The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1784: Strong of Bain

"Hmm ..."

Then, he saw countless figures floating from the sky, and then, he fell on the ground fiercely. Bain was shocked to see the scene in front of him.

"You guys, **** it ..." His people fell to the ground, but none of them was intact. Some of them were directly blasted into pieces, and some were blown up. Only a few people were killed Their arms were blown up. Despite this, their injuries were still mild. If they were not treated in time,

Will die the same.

"Xia brother ..."

Seeing this scene, Qin Ze shouted loudly in his throat.

This level of explosion, not to mention them, I am afraid that the ground-level strong is coming, will be bombed into dregs by such missiles, such a bomb is really powerful.

However, what they couldn't figure out at this moment was, why is there an explosion here? What the **** happened? And where did such a level bomb come from? This is too incredible, right?


Immediately after, Xia Ming's figure appeared from a short distance. After Xia Ming's figure appeared, Qin Ze and others were very happy.

"Xia brother, are you okay?"

Xia Mingling jumped up in emptiness, and several breaths came to Qin Ze, saying, "I haven't been there for a while."

"This explosion? How did it happen ..." Mu Tianping couldn't help asking.

"Because I dropped some bombs there ahead of time, otherwise it would happen." Xia Ming said casually.

"You brought a bomb in?" Qin Ze asked curiously, "why didn't I see it?"

"I brought them in with someone else." Xia Ming said casually.

Xia Ming naturally cannot say that the bomb is in his Qiankun ring. If it is found, it will be a big trouble for him.

Xia Ming looked at Bain not far away. When Bain was furious, Yang Feikong and others were injured, and Yang Feikong and others were struggling to support them.

Bain is not a master of vitality at all, although there is not much restriction in it, because his power comes entirely from his own body.

Therefore, it is not subject to the kind of suppression in it.

"Together with this old hair." Xia Ming whispered.

"Okay! Solve this old hair together."

The words fell, and several figures were gathered together and rushed towards this Bain. Bain saw that suddenly there were so many people, and Baine changed his look.

"Looking for death ..." Bain was also furious. According to the plan, these people could completely kill or bring back the people here, and never expected that the dozens of people he brought would all be destroyed. A kid was beheaded, which made them not angry. Xia Ming alone destroyed their machine.

Yes, it will have a huge impact on the implementation of their plans.

After all, if you want to catch these masters, it will not be easy.

Under the siege of everyone, even Bain could not resist the attack of so many masters. The strength of these masters was too strong. Gradually, some wounds appeared on Bain's body.

"Hmm ..."

Suddenly, Kong Wen slaps on Bain's body with one palm, and Bain is instantly slaped by this palm.


Bain's body fell on the ground fiercely, and the ground was smashed into a big pit. Bain looked at the scene with a blue face, his eyes were fierce, with a strong sense of murder.

He never expected that he would be in deep siege, but this time he was in big trouble.

"I'm going to quit." Bain shouted the next moment, but Baine found out that he didn't leave here at all, which made Bain's heart suddenly sink, because he saw some people see this sentence After that, they disappeared instantly, but after he shouted this sentence, they were still here.

This means that these people are not affected by that power at all.

"Kill this guy, you must not let this guy out of Huaxia."


The people present immediately rushed to kill the past again. In this scene, Bain was frightened. Although he was powerful, he faced so many people, even he was powerless.

"Who dares to come here."

The next moment, Bain took off all his clothes in an instant, and a string of bombs appeared around Bain's waist. Such bombs changed the look of all the people present.

"It's a bomb."


All the people present jumped out 50 meters away. After all, they were all bombs, and they were only flesh and blood. They naturally dared not use the flesh to resist these bombs unless they were crazy.

"Hmm ..."

But at this moment, suddenly there was a sound resounding instantly, and Bain apparently noticed the muffled sound, but it was only a moment that he judged it as the sound of a pistol.

Therefore, his body moved reflexively.


The next moment, a sound suddenly sounded beside him, and then, the explosion rang loudly, and then he saw that Bain's face suddenly changed.

"not good……"

Just thinking about it, the bomb on Bain also exploded.

"Boom ..." With a cloud of mushrooms rising, Bain was instantly swallowed by this horrible explosion. The sudden situation made everyone present look pale, and immediately, the people present looked at it. To Xia Ming.

Xia Ming also seemed to perceive the eyes of the people around him, spreading his hands, and everyone was puzzled.

"Where did this shot come from?"

Although doubtful, everyone was more happy, because Bain was finally resolved, and at the same time, many people were frightened by these old hairs. These people were so terrible.

The explosion quickly passed. When the dust fell, a figure slowly appeared in the dust, and the appearance of this figure made all the people in the complexion look greatly changed.

"Dead ... you all have to die ..."

In the meantime, Bain's body was burned into black charcoal, and even this eye was blinded, and Bain's body was blown up with some flesh and blood. Such a scene made the people present. After seeing it, they were all shocked.

"What the **** is this guy? Why isn't this dead?"

"How is it possible? Even this explosion, even me, will be broken up. This guy is still alive, isn't it human?"

"Fuck, what kind of monster are these?"

For a time, all the people present were shocked to watch the scene in front of them, all shocked by the stubborn vitality of this old hair. It ’s terrible. The bombs ca n’t be killed. Is this still human?

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