The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1783: Unanimous


At the next moment, Xia Ming scolded him quickly, and immediately moved into shape, and immediately came to this weird person. Xia Ming didn't hesitate, Long Xiao in his hand turned into a machine for harvesting human heads, and fiercely toward this weird person Reaped the past.


The face of this weird man changed greatly, and he hurriedly blocked the sword with his arm. On this weird man's arm, there was an iron ring, which was made of special materials. To some extent, this is also theirs. arms.


Just for a moment, the iron ring was cut by Xia Ming's sword, and then the weird person's arm was severely cut off, and the sword continued unabated, and he was severely severed towards the weird person's head again. past.

"not good……"

The weird person's face changed so much that it was impossible to avoid it.

"Hmm ..."

A blood column shot out, and the weird person did not have time to send out even a scream, but his head was cut off with a sword, and the dead can't die anymore.

Although these weird people are powerful, their heads will die and they will die. Even if they are tenacious, their heads will not be gone, and they can be resurrected.


Xia Ming sighed and killed the past in the crowd. He thought it would be easier if he could solve it with a pistol, but he still underestimated the speed of these weird people. At present, he can only solve it by force. .

Xia Ming entered among these weird people, and Long Xiao in his hand seemed to turn into a harvesting weapon. For these weird people, he harvested, and at the same time, this harvest also had extinct gods.

In the hands of the two, they are all magic weapons. One sword can cut the iron rings on the arms of these weird people, causing serious damage to these weird people.

Therefore, the prestige of the two is overwhelming. As for other people, they are not so lucky. Although their weapons are also extremely sharp, the iron rings of weird people can block these swords, so that they cannot cause any damage to the weird people. Therefore, When these people are fighting weird people, they are

Looks a little weak.

As for Bain, he fought with Yang Feikong, Kong Wen, King Xiaoyao, and King Shura. The battle was fierce, and it was difficult for anyone to intervene.


Xia Ming beheaded and killed a weird man. At this time, Bain also seemed to notice the power of Xia Ming and the extinct goddess, and immediately said, "Everyone, first kill the sword-holder. Woman holding a sword. "

With Bain's voice falling, everyone immediately looked at this Xia Ming. These weird people now have as many as thirty people, and they are all powerful masters, and they are staring at them, even Xia Ming It's all scalp.

"This is trouble."

Xia Ming's face sank. Even so many people, I'm afraid he couldn't get any benefit. What should I do now?

For a time, Xia Ming's face was extremely ugly.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming's eyes flickered.

"Ling Xuzi."

With Xia Ming leaping up, and then came to this air, followed by a few flashes, is running towards the distant open space, this sudden situation, so that all the weird people present changed their looks, He immediately yelled, "Chasing."

Weird people's figure and footwork are not as exquisite as Xia Ming's, they can only rush towards Xia Ming quickly, but their speed is not slow.


Xia Ming's speed was very fast. Almost between several breaths, he came to the open space not far away. At this time, Xia Ming looked sharply at the people present, his expression moved slightly.

"You guys really **** it," Xia Ming yelled in proficient English: "I will send you all to the West today."

"Kill him, kill this kid."

Immediately, all these weird people killed Xia Ming. As for the people present, they all looked at Xia Ming, and their expressions sank, and they immediately yelled, "We are all here to help."

"Don't come over."

Immediately afterwards, Xia Ming's voice came and Li Li shouted, "They and I can solve it and kill the leader together."

Xia Ming's words made all the people present look changed. I couldn't help but look at Xia Ming. For a time, I was a little angry about Xia Ming's words.

"Remember not to come over."

Xia Ming's voice came again. Although I didn't know what medicine Xia Ming sold in the gourd, these people did not pass. As for Qin Ze and Mu Tianping, their faces were extremely ugly, and more than 30 weird people cut Kill Xia Ming, can Xia Ming cope?

Therefore, they are all worried.

Xia Ming saw this weird man who was constantly besieging towards him, and then he moved his mind. Several missiles appeared in front of him.

Not bad!

It's a missile!

These missiles are all high-power missiles. If he hadn't checked the Qiankun ring, he might have forgotten them. These things are like they were coming from Master Ji at the time.

These missiles are powerful and will be razed to the ground within a hundred meters.

Moreover, Xia Ming still has two missiles here, and once they explode, it will inevitably shake the world.

The next moment, Xia Ming took out a pistol in his hand. At this moment, the weird man rushing around saw the thing that Xia Ming suddenly made, which made all the people present surprised.

"What is this and how can it suddenly appear."

When they looked closely, Xia Ming's deeds jumped up, and he also had a pistol in his hand. This pistol was his infinite bullet pistol.

"No, it's a missile. Hurry up."

After all, these weird people are not ordinary people. After seeing missiles of this size, even their looks changed dramatically.


Immediately rushing towards the distance, after all, they are not gods, missiles, or they can let them die, so they ran to the distance without any hesitation.

However, Xia Ming, who had been prepared for a long time, couldn't just let these people go. In the case of those people who had just found out, he had already fired.

"Hmm ..."

With this shot, the next shot, this shot hit the two bombs fiercely, all the weird people at this moment are all dead spirits, so they have the power to suckle milk. Lightning ran out.


But before they escaped a few meters away, a terrifying explosion sounded. This explosion attracted people between the heavens and the earth. Countless people couldn't help but backed up by dozens of meters and watched one after another. Such a big blast in the distance.

"Bomb ..." For a moment, Bain, who fought with Yang Feikong and others in the distance, noticed something. When he saw the earth-shattering explosion, Bain's face sank, and he was furious. .

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