The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1779: God of War

"Ding Jing!"

However, when the two men's swords touched each other, both of them were shocked, and the extinct God Ni stepped back a few steps, staring at Xia Ming in front of him, with a deep shock in his eyes. .

"how is this possible……"

"How can this guy be so powerful? He is the mysterious peak?"

Extinction Shenni is also somewhat skeptical. How could a guy at the peak of Xuan level possibly block her attack, even if Xuan level was successful, she could be killed.

In fact, not only the extinct goddess, but even Yang Feikong and Kong Wen looked at Xia Ming with a shocked expression on his face, with a deep shock on his face.

"This guy ... has improved his strength."

This was the only thought in Yang Feikong's heart, and he secretly thought, "If you let this guy continue to improve, then, let alone them, I am afraid that even the heavenly powers can't help him?"

Thinking of this, Yang Feikong directly moved the killing heart. If such a proud man does not obliterate now, when he grows up, it will be their nightmare.

Not far from here, Qin Ze and Mu Tianping also looked at Xia Ming and said dullly, "Xia's strength ... has been improved again."

"Yeah ... good guy." Mu Tianping was also a bit shocked. At the beginning, he didn't take Xia Ming to heart. If Xia Ming didn't save him on the big wheel, I'm afraid he won't put Xia Ming in In my heart.

But he never thought that he had no power to fight back in the hands of these people, and Xia Ming was able to compete with Extinct Shinny in the presence of Extinct Shinny. How did this guy cultivate? It ’s too fast, right? Is this guy still human?

The people present looked different, apparently, all shocked by Xia Ming's powerful fighting power.

"This kid must be drawn to the demon religion." King Shura suddenly said.


King Xiaoyao looked at King Shura in surprise, saying: "King Shura, you never seem to fancy a person, right?" In King Xiaoyao's impression, King Shura is an unruly guy, and This man was born indifferent, like a piece of ice, but it was also cold, because he had seen it with his own eyes, King Shura had suddenly killed a family of dozens, and blood stained the yard. The reason was that these people could not move.

King Shura's bottom line.

Because King Shura's methods are fierce and show no mercy to those enemies, he is named Shura, and is also one of the four great monarchs of the demon religion. But King Shura has always been proud, and no one looks at it. In this demon, those who can order King Shura are only the master and the deputy, and even the yin and yang protect the law, they dare not Suddenly offended King Shura, although the protection of Yin and Yang is powerful, King Shura can kill

Red eyes are even more terrifying. This is the so-called soft fear of hard, hard fear of horizontal, horizontal fear of death.

"This person's talent is excellent." King Shura said gently.

"It is true that in this grade, there is such a cultivation practice. It is really the proud of heaven. If you can join my demon religion, it will be even more powerful." Wang Xiaoyao also praised.

"It's just that this extinct old man wants to win this kid, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. We want to send charcoal in the snow. People do have rich charcoal sources. I'm afraid it's not easy to do."

King Xiaoyao is also a bit worried. Indeed, now that they are helping Xia Ming, it is just the icing on the cake. The other party may be difficult to join them.

"Things are artificial." King Shura said indifferently.

At the time of the conversation between the two, Extinction Shini was already angry, and Extinction Shini's face turned red. It felt like a slap in his face, and the pain was hot.

Xia Ming, however, has the strength of the mysterious peak. She is a master in the middle of the prefecture, and her strength is overbearing. With the extinction sword, even a master in the late prefecture can fight, and it may not be impossible to kill it.

However, so far, he has issued two swords, each of which is easily blocked by Xia Ming. For a time, this makes his face feel matte.

"Boy ... no wonder you dare to compare with the poor Neh, it turns out you have some skills." Extinct God Ni's eyes were filled with a little killing, said coldly.

"Next, Pooh will let you know the power of Pooh Extermination Sword."

"Hahaha ..."

When Xia Ming was going to give a lesson to the extinct goddess, suddenly there was a sound of wild laughter in the sky, and the laughter filled the world with a mixture of arrogance, pride, and sorrow.

All the people present were shocked, and then they looked in one direction.

as expected!

In this other direction, a group of people came over. This group of people was wearing a silver-white outfit. They all wrapped up in a silver-white outfit, which looked simple and convenient.

This is headed by a middle-aged man, but this man looks strange because he has short white hair and looks wrinkled from the skin. How does it feel like a foreigner? But the most amazing thing is the appearance of these people, because these people are not the same as normal people. Their skin is white and looks like they have some kind of skin disease. It is very scary. Not only that, these people The waist is round and looks very strong.

Simple characters.

"Who are these?"

"Why are these people so weird? You see, why their skin is this virtue, and how do they look less like humans, more like monsters?"

"It's them, it's them ..." Someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Who are they?" "It's those weird people." Someone whispered immediately: "I've seen these people before, these people hunted us in Budoshan. If it weren't for us, we could quit at any time, I'm afraid they were really all These people were killed, shit, where did these people come from, how could they all appear in

Here. "

"What, those who hunted down Wudaoshan? Are these people tired?"

"That is, most of the people in Wudaoshan are above the middle level. From the perspective of their breath, although they are violent, these people are simply people who have no vitality. They want to hunt and kill martial arts. Impatient to live? "

"No, that's not the case."

"The strength of these people is very strong, especially their strength and speed are very fast. They have even reached the limits of human beings. Even the masters of the late Xuan level may not be their opponents."

"How is it possible ..." Some people don't believe it, they haven't cultivated their vitality, and the masters of the late Xuan level are not their opponents? Do you think they are Superman?

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