"how to cooperate?"

Yang Fei moved heartily and suddenly looked at Liu Tianxuan. In Liu Tianxuan's eyes, there was some chill, and he said indifferently: "It's only a few months, this child's strength has improved so much. If this child is allowed to grow, then, after the prefecture level, I am afraid that no one can do anything more, let alone , This son is still in this Budo mountain, if soaked in Wu

Daochi, which has the foundation of the heavens, will be more difficult to deal with. "

"With the talent of this son, within ten years, it may not be impossible to sprint the heavenly class. Once sprinted by this son to the heavenly class, it will be the day of our three families to destroy."


As soon as this statement came out, Yang Feikong was also cold and surging, whispering: "This statement is true."

"If you can't kill this person, it will be a nightmare for me and my Kong family," Kong Wen Shen said.

"Kong Wen, don't forget, that day you besieged this boy, you are also there." Yang Feikong sneered: "After you think that this boy's strength has grown, will he let go of your Confucian family? When will your Confucian family and us also Not much to check. "


Kong Wen's eyes were also slowly gloomy at this moment, and deep in his eyes, anger was flowing. He understood that in the past, he besieged Xia Ming, and also had a copy of his Confucian family. If Xia Ming grew up, I'm afraid he would really find him Revenge at home, who can resist Xia Ming at that time?

"Then what do you want to do?" Kong Wen said, suppressing his inner anger.

"By that time, no matter who they are, they will be kicked out of the Wudao Mountain. However, here will be the doorway where they came out. You and me are here to guard here today. People beheaded. "

With this statement, all the people present were shocked. Neither Yang Feikong nor Kong Wen shy away from the presence. It can be said that all the people present were clearly heard.

"Slay Xia Ming together?"

"Who the **** is this? Let the three prefecture-level masters kill him together?"

"What happened in this Budo mountain?"

"Three terrestrial-level masters beheaded and killed a person. How terrible is this person's strength? Is it impossible for him to be a sky-level master?"

"Is it him?"

Then suddenly someone could not help but exclaim.

"who is it?"

"I see, I know?" Someone couldn't help but whispered, "It's Xia Ming, it's Xia Ming."

"Xia Ming?"

This caused all the people present to be active, and immediately asked: "Who is Xia Ming?" "In this Budo Mountain, a group of foreigners suddenly appeared. This group of foreigners was powerful and beheaded our warriors in China. Countless, however, at that time, Yang Feikong, Kong Wen, and even the four dharma kings of the Demon, Xiaoyao and Shura, and Bain, you guess the result

how about it? "

"how about it?"

"The four masters have been defeated by Bain, and the four masters are not Bain's opponents."


As soon as these news came out, the people present were filled with horror and incredible. These four people were all masters of the masters, especially the four great kings of the demon, and the pillars of the demon. Masters are no longer what they can imagine.

"What kind of master Bain is, even the four big families are not opponents."

"Not only that." Someone couldn't help but say at this time.

"Oh, what's going on?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"After Yang Feikong waited for someone to leave, a man named Xia Ming shot."

"and then?"

"Xia Ming, with his own strength, actually beheaded and killed this person, which directly caused a sensation on the scene. At that time, even King Xiaoyao and Shura threw olive branches at this person, but he rejected it."



It was just a moment of effort, and the name swept across Tiandao at an extremely horrifying speed.

"This guy is really perverted ..." After everyone heard the news, the only thought in their hearts was that they really didn't understand why Xia Ming could not help the four masters with his own strength. Bain was beheaded? You must know that in the Budo Mountain, all masters at the level will be suppressed in this mystery.

The level is complete, not even the four masters are opponents of this person, why would he Xia Ming be this Bain's opponent.

To them this is simply impossible. Some sensitive people instantly looked at the three Yang Feikong. They instantly smelled something. Xia Ming used his power to kill Bain. It stands to reason that Yang Feikong did not need to kill Xia Ming. So now the three prefecture masters United, but to kill Xia Ming, there must be

What happened.

However, many people know that when Xia Ming comes out, I am afraid there will be a more terrifying storm condensing.

However, the originator of the incident is still in this Budo mountain.

Mount Budo!

Everyone's attention!

Xia Ming stood there silently, motionless.

Countless people all cast a horrified look on Xia Ming, obviously all being deterred by Xia Ming.

With the unusual calmness of the entire scene, everyone's eyes shifted again. Then, the Budoshan suddenly shook. This sudden situation made all the people present were shocked. Then they saw that the sky seemed to It all happened strangely.

"Mount Budo is shaking, and Budo pond is about to appear."

Perceived this scene, the entire Wudao Mountain was agitated, countless eyes, and instantly red-hot.

Under the eyes of countless eager anticipation, everyone saw that in the not-so-distant Budo Mountain, a powerful and suffocating energy wave was slowly emitted, and under that kind of shaking, One of the mountains suddenly shook violently.

They saw that there was a golden bowl looming on the top of the mountain, but they soon discovered that there was a faint rune on the golden bowl, but with the shaking of the Budo Mountain, Runes also gradually faded from the beginning of clarity.

"That's ... the seal of Mount Budo?"

"Is this seal going to disappear?"

The sound of surprise spread out, and all the people in Wudao Mountain cheered. They looked excitedly at this Wudao Mountain. Because they lacked Yang Feikong and his party, they will get more opportunities.

"Is Budoike coming out?"

Xia Ming changed his mind and suddenly looked at this martial arts pool. The appearance of martial arts pool made him a little bit emotional. This time, he can build a foundation and build a heavenly foundation.

At that time, he also wants to see what is on the other side of the world. Especially when Bai Bingqing entered another world, even he was very excited.

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