The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1556: Xia Ming's anger

Chapter 156 Xia Ming's Wrath

Xia Ming left the hotel and ran towards Tiandao Square. Luo Yuxi and the two did not follow. Luo Yuxi also knew that she followed. Xia Ming was also distracted to protect her. For Xia Ming, she Just a drag.

"Sister Yuxi, what should we do?" After Xia Ming left here, Xiao Yu asked carefully, Xiao Yu could feel it. Luo Yuxi in front of him liked Xia Ming very much, and she also liked Xia Ming, but she knew It is impossible between her and Xia Ming.

Especially in front of Luo Yuxi, it is still so beautiful. Compared with Luo Yuxi, Xiao Yu has a sense of inferiority, and Xiao Yu also knows that he lives in this kind of place. He is a man, and I have to think of some other questions.

"Wait a minute." Luo Yuxi still trusts Xia Ming and thinks Xia Ming can definitely defeat these guys.


Light rain nodded solemnly.

"Xiaoyu, what about your family? Is it also living on this island?" Luo Yuxi asked curiously.

Luo Yuxi was also curious about the emergence of light rain. She thought that light rain was Xia Ming's woman, and it was a bit of a taste for a while.

"I have no family," Xiao Yu said sadly. "My parents died two years ago."


Luo Yuxi heard that, for a while, there was some pitiful light rain, and Luo Yuxi said, "How come you come to this place?"

Then Xiaoyu told her life story to Luo Yuxi. When she was finished, Luo Yuxi was full of love for Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu was so pitiful, but it was so pitiful to be in such a place.

After a long time, Luo Yuxi said: "Xiaoyu, you will be my sister in the future, and no one can bully you in the future?"

"Sister Yuxi, really?" Xiaoyu glanced at Luo Yuxi gratefully and said excitedly.

"Of course." Luo Yuxi nodded.


Xiao Yu danced happily.

Seeing this innocent and romantic light rain, Luo Yuxi also sighed. Fortunately, the light rain did not stay in such a place for a long time. If not, this innocent and romantic light rain might become a deep-hearted person. ?

Many times, people change according to the environment.


At the same time, Xia Ming rushed towards Tiandao Square.

Tiandao Square looks no small. At this moment, Tiandao Square is surrounded by people. In the center of Tiandao Square, there is a wooden shelf on which a person is hung. This person is not someone else, it is Yang Wen.

There was blood flowing from the corner of Yang Wen's mouth, and bruising on his face, and it was obvious that he was beaten.

Yang Wen was helped with his hands and fell on this shelf. However, under the shelf, there is a blade. The blade is erected and looks sharp. Under the light of the sun, it shivered and made people shudder. If the rope that helped Yang Wen was cut, Yang Wen would fall off instantly. Once he was cut by this blade, he would be seriously injured if he died.

The people present looked at the scene directly, pointing and pointing.

"What the **** is going on here? Isn't that person Zhao Zhao's Zhao Wu?"

"Yeah, but ... did you find out, is the old man beside Zhao Wu the housekeeper Wu?"

"It's Mr. Wu. What's going on?"

At the next moment, everyone present was slightly surprised and said, "Why is this Wu housekeeper missing one arm?"

"It's really missing one arm. How can this be ... the strength of Wu's housekeeper, but that's the level of Huang's consummation. Who cut off his arm? Is it that Xuan level master can't make it?

"It's very possible that if you want to cut him, you must be a master."

"But who is that person being hung?"

"I'm not sure, but recently, the Zhao family was madly looking for a person named Xia Ming, and I don't know if this person is Xia Ming."

"Looking for Xia Ming? What did he do for him? Did this person offend the Zhao family?"

"It's possible ..."


For a while, the people present were all talking, but Zhao Wu and Wu Butler who were not far away had ugly faces, and there were several late Huang-level strong men beside Zhao Wu.

They seem to be waiting for something.

"Housekeeper Wu, you said, will the kid come?" Zhao Wu said nervously.

After all, Xia Ming killed his father, which means that Xia Ming had the ability to kill Xuan Ming. At that time, he didn't want to send someone to chase Xia Ming. After all, this family was too scary. Xia Ming has endless hatred.

Moreover, he saw that his father's overlord gun body had blood on it. Obviously, this Xia Ming was seriously injured. It was also the best time to kill him at this moment.

At that time, they sent many people to find Xia Ming's whereabouts, which made Zhao Wu extremely angry, but the day before, he found a person who was also looking for Xia Ming, so he directly gave this person to I caught it, and I learned that this man was Xia Ming's friend.

Therefore, Zhao Wu did not want to want to hang Yang Wen directly in this place. His purpose was also to wait for Xia Ming to appear. As long as Xia Ming appeared, with the people around him, he was sure to kill Xia Ming. After all, Xia Ming was seriously injured and suffered such a serious injury.

This is their perception.

I'm afraid they can't even dream of it. At this moment, Xia Ming not only recovered from serious injuries, but also got blessed by the disaster, taking his strength one step closer and reaching the legendary level of yellow perfection.

If he knew it, he would never go to Xia Ming to avenge his death.


The steward Wu said solemnly: "This guy should be a man of serious affection. Even if he does not come, we will not suffer."

"Huh!" Zhao Wu nodded, but Zhao Wu's body was tight. Obviously, he was still a little nervous, after all, Xia Ming could be a strong man who could kill Xuan level masters.

In the face of such a strong man, how can he not be nervous, he also hopes that Xia Ming can come, but also hopes that Xia Ming has severe trauma.

In this case, he will have a chance to kill Xia Ming.

Time passed by a little bit, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye. Zhao Wu saw that Xia Ming had not yet appeared, and then sternly said: "Xia Ming, I know you are still on Tiandao, and now I give you a chance If you come out on your own, I will let your friend go. If not, I will kill your friend now. "

With Zhao Wu's drink, none of the people present echoed, which made Zhao Wu frown and secretly thought.

"Is this kid really hiding? Don't plan to come out?"

For a time, Zhao Wu was a little bit uncertain.

"Ha ha……"

Just as Zhao Wu hesitated, a light laughter rang out from the crowd, and the air gradually solidified at this moment ...

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