The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1580: Speed ​​and Passion (3)

"I don't know." Alice's face was a little dignified, and she didn't expect someone to kill her. After all, she was a member of the Dalton family and killed her. Most people couldn't bear the anger of the Dalton family.

So who is going to kill her?

Alice's brain is also moving fast. It seems to be looking for her enemies, but in her impression, she seems to have not sinned anyone. Since she has not offended anyone, then there is only one truth. It should be The enemies of the Dalton family.

These people must be for the family.

Thinking of this, Alice's beautiful eyes become deeper, if anyone sees it, it will give people a depth that is not in line with Alice's age.

"They are catching up."

At this moment, Xia Ming looked at the rear-view mirror and saw several cars quickly following his car. These cars were also sports cars, and they were obviously driven to catch up with them.


Alice heard the words, her face changed, and she hurriedly looked behind her. Sure enough, there were several sports cars behind her quickly chasing after her.

These sports cars are also relatively expensive sports cars with good performance and Alice's complexion.

"Is there a way to get rid of them?" Alice paused.

"Yes." Xia Ming nodded and said, "But where are we going now?"

"The Dalton family," Alice whispered. "As long as you reach the Dalton family, these people dare not catch up."

Xia Ming heard a shock, and then took a deep look at Alice. At this moment, Alice said: "My brother is in the Dalton family, and I will be able to introduce you to my brother."

Xia Ming nodded, but Xia Ming did not have any tension or excitement, because the premise is that they do not fall into the hands of these people.

These people have weapons in their hands. Although he is not afraid of being alone, after all, there is Alice around him. If something happens to Alice, he can't find Little Dalton.

The main thing right now is protecting Alice.

And this sentence of Alice is also obviously telling Xia Ming that if something goes wrong, he will not be able to find the young Dalton. To some extent, Alice is threatening Xia Ming. .

In the face of such threats, Xia Ming now has to yield without giving in, which is the key after all.

As soon as Xia Ming stepped on the accelerator, the car turned into a flash of lightning, and he suddenly shot out. As Xia Ming accelerated, the car behind Xia Ming also obviously accelerated.


But at this moment, Xia Ming saw two cars in front of them. The two cars were blocking the intersection. One was from the back, the other was from the back. If he brakes, he will be bound to be behind. To catch up.

Seeing this, Xia Ming's eyes flickered and he stepped on the accelerator, which changed Alice's face.

There are cars before and after, and Xia Ming speeds up at this time, and obviously has to collide with this car.

Alice looked nervously at the scene in front of her. With such a fast speed, once the cars hit each other, I am afraid that the car will be scrapped instantly. Therefore, even a professional driver like Alice is nervous.

Many times, you are not afraid to drive yourself, because in general, they dare to drive so fast, which means that they have a great grasp of the car.

Driving and driving are basically two concepts.

"Hmm ..."

When Xia Ming suddenly changed lanes, Alice's face fused and she turned pale when she overtaken the car, because he saw that the car in front was about to hit them.

"Om ..." But at this moment, Xia Ming changed lanes instantly and turned to the right lane. Between this time and another, in one go, the action was like flowing water, as if practiced thousands of times. Car passed by and passed away, just a little bit, it might collide


Xia Ming's move gave the owners of both cars a jump and kept swearing on the car.

Xia Ming dodged the car. Because of the two cars, this caused the enemies behind it to be a bit slow. At this time, Alice couldn't help but said, "Xia, are you a professional driver?"

The scene just now is really thrilling. Even Alice thinks about it with a lot of fear. Even if she changed to a professional driver like her, it is absolutely impossible to achieve this level. Therefore, Alice looked to Xia Ming's At that time, the whole person reexamined Xia Minglai.

"Um." Xia Ming smiled and said, "Is it very pleasant and exciting?"

"It's very exciting." Alice smiled, and this smile seemed to forget the passion just now, at this time Xia Mingdao. "Stimulus is stimulation, but now is not the time to stimulate." Xia Ming frowned and yelled, "These guys behind are in chasing after all, and judging from their driving skills, they are all top-notch. Rider, who the **** did you provoke? Why would they want to

kill you. "

"It should be the enemies of the Dalton family. They may be trying to catch me, or they may be killing me." Alice said flatly.

Xia Ming heard the words and took a deep breath. He didn't expect it, just to find the young Dalton. There were so many twists and turns on the way. Xia Ming thought: "It seems they can only get rid of them now."

Thinking of this, Xia Ming accelerated again, this speed has been increased to 170 miles, but here is the city, the road in the city is 170 miles, this speed is very terrible, an accident will be The car crashed.

"Om ..." But the next moment, Xia Ming suddenly saw that there were two cars coming in fast siege, which caused Xia Ming to frown. The two cars went side by side. If they continue to drive like this, I am afraid Will be overtaken by the people behind, once he is surrounded, then the two of them are trying to escape

It's hard to go out.

Xia Ming thought about it, and looked around. At this moment, Xia Ming took a deep breath and yelled, "Alice, you can sit in the car, this time I will take you to a thrill."

Alice heard the words, her face changed, and she nodded immediately.

At this time Xia Ming was on this avenue and was besieged by cars on the front and back. It was too difficult to escape.

As soon as Xia Ming gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator, a beautiful flick turned towards the building next to him. Xia Ming shattered the glass of the office building. This sudden car made people in the building All exclaimed and hurried away. Xia Ming also controlled the car as much as possible so that he did not hit people.

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