The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1778: Battle Extinction

"But Master ..."

Qu Huashang said with a white face and anxiety.

"To shut up."

The extinct God said coldly: "Hua Sang, this person is a man of the demon, you must not be with the man of the demon. If you let me see you pleading with the man of the demon, I will kill you."

The extermination of the extinct God Ni made Qu Huashang's face change slightly, and she dared not speak. However, in those beautiful eyes, she still begged hard.

But ... the extinct **** hated the demon religion. As for why the exile **** hated the demon religion, everyone in the world does not know it. I am afraid that the answer is only known by the extinct **** himself.

Over the years, when the extinct goddess saw the people of the demon religion, he would beheaded and killed, and he would not show mercy at all. Many of the people who looked at the cruel means were trembling with fear.

Extinct God Ni looked at Xia Ming coldly, as if waiting for Xia Ming's answer.

Xia Ming smiled and said indifferently: "A monk does not want to be a monk. Nuns are not like nuns. They are noble monks and are not afraid that the Buddha will accept you."

Xia Ming was also a bit angry at this aggressive Nirvana, so he was not polite when speaking.

"Boy, look at the sword." Extinction God Ninety had no thoughts of persuasion. He screamed angrily and waved his hand. The extinction sword in his hand appeared in his hand. With the extinction sword being drawn out, the sunshine slowly Shining on the sword body, the sword body is smooth and delicate. After the sun shines on the sword body, it still flickers.

With a light.

"Good sword."

Even when Xia Ming saw this sword, he couldn't help but sigh.

This extinct sword has beautiful lines and tough materials, and it is definitely a rare good sword. Even Xia Ming is a little surprised. I did not expect that this sword still exists on this earth, which was really beyond his expectations.

However, that's all, because he has a better sword called Longxiao.

Famous, Long Xiao means nine days.


The extinct God Ni jumped up, and a sword was split in the direction of Xia Ming. If this sword was split, I am afraid that Xia Ming would be split in two by a sword.

However, Xia Ming's strength was not weak, and Xia Ming's response was extremely fast. He was in the jab where the sword of extinction had just waved out. Suddenly, Long Xiao in Xia Ming's hand did not know when he appeared in this hand. Ming raised his hand to block the blow.


Along with the collision of the two swords, the sparks of the Tao were wiped out. Then, the extinct Shini retreated, and then retreated to his original place. When the extinct Shini looked at Xia Ming, there was a touch in his eyes. Shocked.

"Good sword."

The extinct goddess did not expect that Xia Ming even had a good sword. You know, her sword cut iron like mud, and it was a rare good sword. This extinct sword has also passed down for hundreds of years. Over the years, this The handle sword is as sharp as ever.

Moreover, when fighting against the enemy, she only needs to wield a sword, then the opponent's sword will be cut off by him, but ...

When colliding with Xia Ming's sword, Xia Ming's sword did not break.

Xia Ming also stepped back a few steps before he stabilized his shape, turning his gaze into two cold mans, shooting abruptly, staring hard at the extinct old man.

Although the two only met a move, but he knew that the extermination of Lao Ni's swordsmanship was very domineering, more like a domineering sword.

Such domineering swordsmanship, I am afraid that only a peerless good sword can exert such power. No wonder this extinct old man is not disadvantageous, but it is only relying on the sharpness of the extinct sword.

"Oh ..." At this moment, Xiaoyao Wang also looked at Xia Ming in surprise and felt a little shocked, but he knew that the extinct God Nikki was a master of the level, although he could not exert his strongest power in this martial art mountain. Strength, but ... the extinct goddess is definitely not a strong person in the early stage of ordinary


Even the strongest in the early days of ordinary prefectures are not a problem.


After this sword, Xia Ming was forced back a few steps.

How could he not shake.

Not only him, but even Yang Feikong, Kong Wen and others all looked at this scene in shock.

"This boy ... actually blocked the attack from the extinct God?"

"How is this possible? Nikki, the extinct god, is a master at the level, and Xia Ming is just a kid on the top of the mystery, why can he stop this attack?

"You just found out, suddenly a sword appeared in this kid's hand."

"Yes, it's a sword."

The next moment, everyone looked at the sword in Xia Ming's hand. At this moment, some people couldn't help saying, "Look at it, this kid's sword has not been terminated."


"How is it possible ..." Many people looked at Xia Ming in shock, all shocked by Xia Ming, exclaimed: "How could his sword remain unbroken? As far as I know, extinction is old Nepal ’s extinction sword cuts iron like mud, it is very domineering, ordinary swords, it is impossible to resist such magic weapon, especially this note

The sword that has entered the vitality is even more overbearing. The ordinary sword will be cut off by him, but ... "

Speaking of which, many people present were shocked.

"Does it mean that the sword in this boy's hand is also a magic weapon?"


"It's too ridiculous? Extinction Shini has enough magic weapon, even this kid even has a magic weapon. Why is the magic weapon so worthless after the meeting?"

"Don't talk, you look at the face of extinct Lao Ni, it seems a bit unpleasant."


The voices of the discussion just dropped, and everyone looked at the extinct Mr. Ni, and sure enough, the extinct Mr. Ni's face became a little bit broken, and in his eyes, Ling Ran was killing.

The King Xiaoyao on the side was suddenly realized, and he obviously saw that the sword in Xia Ming's hand was not ordinary.

"No wonder it is so arrogant. It turned out to be a magic weapon."

The extermination **** Ni looked at Xia Ming with a sneer, with a strong disdain in his eyes. He didn't put Xia Ming on his body at all. In his opinion, if he killed Xia Ming, he would just raise his hand.

"However, even if you have a magic weapon, the real magic weapon also depends on the use of water. There is no corresponding strength. Even if you have a magic weapon, it is also waste iron."

The words fell, extinct the God Ni, looked at Xia Ming again, and Xia Ming was too lazy to talk nonsense with the old nun. No matter how you talked to the old nun, the old nun was always stubborn.

Since it's useless, it's just hands on.


Extinct God Nine waved again at Xia Ming's sword. This sword was mixed with horrible power. This sword, even if it was ordinary Xuan-class perfection, did not dare to resist it. If it was not good, it would be given by this sword Beheaded. This sword is really too strong, and the extinct Shini obviously wants to kill Xia Ming directly.

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