The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1579: Speed ​​and Passion (2)


Accompanied by a sound, then the two people driving the anti-theft car suddenly stopped the car, and the car stopped abruptly, because in front of them, a car was blocked. If it was not their response in time, I'm afraid they collided with the car.

"Xia, get up and pick up things."

Xia Ming heard that he immediately got out of the car. The people who got off the car were not only Xia Ming, but also the black walker. After seeing Xia Ming, Walker sneered: "Yellow boy, you dare to grab diamonds in front of me. . "

Then Walker quickly came to the two drivers, and said coldly, "Where is the thing?"

"Don't think about it."

"Hmm ..."

The man's voice had just fallen, and Walker punched the man with a punch. Then he grabbed the man directly out of the car. When Walker threw it, the man was beaten up, Walker said coldly. "Where is the thing?"

"In ... in the trunk."

Walker heard it and said coldly, "Open the back box."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Then this person followed Walker to the back box, but Xia Ming did not go to the back box, but found another security guard. Xia Ming grinned, and the security guard was surprised.

"You ... what are you going to do?"

The security guard looked at Xia Ming in excitement and couldn't help swallowing his mouthwater. He seemed to be afraid that Xia Ming had eaten him. Xia Ming saw this and smiled, and said, "You are very smart, but unfortunately ... you met me. "Xia Ming's voice just dropped, and he pulled the security guard out of the car. Xia Ming came to the car, twitched twice, and then rummaged out a small box. Xia Ming opened the box and looked at it, murmured:" It ’s really smart, but I still played a lot, if it ’s other

People, I've probably been cheated long ago. "

Xia Ming was a little surprised. This diamond was hidden by these people very well. I am afraid that these people may not know that the diamond was placed here. As for the one in the back box, it is naturally fake.

However, the one made is exactly the same, if it is not carefully identified, it is really difficult to identify, and it takes a lot of effort to transport this diamond.

The owner of this diamond is really amazing.

Xia Ming changed his mind, threw the diamond into the Qiankun ring, and quickly got on Alice's car. At this time, Xia Ming said: "Drive."

"Xia, is it possible?"

"Here it is." Xia Ming grinned and said, "The one Walker took in the back box is fake, so I'm afraid Walker will attract us firepower."

"That's great." As soon as Alice stepped on the gas pedal, the car shot out, and Walker apparently got the fake diamond and drove in. At the same time, on the street, the police quickly Pursuing, on this street, every checkpoint was also set by the police. Obviously the purpose is

It is to pursue these drag racing parties. Alice drove the car quickly, but there was no such sense of urgency, because although there were police behind, how could the police car be compared with this modified sports car, so it could not catch up, but Walker ... Because I got the diamond, it became a target for many people.

Even Jack they are pursuing Walker quickly.

It can be said that Walker helped Xia Ming attract their firepower. If not, Xia Ming would not be so convenient.

After Xia Ming and other people fled here quickly, they waited for a while, they found a quiet place, stopped the car, and Alice said excitedly: "Summer, diamond?"

"it's here."

Xia Ming took the diamond out and handed it to Alice. Alice saw the heart of the universe. She didn't like it. Any girl can't ignore the brilliant things like diamonds.

Even Alice is no exception.

"so beautiful."

With a diamond in her hand, Alice said excitedly, "Xia, go, let's go back to our destination. When we reach our destination, we can win five million dollars."

Xia Ming heard the words, but said: "Can we still go? Now there are police handles at all street intersections."

"It must be."

Alice smiled and said, "Summer, let's go now."

"it is good."

Xia Ming nodded, but just the next moment, Xia Ming's sweaty hairs stood up instantly, a kind of thick danger, which instantly covered his whole body.

"not good."

Xia Ming hugged Alice for a moment, then fell down to the side.

"Hmm ..."

But at this moment, a dust bounced around Xia Ming's side, but a small pit appeared on the ground, which changed Xia Ming's face greatly.

"It's a sniper, hurry up." Xia Ming grabbed Alice and quickly opened the car. Alice was not an ordinary girl. Although she was only a teenager, she encountered this situation. But it was unusually calm, and even Xia Ming was surprised to see that share of calm. This is indeed a girl from a large family.


This calmness alone made other girls sigh.

But the moment Xia Ming opened the car door, Xia Ming suddenly felt a breath of death quickly piercing Alice through the hole, and Xia Ming's hand flicked.

"Steel **** ..."

With Xia Ming roaring, a steel ball in his hand could not cover his ears with a thunderbolt, and hit the bullet with lightning speed.

"Hmm ..."

The bullet power of the sniper rifle is very powerful. Fortunately, when Xia Ming was playing the steel balls, he used a lot of bad gas in his body. Otherwise, he couldn't really stop this bullet.

After such a block, Alice instantly got on the co-pilot of the car, while Xia Ming was sitting on the driving, and Xia Ming started the car without hesitation.

With a bang, the car ran towards the distance.

"Fuck ..."

In the distance, I have been watching snipers from Xia Ming and others, cursing, and then took out the mobile phone and made a call: "The target has fled in the car and is a red Ferrari."

After speaking, the man hung up the phone. At this time, Xia Ming drove towards the distance in a car. Alice couldn't help asking: "Who are they?"

Xia Ming heard the words, rolled his eyes, and whispered: "You ask me, these people obviously come at you, and you also ask me who they are."

Indeed, the first shot of these people was obviously directed at Alice, that is to say, the first target of these people was Alice, but who was going to kill Alice? After all, Alice is the little princess of the Dalton family. Are these people not afraid of the anger of the Dalton family?

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