The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1760: Fight Li Daoxuan again

"Haha ... the masters in the mid-levels are bullying a little girl who is only Xuan level late, Li Daoxuan, have you lived on dogs for decades?"

There was a loud laughter not far from here.

"Who is it, pretending to be a ghost and having a seed?" Li Daoxuan looked around indifferently, as if looking for this person.


Then Xia Ming jumped down from the tree, Xia Ming squinted, and in his eyes, Ling Ran was killed, but Xia Ming didn't rush to shoot immediately, but looked at Li Daoxuan with a smile, and said softly: "Li Daoxuan It ’s been a long time since I saw him.

When Li Daoxuan saw Xia Ming's figure clearly, Li Daoxuan stared sharply at Xia Ming, with a sense of murder in his eyes, and hated: "It was you, the little beast, that day let you escape Now, today, I just let you die here. "

"Ha ha."

Xia Ming's eyes flickered and Shen said, "Let me die here, I'm afraid you don't have that ability."

Xia Ming's words flashed Qu Huashang's eyes aside. Of course, Xia Ming knew her. Although they had only one side, she remembered Xia Ming.

"Be careful, this person is a master in the middle of the prefecture level. Although suppressed in the Xuan level, he is far more powerful than the ordinary early masters in the prefecture level." Qu Huashang reminded in a low voice.


Xia Ming nodded slightly. On that day, he was able to compete with Li Daoxuan, not to mention, now he has been promoted to the top of Xuan level, and he is only one step away from the completion. Now he has great strength, and this Li Daoxuan But it was suppressed the strength, he was not afraid of Li Daoxuan at all.

"Really? You can try it." Li Daoxuan became cautious. Xia Ming was so strong that he had experienced it firsthand. Therefore, Xia Ming was also quite frightened. As the so-called chopping grass does not remove the roots, it blows again In particular, Xia Ming's talent is really terrible. He must not be allowed to grow. If he waits for another two,

For three years, I'm afraid he can't stop Xia Ming.

This is why Li Daoxuan is so afraid of Xia Ming.

Meet here again today, it can be described as enemies meet, very jealous.

"Exactly, let's count the new and old accounts together today."

The words fell, and Xia Ming's hand appeared in a sword. This sword appeared out of thin air, and shocked Li Daoxuan. At this moment, Xia Ming seemed to have forgotten what to hide.

Even when Qu Huashang saw this sword that appeared out of thin air, Qu Huashang blinked a little, and looked at Xia Ming with surprise, her eyes turned, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

"court death."

Li Daoxuan gave a stern slam and fists with his bare hands, and attacked Xia Ming. Xia Ming saw this dashing Li Daoxuan and smiled coldly.

"Feixian Sword Art, Feixian Sword."

The next moment, Xia Ming's whole person seemed to fly up, Li Daoxuan also noticed the hegemony of Xia Ming's sword, his face was terrified, and he hurriedly retreated.

"I want to retreat at this time, it's late."

In the blink of an eye, Xia Ming came to Li Daoxuan in front of him, and then a sword stabbed fiercely.


Xia Ming's sword severely struck Li Daoxuan's chest. Li Daoxuan's face turned white, and he hurriedly slammed a hand. Xia Ming pulled out Long Xiao and then retreated.

Li Daoxuan clicked twice on his chest. At this moment, Li Daoxuan stared at Xia Ming with a startled expression.

"How is it possible ... your strength ..."

"Yes, my strength has increased again."

Xia Ming looked at Li Daoxuan with a smile, and in his eyes, killing intention passed.


Li Daoxuan's look changed greatly. In this Buda Mountain, his strength was suppressed, and he could not exert the strength of the mid-level. At present, Xia Ming's strength is improved, and he is several times stronger than the previous one. At that time, Xia Ming almost made him overturn in the gutter.

Now Xia Ming, who has made great progress, is even more daunting for Li Daoxuan.

"Nothing is Impossible."

Xia Ming said coldly: "You practice slowly, that's just that your talent is too poor. After so many years of practice, you can only reach the middle of the prefecture level. You really live on dogs."

"Li Daoxuan, the grudges between us, come clear today."

The words fell, and Xia Ming attacked Li Daoxuan with a sword.

Li Daoxuan heard the words and was furious: "Damn."

Li Daoxuan was losing ground. Under Xia Ming's fierce sword skill, even Li Daoxuan was difficult to stop, not to mention that he was suppressed and Xia Ming improved his strength.

"What a terrible person!"

Qu Huashang, who was watching the battlefield on this side, stared at Xia Ming with a cheeky face, with an indescribable shock.

You know, Li Daoxuan is a master in the middle of the prefecture level. Even if his strength is suppressed, the general early stage is not an opponent of Li Daoxuan.

But Xia Ming, Li Daoxuan was injured with a sword. Not to mention, now it makes Li Daoxuan like a bereavement dog, and he is losing ground.


Li Daoxuan stepped back a few steps to stabilize his figure. At this moment, in front of his chest, the clothes were really messed up, and several wounds appeared.

Li Daoxuan stared angrily at Xia Ming, took a deep breath, and reprimanded: "Xia Ming, that day, I can kill you, and today, I can still kill you."

"Flaming fire."

With Li Daoxuan's voice just falling, there were some flames around Li Daoxuan. This flame-like thing, with high temperature, was burning everything around it. This scene was a little horrified to be seen by Qu Huashang in his eyes. .

"Flaming fire, so powerful martial arts."

Qu Huashang looked somber and stared at Li Daoxuan in front of him.

I saw that Li Daoxuan's eyes turned red, and the whole person became red too, just like the soldering iron that had just been red, and it was a bit hot.

"Xia Ming, here is your place of death today."

"Is that so?" Xia Ming heard and smiled: "That day, in my late stage, you still have to use all your strength. Now my strength has risen, but your strength is suppressed. Whoever lives and who dies will return. I do n’t know if I killed you today, I will find three families in the hidden world and take revenge one by one. Do n’t you want to leave

Mount Budo. "

Xia Ming's eyes were full of murderous intentions. The next morning, Xia Ming's body was filled with a strong cold wave. This cold air seemed to freeze the air.

When I saw Qu Huashang, with Xia Ming as the center, I started to freeze slowly. The cold cold made Qu Huashang's look slightly changed.

"what is this……"

Qu Huashang looked at Xia Ming in shock, the next moment, Xia Ming's voice slowly resounded in this sky.

The sound was cold and biting. "The sword seals thousands of miles ..."

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