"Otherwise, how did some martial arts soldiers in the Wudao Mountain be killed by them?" Some people couldn't help but say.

"This is trouble."

"If these people do, how can we compete for this final place."

"It's all this time, and you want to compete for this last place, are you crazy?"

All the people present were talking about it. Now it's time to think about the final quota, which is simply incurable.

"It's weird."

Qin Ze's complexion changed. They experienced the change on the big wheel, and naturally knew these people. For a time, Qin Ze's complexion became extremely ugly.

"It's really them." Mu Tianping also Shen said: "This time, it's a lot of trouble."

"What shall we do now?" Qin Ze could not help asking.

"Watch it."

In the face of this weird person, the people present did not dare to act lightly. After all, these people were really too strong, and they were a little scary.

"You guys, what kind of monster?"

Extinction God's sharp eyes fell on Bain, Bain walked lightly and smiled: "My name is Bain, gentlemen, ladies, now what I want to announce is that this place has been We have taken it, and you are surrounded by us. "

"Gentlemen and ladies, if you surrender, we can consider not killing you. What should you do or what? If you don't surrender, then I, Bain, can only kill you."

When Bain's words were spoken, all the people present were full of anger. They were all strong in China. When were they so threatened, and Bain threatened them in front of everyone, How does this keep them angry?

"Demons and monsters are everyone's favor. In this case, the poor man is doing the work for heaven today."

As the words fell, the extinct Godi jumped up, and Bain's lightning sting came towards Bain. This sword was sharp and tricky, and strangely invincible.

"Extinct swordsmanship, one sword goes out."

The extermination **** Ni Nei screamed, and a sword stabbed at Bain severely. Bain saw the situation, but deep in his eyes, he passed a cold mang, which disappeared instantly.

Under these eyes, when the sword of extinction was about to stab Bain, at this moment Baine moved.

On the side of Bain's body, the whole person seemed to turn into a phantom, and he appeared on the right side of the extinct Shini, and then punched out fiercely.

"Hmm ..."

Extinction Shini did not respond, and was hit with a punch by Bain. If Extinction Shini's body was severely blown, then, he flew out severely.


Extinct Shini broke a large tree, which stabilized his body. However, Extinct Shini spit out blood, and the blood stained the ground. It looked awkward.

"Master ..."

Qu Huashang saw it, her face changed slightly, her body moved, and she came to the extinct Shenni, worried, "Master, are you all right?"

"It's all right."

The extinct **** Nicholas propped himself up, stood up, stared sharply at Bain, and utterly murderous.

He never expected that Bain's strength would be so strong. Just a blow would hurt him. Who is this guy?


At the same time, all the people around him took a breath and looked at the scene in shock, and they were obviously frightened.

With one blow, extinct Shini was seriously injured. How did this guy do it? Also, how can his speed and strength be so strong? It's terrible.

Who are these people?

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have a good temper. If you surrender and accept to eat something we make, then we can not kill you."

Bain grinned, but it was a bit conspiratorial.

"Of course, if you don't cooperate, none of us will be happy."

This sentence is a naked threat.

"What kind of thing do you deserve to be our head."

Yang Feikong sank with Kong Wen and said indifferently.

"So, do you two still disagree?" Bain's indifferent eyes fell on Yang Feikong and Kong Wen. Without knowing why, the two felt like they were being stared at by the beast. All the hairs exploded instantly.

"It's up to you? You want us to surrender and make people dream." Yang Feikong said sharply.


Bain grinned, glanced at the people indifferently, and sneered: "Are you guys here unconvinced?"

Bain's words caused the people present to fry the pan instantly, and said angrily, "You are worthy of being subservient to us."

"That is, a foreign devil dared to step into my Huaxia continent. I really don't know how to write the dead words. Today I will let you come back."

"Foreign devil, there is a way to single out with your grandfather to see if your grandfather doesn't pump you to death."

"Foreign devil, here are all my masters in China, my masters in China are like clouds, but you came here to die, do you really think we dare not kill you?"


Bain's words seemed to stab the horse honeycomb, so that all the people present were bombed, although everyone said that they have their own purpose, and even some conspiracy.

However, when encountering this foreign enemy, the people present were surprisingly unanimous to the outside, and the civil war was a civil war, but when outsiders dared to come, they must be unanimously outward.

This is Huaxia. Bain also noticed the anger of those present and smiled coldly. He didn't seem to take those present to his heart, but said indifferently: "In your Huaxia words, you are all black people. Today, if you are Just drop us, if not, you all have to go

See God. "

"Don't make a fuss, let the old man meet you."

Kong Wen didn't hold back, his body jumped up, and then landed steadily in front of Bain. Kong Wen stared at Kong Wen solemnly, dare not have the slightest intention.

Exterminating Shini, even he can hardly get the old nun in one move, and this foreign devil turned the Extinct Shini like this in one stroke, how can he not hesitate.

Although it seems that you are not afraid of Bain, you should be careful.

"Boss, would you like to come together and destroy them directly, and take these people back for our study?" A weird man came forward to propose.

"Do not."

Bain shook his head and said lightly: "It is said that the Huaxia warrior is extremely powerful. I want to see how powerful the Huaxia warrior is. Is it as rumored that he can wear a golden crack."

"Yes, leader." The weird man stopped speaking, but stood back, staring at Bain with a serious look, as if he wanted to see Baine's battle with these people.

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