The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1745: Kill all

"I don't want to die, all go."

The next moment, Xia Ming's slightly bland voice sounded open, but the sound was like a thunderbolt. It resounded in the minds of these people, which made them all tremble.


These people reacted, irritated, and looked at Xia Ming in front of them angrily: "Boy, it seems that you really want to die, I will complete you, until we kill you, everything on your body, all is ours."

"you guys……"

Gu Peier is also exasperated, and the people in front of her are not weak. If it is really compared, she may not be the opponent of these people. These people dare to do such things on their own site. This makes She was ashamed and angry.

"Chick, wait a moment, our brothers will accompany you for fun, now our brothers have to clean up this guy and let him know how great we are."

After speaking, these people looked at Xia Ming radiantly, their eyes flickered, and then several people besieged Xia Ming.

"Ha ha."

Xia Ming murmured with a chuckle: "Sometimes it's not that I want to kill someone, but some people are simply trying to die."

The next moment, Xia Ming slowly pulled out Long Xiao, and with Long Xiao being pulled out, all of them looked cold. On this Long Xiao, several of them felt the sharpness of Long Xiao. Put a rare weapon.

Therefore, their eyes were greedy again.

"Go on, kill him."

As soon as this statement came out, these people killed Xia Ming one after another. Gu Peier saw this and was very anxious, so she wanted to start.

"act recklessly."

Xia Ming's voice had just fallen, and Long Xiao in his hand seemed to turn into countless cold mans, flashing, and then, Xiao Xiao in Xia Ming's hand returned to his own hands again.

At this time Xia Ming looked at Gu Peer and said quietly, "Let's go."

Xia Ming's words made Gu Peer directly stunned on the spot. Gu Peer looked at these people and found that they were still trying to kill Xia Ming, but they were motionless. What the **** happened?

Although Gu Peier doesn't know what happened, she knows that all of this must be done by Xia Ming.

Just when the two had just left, Gu Peer looked back, but saw that the foreheads of these people slowly slipped to the ground, blood sprayed wildly, and sprayed everywhere.


Gu Peier had a pale face and looked at the scene in shock.

"This ... this ... how is this possible ..."

Gu Peier couldn't believe everything he saw in front of him. He never expected that these people would all die. What's going on? How did he do it? At this time, Gu Peier also had a brand-new understanding of Xia Ming's strength. He killed five people in the presence of one sword. These five people did not even have the ability to respond. Then, Xia Ming's strength, How terrible is it? How could the other party not even respond?


You know, one of them is a super-satisfied super-powerful? So was Xia Ming killed? Xia Ming, but the late Xuan level ...

This scene completely surpassed Gu Peier's cognition. Even Gu Peier didn't know how to describe it.

Gu Peier drove her car carefully and ran towards the distance. She didn't dare to say a word. Xia Ming also didn't speak, closed her eyes, and seemed to be recuperating.

When the two came to Sanxianjiao, Xia Ming went into retreat, and Gu Peier quickly found Gong Meier.

"But what are you talking about?" In this villa, there is a woman, dressed in colorful dresses, dresses fall to the ground, enveloping the woman's exquisitely cut waist, showing the perfect curve. It looks so perfect. The woman wears a pair of earrings and a crescent-shaped necklace, which looks even more


The woman slowly raised her jade arm, took a sip of tea, and whispered softly.

"It's true." Gu Peier said with a little panic: "At the time, there was a master of Xuan level perfection in this crowd, but he couldn't stop him from sword."


Gong Mei'er's arm was stiff and slightly shocked.

Xuan level is complete, but can't do anything. Is this person really the top of Xuan level? It is impossible to look at it. Although there is a level difference between peak and perfection, there is a great difference between this level.

Xia Ming was able to kill this yellow-level perfection with one stroke.

However, Gong Meier thought of Xia Ming's battle with Li Daoxuan at the time. Li Daoxuan almost planted it in his hands. Thinking of this, Gong Meier was deeply shocked by Xia Ming's strength.

"It's really a peerless monster."

Gong Meier whispered softly.

"Teacher, what shall we do?" Gu Peer couldn't help it.

"It can only be paid, not offended," Gong Meier whispered.

"Yes, the leader." Gu Peer said.

"Peer, does he have a girlfriend?" Gong Meier said suddenly.

"I don't know." Gu Peier heard the words, and gave Gong Meier a strange look. At this time Gong Meier smiled and said, "OK, you go out first, and spend a good time with Mr. Xia."

"Yes, the leader."

When Gu Peer left, Gong Meier murmured: "So evil, if you are not sure, you will not be so easy to approach if you wait for him to boil Huang Da in the future."

Thinking of this, Gong Meier slowly came to a mirror. Gong Meier looked at her perfect figure and murmured: "Am I already old? But fortunately, the figure is still there. He would like to come like."

Having said that, Gong Meier slowly left the villa and walked in one direction.

at the same time!

In Xia Ming's villa, Xia Ming didn't know all this yet.

Xia Mingpan sat on this ground and quietly looked at the red-faced fruit in his hand. If he could refining the eternal beauty solution at one time, then he could fully reconstitute five or six servings. If you fail, you can only make three, or one.

For Lin Wanqing, Xia Ming has an indescribable gratitude. He knows that he is embarrassing, but such things are unavoidable.

A man succeeds and always has a little idea.

But since you are your own woman, you have a responsibility to take care of them.

"When I have finished this contest, I will go back and make this old-looking medicinal solution, and give it to them at that time, and they will like it when I want to come."

Thinking of this, Xia Ming couldn't help but miss it. As he walked further and further, Xia Ming became more and more nostalgic for the previous days, but he knew that he had already gone a no return path, and there was no possibility of turning back.

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