Chapter 1552th Cave


Luo Yuxi nodded slightly with red ears, at which time Luo Yuxi whispered, "You close your eyes."

"Close your eyes?"

Xia Ming heard the words, hesitated for a moment, could not help but look at Luo Yuxi, but immediately, Xia Ming seemed to think of something, and quickly closed his eyes.

Luo Yuxi blushed and said, "You are not allowed to watch."

Then Xia Ming heard the sound of sparsely dressed clothes, and soon came the voice of Luo Yuxi, saying: "It can be opened."

After Xia Ming opened his eyes, he found that Luo Yuxi was already dressed, but the clothes were a little torn. Therefore, Luo Yuxi's spring light was also exposed through torn clothes.

Xia Ming also hurriedly put on his clothes. After all, speaking naked was not a problem.


But at this moment, Luo Yuxi snorted suddenly, and his body could not help leaning away. Xia Ming heard the sound and hurriedly looked at Luo Yuxi. When he saw Luo Yuxi was about to fall to the ground At that time, Xia Ming helped Luo Luoxi, who almost fell.

"It hurts."

Luo Yuxi frowned.

"what happened?"

Xia Ming sank and asked in a low voice.

"My feet hurt."

Xia Ming looked at the jade foot of Luoyuxi. When he saw the jade foot, Xia Ming couldn't help taking a sip of air. The jade foot of Luoyuxi even became red and swollen and bruised. Qing is obviously caused by congestion.

Thinking of what happened, Xia Ming couldn't help looking at Luo Yuxi. She knew that it was the stubborn girl who carried him on his back, step by step, and came here.

Even if the girl had an ankle injury, she was enduring the intense pain and carried him to this place. At this moment, even Xia Ming's heart was melted.

Xia Ming opened his mouth, but at this moment, he was speechless. After a long time, Xia Ming took a deep breath and couldn't help saying: "Be patient, let me help you, and soon I can stand up. "


Luo Yuxi flushed and nodded shyly.

With the wave of Xia Ming's hand, there were a few silver needles in his hand. This was just a sprain. For Xia Ming, it was just a piece of cake.

Xia Ming's silver needle was inserted into Luo Yuxi's ankle. Soon, the swelling on Luo Yuxi's ankle dissipated at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

About five minutes of effort, Luo Yuxi felt that his ankle was not hurting. When looking at his ankle again, Luo Yuxi was surprised to find that the redness and swelling on his ankle had disappeared.

"All right."

Xia Ming took a deep breath and said.

"Gulong ..."

Immediately afterwards, a rumbling sound was heard, because there were only two of them in the cave, so the sound was clear.

Xia Ming looked at Luo Yuxi. At this moment, Luo Yuxi's lips were pale, and his body was obviously too weak. Xia Ming waved again, and a meal appeared in front of Luo Yuxi. When Luo Yuxi looked By the time the food suddenly appeared, Luo Yuxi was also stunned at this moment.

"Xia ... Xia Ming, you ... how did you do that?"

Out of nothing?

This is the real thing out of nothing. Just a wave of hand, so much food appeared, even Luoyuxi was shocked.

You know, Xia Ming had nothing on her body. How could there be so much food with a wave of his hand? Is it a trick?

Even if it is a juggling act, it is now produced with the help of many, many props, but now ... Xia Ming has changed so much food out of nowhere, even Luoyuxi is extremely shocking.

"Haha, it's just a trick."

Xia Ming laughed and said, "I can change a lot of things. You eat them quickly. They are all fresh."

Xia Ming did not tell her about his Qiankun ring. This Qiankun ring is really important for Xia Ming.

Some things are better not to know, and if Luoyuxi knows, there will be no benefit to Luoyuxi, on the contrary, it may bring disaster to Luoyuxi.


Luo Yuxi can't help eating it anymore, and there are eight treasures in it, which is just right for them now.

After eating and drinking, the two also had strength. At this time, Luo Yuxi couldn't help but said, "Xia Ming, what should we do now? Should we go back?"

Thinking of what happened yesterday, Luo Yuxi still had a lot of fear, that **** scene, she never wanted to see the second time, it was too scary.

For the first time since she was so old, she had seen such a terrifying side.

"Do not go back first." Xia Ming shook his head and said, "Now I am injured and need to heal the injury first, but this place, we can't stay."

When talking about this place, Xia Ming could not help frowning.

"what happened?"

"There is a volcano near here, and if it erupts, it will easily reach us."


Luo Yuxi screamed and said, "This ... Is there really a volcano here?"

"Huh!" Xia Ming nodded and said, "But you don't have to be afraid. Generally speaking, volcanoes don't erupt easily."


Luo Yuxi nodded. In her opinion, as long as Xia Ming was here, she was not afraid of anything.

Luo Yuxi paused and said, "But Xia Ming, many people are looking for you outside. If they find you, let's ..."

When talking about this, Luo Yuxi did not continue, but the meaning of Luo Yuxi is already obvious. If they are found, they may be in danger.

"follow me."

Xia Ming thought about it and then said.

"Your injury ..."

"My injury is fine."

Xia Ming looked at his injury. At that time, his body was soaked with spiritual fluid, so he was in good physical condition. Although he still has pain, it does not affect his movement. If someone knows, Xia Ming Suffering from such a serious injury, this night was just so good, I don't know if it would be shaken.

Then Xia Ming pulled up Luo Yuxi's little hand and walked towards the distance. At this moment, Luo Yuxi blushed like a red apple, and looked unusually attractive.

However, due to injuries and excessive blood loss, Xia Ming's body was a little weak, and he was a little bit buoyant when he walked.

Soon, under the leadership of Xia Ming, the two walked out of the forest. When Xia Ming came to this island again, Xia Ming also knew that many people were looking for himself, and Xia Ming changed his star. Jun took it out and changed his appearance. When Luo Yuxi saw Xia Ming's appearance, even Luo Yuxi was surprised.

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