Chapter 1557 Killing Extermination

The light laughter rang through every corner of the square, with a little irony, ridicule and coldness in the sound.

When the people present heard the voice, they couldn't help looking at the source of the voice, and then they saw a young figure.

The people present gave way to the teenager, and the teenager walked in step by step. However, I do n’t know why, every step is to make the heartbeat of the people suddenly accelerate, especially the footsteps are exactly the same as the heartbeat rhythm. Let life feel a sense of panic.

That feeling was uncomfortable, as if something was pressing on the heart, making people uncomfortable.

This is not someone else, but Xia Ming.

Xia Ming came to this square quietly, and Zhao Wu also saw Xia Ming, his eyes were cold, and a strong killing intention broke out at this moment.

"You're here ..."

Zhao Wu's sharp eyes stared at Xia Ming, it seemed that he could not wait to tear Xia Ming apart, but at the same time, he was a little afraid of Xia Ming. After all, Xia Ming killed his father, not even his father was an opponent. Therefore, Zhao Wu was not so sure, especially when he saw Xia Ming's self-confidence, which made Zhao Wu feel a little guilty.

"Don't this guy get hurt?"

Zhao Wu was a little puzzled. Xia Ming was calm and calm, even if he could not see it, whether Xia Ming was injured or not.

"Zhao Wu, you are seeking your own way of death." Xia Ming said coldly.


Zhao Wuwen said, with some excitement, "Xia Ming, you have killed my father, killed his father's revenge, and don't wear it together. Today, I want you to be buried in Tiandao Square."

"Wow ..."

The uproar sounded through each other, which surprised everyone in the square.

"What ... what Zhao Wu just said?"

"Zhao Tianlou is dead? How is this possible?"

"Suddenly killed by the kid in front of me? This kid has such terrible strength? Then Zhao Tianlou is a master in the early days of Xuan level."

"Yeah ... this kid can kill Zhao Tianlou, isn't this kid a mysterious master?"

For a while, the people present were talking about it. Obviously, Zhao Wu's words were like a time bomb, and they all exploded.

Many people do not believe that Xia Ming can kill Zhao Tianlou, but Zhao Wudu said so himself, then Zhao Tianlou was undoubtedly killed by Xia Ming.

"By the way, you haven't heard of it. At that time, the four forces invited a young man to let him enter the four forces, but this young boy refused?"

"You said that, I remembered that this boy was also rumored. I still remember the name of this boy, it seems to be Xia Ming, shouldn't these two be one?"

As soon as this statement was made, the people present were shocked again, and the people who could make the four forces throw out the exhibition branches are definitely not ordinary people ...

If it was the person in front of you, it would be terrible.

No matter where the forces are, if you can win the thought of a master of the mysterious level, the strength of this force will undoubtedly increase sharply, and it is likely to break a certain balance point.

Especially after letting Xia Ming grow up, this is definitely something other strengths don't want to see.

For a time, those present were silent.

Xia Ming heard a sneer and said, "All of you in the Zhao family deserve to ..."

"You ..." Zhao Wu bit his teeth and was almost mad by Xia Ming.

"Fine teeth." Wu steward reprimanded: "Boy, you should have been hurt by the master, too? Huh, today the old man will report this revenge."

Being cut off by Xia Ming made Wu's housekeeper angry too. During this time, he always wanted to kill Xia Ming and take revenge for himself.

Cut off one arm. For one of his warriors, this is completely obsolete. His strength has plummeted. If his enemies learn about it, he may immediately kill the killer.

"Old man!" Xia Ming sneered.

"Cutting off one arm is a lesson for you. Today you arrested my friend again and threatened me, so I will destroy your Zhao family."

Xia Ming was also obviously angry. The Zhao family was really damned.

For his enemies, Xia Ming has never been kind and soft-hearted. Perhaps these people will not cause harm to themselves, but ... these people are likely to cause harm to the people around them, which Xia Ming absolutely does not want to see .

Therefore, Xia Ming has moved and destroyed Zhao's mind.

"Destroy my Zhao family!"

Zhao Wu heard the words, haha ​​laughed loudly, "I want to see, you can still use a little strength now, and what qualifications are there to destroy my Zhao family."

Yang Wen, who was hung above, had a pale face and dry lips. It looked as if he hadn't drank water for a long time.

"Xia brother ... leave me alone, you go quickly ..."

Yang Wen's weak voice sounded openly, Xia Ming heard the words and whispered: "Yang Wen, you are my brother of Xia Ming. Today I will come to save you. As for the Zhao family ... their people will No one survived here. "

"court death……"

Zhao Wu heard the words, and was furious, screaming, "Come here, kill this guy for me."

With the order of Zhao Wu, there were four masters in the late yellow level. These four masters were all Zhao Jiayang's thugs, and they were very strong. These four people also contributed to the Zhao family.

Xia Ming heard the words, sneered, a pair of sharp eyes, like a sharp sword, looked at these four people, all of them are strong in the late yellow level, but in the face of these guys, Xia Ming is completely indifferent fear.

"You're going to die, I'll do it for you."


As Xia Ming's voice had just fallen, the four felt that they had been insulted, screamed angrily, and rushed towards Xia Ming.

This scream was so horrifying that the people around him looked uproar.

When Xia Ming saw this, he wiped his hand to his waist, followed by a draw, Long Xiao was held in Xia Ming's hand, and when Xiao Xiao was drawn out, the brushing sound of Long Xiao's sword was heard.

The sharp coldness made the people in the room unable to take a step back.

"Good sharp sword, this sword ... not easy ..."

This is the only idea of ​​the people present. None of the people present is universal. They can see at a glance the extraordinaryness of this sword.


At this time, four people came to Xia Ming one after another. Xia Ming's eyes were cold. Long Xiao in his hand was like a silver snake, vomiting red hearts and a strong breath, which made all four people present were shocked.

"Feixian swordsmanship, a sword prisoner."

As soon as this remark came out, the next moment, accompanied by a swordmang ... the four blood pillars soared into the sky ...

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