The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1744: Trouble is coming

"Any offer? If not, this item will be owned by this nobleman."

Bai Bingqing was also a little bit excited. I didn't expect that in the end, the price was so increased. More than 3,000 subordinate yuan stones have completely exceeded their expectations.

When Bai Bingqing saw no one to answer, he said, "Since this is the case, the price belongs to this nobleman."

As the final item was finalized, all the people present were sighing, it seemed that they were lost because they didn't find anything.

"I'll ask someone to bring your things to you, and after you pay, you can leave."

With Bai Bingqing's words just now, these people who bought things did not leave.

at the same time!

On Xia Ming's side, Xia Ming drank the tea in his hands intently and seemed to be waiting for something. Although there was not much gain this time, Hongyan Guo was also in great need of him.

After a while, a woman walked in from outside, Xia Ming set her eyes on, this woman was this Bai Bingqing, Xia Ming was slightly surprised, and Bai Bingqing would appear here, which surprised Xia Ming.

"This guest officer is Mr. Xia." Bai Bingqing saw Xia Ming's jab, her eyes blinked, Yingying smiled.

From Bai Bingqing's point of view, Xia Ming is really too young. In this grade, there are so many yuan stones. Could it be that they are out of a certain martial art?

Bai Bingqing was curious about Xia Ming.

"That's right." Xia Ming nodded slightly, and said, "The white girl is here to send me this red fruit."


Bai Bingqing took out a jade box and chuckled, "Mr. Xia, this is the Hongyan fruit."


Xia Ming nodded slightly, and then said, "Here are three hundred pieces of lower-grade stones. You nod."

Bai Bingqing heard the words, glanced casually, and laughed: "The slaves believe in Mr."

Xia Ming said: "That being the case, then we leave first."

I bought the Hongyan fruit, and there is no need to stay here anymore. The contest is about to begin. Before the contest, we should make good preparations.

"Slow." Bai Bingqing glanced at Xia Ming in surprise, she has absolute confidence in her figure. If any man sees her, I'm afraid he will be excited.

But Xia Ming was so indifferent to her appearance. Could this guy be a straight man?

"I wonder what else is going on with the girl?" Xia Ming frowned, softly.

"Mr. Xia." Bai Bing smiled and said, "I don't know what kind of teacher Mr. Cheng should be?"

"No way, no way." Xia Ming said lightly.


Bai Bingqing took a deep look at Xia Ming. She felt that Xia Ming didn't tell the truth. Xia Ming's strength was in the late Xuan level. If she had no way and no way, how could she cultivate to such a state, she didn't believe it.

Therefore, Bai Bingqing thought that Xia Ming did not tell the truth, but said quietly, "Mr. Xia, but came to this martial arts convention?"

Xia Ming smiled lightly: "Any people who come here don't come to this martial arts conference."

Xia Ming is telling the truth. Anyone above the middle level can participate in the warrior conference. The reward of the warrior conference is not bad. As for the organizer of the warrior conference, Xia Ming has not known so far.

Moreover, Xia Ming is also unclear about what kind of reward this martial arts congress has. Therefore, Xia Ming also has deep doubts about this martial arts congress.

"How about a little woman to cooperate with Mr.?" Bai Bingqingmei turned her eyes immediately.

Xia Ming frowned slightly, looked at Bai Bingqing, and seemed to want to see something in Bai Bingqing's eyes, but Bai Bingqing's beautiful eyes looked like stars flowing without any fluctuations, which made Xia Ming wonder. This woman, in the end, wanted What to do?

Xia Ming took a deep look at Bai Bingqing.

"Sorry, I have no idea of ​​working with others for the time being."

Xia Ming directly refused, Bai Bingqing heard the words, and smiled, "Since this is the case, the slave family will not disturb the husband."

Then Bai Bingqing left the room. When Bai Bingqing left, Xia Ming was still frowning. What does this woman want? Why cooperate with yourself? What is his purpose?

Xia Ming did not believe that such a woman would have no purpose, and he did not believe it.

This woman is very cunning, so close to herself, she must have her own purpose, but what is his purpose?

Xia Ming groaned slightly.

Gu Peier was slightly surprised. She even suspected that Xia Ming and Bai Bingqing knew each other!

It's really strange that Bai Bingqing invited Xia Ming to cooperate.

"Let's go." Xia Ming said calmly.


Gu Peer nodded slightly, followed Xia Ming to leave the auction and waited until Xia Ming left. At this time, Xia Ming stopped suddenly, and frowned, seemingly aware of something.

"Mr. Xia." Gu Peier also raised her eyebrows and said softly.

"Go back now." Xia Ming whispered softly.

"it is good."

The two found a car and ran towards the Sanxian Church, but they were very careful.

When the two left here, just after going out for about ten minutes, there were a few people who came out from this distance. These people looked harsh, with greed in their eyes, a look Is not a good person.

The sudden appearance of these people made Gu Peier's pretty face cold.

"What do you want to do? We are the three immortals." Gu Peer got out of the car and snapped sharply.

"Three Immortals?"

This headed person heard the words, haha ​​laughed, stared at Gu Peier, and sneered: "Lao Tzu doesn't care what **** you are. In front of Lao Tzu, what Lao Tzu wants you to do, you have to doing what."

"Hahaha ... this little girl is really young. She dared to talk to the boss like that, not to mention the Three Immortals, who came from the Xuan level and did not dare to be so pretentious in front of our boss."

"Boy, hand over the Yuan Shi from your body, and today we will spare you. We are only asking for money today, we don't want to kill people." At this time, another person said.

Xia Ming stared calmly at the five people in front of them. These five people showed greed. Obviously, they all came from the auction house. At that time, when they saw that their bids were so high, they must think that they had more yuan stones.

Therefore, they will rob themselves here.

Of course, they must have ascertained their strength. If not, they would never dare ambush here.

"Don't think about it."

Gu Peier was also a little bit angry, scolded sharply.

"Don't think about it?" The head-sister smiled grimly: "This can't help you."

"If you are acquainted, give me your stuff obediently, and I will let you go. If not, I will let you know what the consequences are." The boss grinned, exposing his white teeth and looking a little shady.

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