The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1551: wake up

Chapter 155: Waking Up

Luo Yuxi's tears couldn't help but flow down again, Luo Yuxi looked so sad and sad.

"Xia Ming, how are you, you can do it."

There was a cry in her voice, but Xia Ming folded her arms with her arms, her body curled together, and she looked very cold. Luo Yuxi had tears in her eyes, but she had no way to blind her.

"Blame me, blame me. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be what you are now."

Luo Yuxi looked at Xia Ming distressed, and regretted it. If he was not arrested, Xia Ming would not come to save himself. If he did not come to save himself, Xia Ming would not be injured, and he would not become the present It looks like this.

Luo Yuxi looked at Xia Ming, bit his teeth, and took off Xia Ming's clothes as much as possible. Xia Ming's clothes have been wet by the rain. If he does not take it off, I am afraid it will make Xia Ming's cold more Serious.

Luo Yuxi looked at this snoring Xia Ming, gritted his teeth, and began to take off his clothes. His exquisite figure showed perfectly. I have to say that Luo Yuxi can be called the three major beauties. This figure is also extremely perfect, but because of carrying Xia Ming, his leg was injured. There are a few scratches on this body. Even so, it still cannot cover the perfect body of Luo Yuxi.

Luo Yuxi took off her clothes, bit her teeth, and held Xia Ming in her arms. Obviously, Luo Yuxi wanted to help Xia Ming through her body temperature.

Time passes by a little bit, but the rain seems to stop, this time is a day and a night.

However, on this day, Yang Wen remembered turning around.

Xia Ming once said that if they could not come back within two hours, they would be allowed to leave Tiandao, but Yang Wen did not leave. If something happened to Xia Ming, how could he say leave.

When he did not wait for Xia Ming's return, Yang Wen searched for Xia Ming's whereabouts. The first thing he went to was the Zhao family. Through some news, he learned that the owner of the Zhao family, Zhao Tianlou, was killed, which made Yang Wen They are extremely shocking.

To know the strength of Zhao Tianlou, it is the realm of the early Xuan level. Such terrible powers, even the successful level of the yellow level, are not their opponents, and even the masters of the early Xuan level want to kill the yellow level. A successful master only needs ten moves to kill him.

When it was learned that Zhao Tianlou was dead, a storm broke across the entire island, which surprised many people. In their view, anyone who can kill a black master is at least a black Master.

Moreover, the most terrible thing is that Zhao Tianlou died in his villa and his head was severed. In this case, this person may be several times stronger than Zhao Tianlou to achieve this.

In the next day and night, the Zhao family was madly searching for Xia Ming's whereabouts. Through Zhao ’s movements, Yang Wen also knew that Xia Ming must have escaped. If Xia Ming did not escape, these people would not be able to do so. Looking for Xia Ming frantically, Yang Wen was delighted.

Xia Ming's escape meant that he had not been caught. If he had not been caught, it means that Xia Ming was still alive. As long as he was alive, there would be hope.

On this day, Yang Wen was also madly searching for Xia Ming's whereabouts, but Yang Wen had almost searched the entire island, but he could not find Xia Ming, which made Yang Wen's face extremely ugly.

"Where did this guy go?"

At this moment, in this hotel, Yang Wen murmured to himself. Throughout the day and night, he found many places and did not see Xia Ming's trace. On the whole island, there was only such a small forest. That grove is not very peaceful. Generally speaking, few people go there.

Because there is very close to the underground volcano, once the volcano erupts, it is dead.

Therefore, people on the island rarely go there.

Although the volcano has not erupted, it does not mean it will not erupt? What if it erupts? I can't run when I want to run.

"Will that be there over there?"

Thinking of this, Yang Wen's eyes brightened, and he hurriedly put on his clothes and ran out, and the direction to go was the direction of the forest.

Although this forest is not very large, it is at least ten kilometers in size. If people are inside, it is easy to get lost, and on the island, there is no shortage of poisonous insects and ants.

at the same time.

In this cave.

When the sun shone, it happened to be on the faces of Xia Ming and Luo Yuxi, and the eyelids lying in Xia Ming's arms moved.

Xia Ming opened his hazy eyes, but it was a cave. Xia Ming saw that someone was holding himself at this moment. Xia Ming looked down at this person and looked at him.

When he saw Luo Yuxi in front of him, this surprised Xia Ming.

"is her……"

Xia Ming couldn't help looking down. When he saw the situation in front of him, Xia Ming took a breath of air.


At this moment, Xia Ming hummed, it was obvious that he was touching the wound, however, this humming just happened to wake Luo Yuxi.

When he reached the corner where Luo Yuxi opened his eyes, he could see Xia Ming in front of him.

"Xia Ming."

At this moment, Luo Yuxi stared blankly at Xia Ming, who had opened his eyes in his arms, and could no longer hold back Xia Ming. Wow the doctor cried loudly. His terror and fear on this day, and 彷徨And loneliness cried out in this cry.

Xia Ming saw blood all over him, but the clothes were all taken off, and when Luo Yuxi took off his clothes and hugged himself, he seemed to understand something.

Xia Ming opened his mouth, and even subconsciously held Luo Yuxi, Luo Yuxi cried for a long time, this voice stopped slowly, and felt the warmth of the thoughts that came from the two crickets, and felt extremely comfortable. .

Xia Ming found that his chest was still in pain, but his chest was bandaged and he was not bleeding, but the injury was still there.

Xia Ming took a deep breath, but found that there was only a little bit of eight wastes in his body. Obviously, he was exhausting himself and has not recovered.

Xia Ming carefully wiped Luo Yuxi's hair, it was very messy, and a faint aroma came, which made Xia Ming feel very comfortable.

"It's all right," Xia Ming comforted softly.

Luo Yuxi also seemed to hear a change in Xia Ming's voice, and nodded gently. At this time, Luo Yuxi left Xia Ming's arms. At the next moment, Luo Yuxi seemed to notice something normal. At this moment, Luo Yuxi Xi's pretty face turned red instantly, and it looked like the ripe red apple.

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