most important.

However, Xia Ming is a bit arrogant, so in any case, he must give Xia Ming a lesson. This guy is too ignorant.

"Then let me wait and see!" Xia Ming sneered.


Evergreen's eyes were cold, and the people present were unconsciously backed away, and finally formed a circle, watching Evergreen and Xia Ming in the circle.

Changqing said faintly: "Next, I want to use a martial art, you have to be careful!"

Xia Ming smiled calmly, and did not take any action, but stared at Changqing.

Under these eyes, Chang Qing blended the vitality of his body into his hands, then sang loudly and patted him towards Xia Ming.

"this is……"

"Vajra Palm, the strong Vajra Palm of the Buddha!"

The people present were not alone in their vision. When they saw this powerful palm, they patted it directly towards Xia Ming. This palm surprised everyone present.

"I didn't expect that the head would be the King Kong's palm, one of Shaolin's 72 stunts, which is really amazing!"

"Yeah, this time, this boy is going to suffer. Although this boy defeated Sun Qin, the head is not comparable to others! It is said that our head is also a person from Dragon Soul!"

"What? Dragon Soul?"

"Huaxia's most mysterious special forces!"

When the people present heard the words Dragon Soul, the eyes of those present flashed a little, and they were a little excited.

Dragon soul is their lifelong goal! This time in order to protect No.1, it is also a kind of training they entered into Dragon Soul, not to mention, it is said that people with Dragon Soul are also protecting No.1!

Therefore, they want to see what kind of power this dragon soul has. All they have heard is some legend about dragon soul.

"No wonder, no wonder!"

"But this kid named Xia Ming is really awesome! He dared to fight with Dragon Soul."

"indeed so!"

Everyone present was talking and admiring Xia Ming's courage.

"Dynamic King Palm?"

Xia Ming looked at this Changqing in amazement. You should know that he is in the realm of vigorous King Kong master, a pair of heads, comparable to Jinshi.

"But his mighty Vajra Palm seems to have only practiced in the expert realm."

Xia Ming patted Changqing in the palm of his hand, and the two of them opened immediately. At this moment, Xia Ming smiled and said, "Yes, Dali King Kong has mastered the expert realm. Only one step can reach the master realm. ! If you want to be promoted to the master, I can give you pointers. "

Hearing this, Evergreen was a little angry.

"I'll see how you point me!"

"Dynamic King Kong!"

At this moment, Chang Qing was also irritated by Xia Ming. This boy really didn't know the heights and heights of the sky, even dare to point himself, and I will give you a bitter taste today.

The next moment, the two were entangled together. Xia Ming's strength was at the peak of the yellow level, but this evergreen strength was only the realm of the late yellow level.

In fact, if Xia Ming is willing to defeat Changqing, it is only a backhand.

"Insufficient power to be improved!"


When the two were fighting, Xia Ming's mouth kept talking about something, and the evergreen face that heard it was iron blue.

"The power is wrong, it should be changed!"

"The charge is not right. It will hurt your hands over time."

"..."? The two were entangled, and Xia Ming kept pointing at Changqing, which gradually made Changqing's complexion a little bit more dignified.

Not only Evergreen, but even Zhu Shaoming in the distance, they all looked dignified.

"This kid, it's not easy."

Zhu Shaoming naturally understood Evergreen. Evergreen's strength was in the late stage of the yellow level, and he was almost the same. He never expected that Evergreen could not help Xia Ming.

"This kid is so strong, let's ask him for trouble, I'm afraid an accidentally capsized in the gutter!" Li Jinsong groaned aside.

"Look and say, if this guy is too strong, he can only let him do it himself!"


Li Jinsong nodded, and then set his eyes on this battlefield. At this moment, Xia Ming stared at Changqing and said softly, "It's time to end the battle after playing for such a long time!"

With Xia Ming's voice just falling, under these eyes, Xia Ming slowly extended his palms. With the emergence of these palms, the people present saw the familiar move.

"This is ... Dynamic King Palm!"

The people present exclaimed!

"What's going on? How can this boy also vigorously hang on to King Kong?"

"No, you guys, isn't this guy's Vajra Palm different from the chief?"

"Is it really?"


The people present were talking about it. Even Chang Qing noticed Xia Ming's movement. When he saw this familiar move, Chang Qing's face changed slightly.

"This is Palm King!"

Strange gestures, but Chang Qing felt different forces in the palm of Xia Ming ’s mighty King Kong. This different force shocked and surprised him!

"No, his mighty Vajra palm seems to be stronger than mine." Chang Qing's pupils shrank, and then murmured.

"A palm in your hand, a palm in your palm."

"This is the realm of King Kong's palm, a generation of grand masters!"


As soon as Evergreen thought of it, Xia Ming shouted loudly, and then under these countless eyes, Xia Ming's pair of heads slowly moved towards Changqing.

Feeling this horrible evergreen, she didn't dare to take care of it. She picked up the vitality in her body, gathered her own vitality in her own hands, and screamed angrily, followed Xia Ming to the past.


The two photos collided, and a muffled sound rang out. Immediately after seeing the people present, Chang Qing's body flew upside down.

The sudden situation made all the people present had their mouths open and looked at the scene inconceivably.

"This ... how is this possible ... the chief ... was even blown away by this kid!"

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