The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1761: Li Daoxuan was almost pierced

Xia Ming's voice had just fallen, and with Xia Ming as the center, ice appeared and began to spread, which made Li Daoxuan look shocked.

Li Daoxuan hurriedly retreated, but at this moment it was too late, because the ice had spread to Li Daoxuan's body, with his feet up, so it looked like Li Daoxuan would be frozen.

"Crush me."

Li Daoxuan shouted sharply, and the vitality in his body broke out suddenly. The ice on his feet was instantly shattered. Li Daoxuan stepped back dozens of steps and smashed a big tree. Then he was able to stabilize his body. Li Daoxuan He looked at Xia Ming in horror.

"How could it be so strong."

Li Daoxuan was a bit shocked. On that day, although Xia Ming was strong, Xia Ming exhausted all his strength to fight him to that extent.

However, today, Xia Ming and that day, the strength has increased several times, not to mention, for standing up, there is no exhaustion as before.

"Li Daoxuan, here today will be your buried place. The old grudges and grudges are here to make a break." Long Xiao's sword tipped, Xia Ming looked at Li Daoxuan lightly, his voice was indifferent, not mixed with the slightest emotion .

"A break?"

At this moment, Li Daoxuan smiled, Li Daoxuan stood up, but his body looked a little shaking, Li Daoxuan stared at Xia Ming coldly, his eyes cold, without any emotion.

"Xia Ming, you destroy my entire Li family. This revenge must be reported. If you do not die, how could I die." Li Daoxuan said.

"Ha ha!"

Xia Ming said coldly: "If you want to blame, blame your Li family for their arrogance and daring to poison my wife. All of your Li family should be damned. Now, if the Li family is gone, it will be destroyed, waiting for you to die After that, the Li family will be absent. "

"is it?"

Li Daoxuan looked at Xia Ming with a smile, with a smile on his face.

"Do you think that I have the strength of the mid-level, without a little backhand?"

Xia Ming looked slightly condensed, staring coldly at Li Daoxuan.

"Xia Ming, today I will kill you and take revenge for everyone in my Li family. The other day, I will let your wife and parents come down to accompany you."

After speaking, Li Daoxuan took something out of this bosom. This was a small box. After Li Daoxuan opened the small box, it came into view, but it was a black elixir.

The black elixir looked weird, and Xia Ming's eyes flickered.

The next moment, Li Daoxuan picked up and threw it into his mouth, and the moment he entered his mouth, the momentum of Li Daoxuan's body gradually increased, and an indescribable power also came out. feeling scared.

"Hahaha ..."

The next moment, Li Daoxuan laughed wildly, and the laughter was full of evil killing intentions.

"Xia Ming, this elixir is my last hole card. I who took the elixir is stronger than I was before. Xia Ming, I see how you escape today."

"Ha ha." Xia Ming heard the words, squinting, Shen said: "Your elixir should have a time limit? And, after eating, the sequelae are very great, you must at least fall to the mysterious realm, and more than that, you Future martial arts practice, stop here, and even burn down the root causes and follow you forever

. "

This sentence flashed Li Daoxuan's eyes: "It is indeed Xia Ming, even you can see this, but ... even if you know what? In this short time, I was enough to kill is you."


Xia Ming cursed.


Li Daoxuan shivered and stared at Xia Ming. Once Xia Ming changed something, he would not hesitate to kill it.


Xia Ming laughed the next moment: "Don't forget, this is Wudao Mountain. As long as I yell and quit, I can quit here."

"Brush." ​​Sure enough, Xia Ming's words made Li Daoxuan's face green. This mother ... he forgot about it. If Xia Ming quits here, isn't his elixir white? have eaten? Not only that, I'm afraid I will be kicked out of the Wudao Mountain, and then I will find Xia Ming to avenge it, almost

There is no hope.

Until this moment, Li Daoxuan finally knew what Xia Ming's stupidity meant.

It's him, he's so stupid, why did he take this kind of drug.

"I will kill you."

Li Daoxuan was stunned and just fainted by anger. Although it reflected that, if he didn't kill Xia Ming at the moment, he would be a big loss.

The stunned Li Daoxuan, without thinking, exhausted his full strength and began to rush towards Xia Ming. The terrible power broke out enough to kill an early master at an instant level. Obviously, Li Daoxuan was crazy.

In order to kill Xia Ming, he did it at all costs.

"I want to retreat ... out!"

At the next moment, Xia Ming shouted out these four words directly. When the four words shouted, Xia Ming disappeared in an instant. However, Li Daoxuan who was rushed over was stunned. An angry roar.

"Ah ... Xia Ming, I want to kill you, I want to kill you."


Li Daoxuan slammed the big tree with every punch, but that Qu Huashang had already noticed something, so he left the woods.

"Qu Huashang, Qu Huashang."

Li Daoxuan seemed to think of something. A pair of scarlet eyes looked around, as if he was looking for the whereabouts of Qu Huashang. However, Qu Huashang had left, and Li Daoxuan could not leave at all.

"Ahhhhh ..."


Li Daoxuan immediately spit out blood, and the blood stained the ground. Obviously, it was caused by anger and anger, and Li Daoxuan almost died of anger.

I even used the last hole card, but, **** Xia Ming even ran away, who is this and who is not angry?

It's as if you have paid a huge price, but the other person is gone. Isn't that the equivalent of spending the money for nothing?

at the same time!

On another mountain, Xia Ming's figure appeared. Xia Ming looked at his body and was pleasantly surprised: "It is still in the ring of Qiankun." Of course, in the face of Li Daoxuan who had gone mad, Xia Ming was certainly not willing Fighting hard with Li Daoxuan, this is not to say that Xia Ming counsels, but it is not necessary at all. The other party has gone mad and took the drug. The sequelae of taking the drug is also very terrible. spell,

That's all right.

So Xia Ming came up with a solution.

So he shouted the words 'I want to quit'. However, the moment he just shouted, Xia Ming felt an imprisoning power instantly. However, Xia Ming was moved by heart. When When he appeared again, he had already come into this Qiankun ring. He also wanted to take a bet to see if he entered the Qiankun ring, if he could kick him out here.

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