The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1788: Martial arts pond (1)

"Oh!" Suddenly, the golden bowl seemed to explode, and it exploded, turning into a huge energy that shook all directions. Under the countless horrified eyes, Wudaoshan opened at an amazing speed. , And so on, it ’s really shocking, countless people are watching with shock

The scene before me.

"Budao Mountain ... It even cracked ..."

"How is it possible ... how did Budo Shan split from the middle? Incredible."


At this moment, all the people present were shocked and looked at the scene in front of them. They were directly deterred by this scene. The Wudao Mountain was split from the middle. How could this be possible, even if the atomic bomb came, it may not be possible. Can you blast this Budo mountain from the middle?

But ... this Budo mountain was actually separated from each other stiffly. What happened?


Suddenly, there are ten golden lights falling from the sky, slowly appearing not far from Xia Ming and others. Under these countless eyes, these ten golden lights slowly condensed into a futon, and the futon landed quietly. Motionless, but Jin Guang still shrouded this is a futon.

"This is ... Budo futon?"

Seeing such situations, everyone present was shocked and excited.

"Budo futon?"

"Yes, it's the martial arts futon." "Did you see the cracked mountain? There is the legendary martial arts pond and the place where the heaven-level foundation is shaped. However, these ten martial arts futons are You can bring people there to cultivate, but ... each of these futons can only carry one person in the past, also

That is to say, only ten people in our crowd have the opportunity to enter this Budo mountain. "

"Budo futon!"

When Wang Xiaoyao and others saw this, their looks changed. Haha laughed and said, "I and the two occupy a futon, and I hope you will give me face."

The words fell, and Wang Xiaoyao's figure leapt steadily on a futon. Xiaoyao Wangpan sat there with calm eyes, but deep in his eyes was an unbelievable surprise.


Immediately afterwards, King Shura also moved in shape and came to this futon to occupy a place. However, none of the people present dared to say anything.

If they are not impatient, then they will never dare to find the shamefulness of King Xiaoyao and Shura. These two are the four dharma kings of demonism. Their strength is arrogant. Today they found the shamefulness of the two. Revenge is definitely not something they can resist.

Therefore, everyone can only watch as the two occupy a place.

"I also want to occupy a place, and I hope that all my colleagues can give me face."

The voice had just fallen, and the next moment, Mu Tianping couldn't bear it. He just ran straight towards the futon, and then fell steadily on it.

Mu Tianping fell on top of this, and no one dared to say a word, because Mu Tianping is also a master of the prefecture level, they can't provoke it.

"Haha ... then we will be disrespectful." With the sound of several sounds, there were three figures occupying this place immediately. The strength of these three figures was not simple, and they were all prefecture-level masters. At least they are all masters in the middle of the prefecture level. Even masters of this level can hardly take it down.

Not to mention the extinction of Shinny was injured.

Today, the futon has been occupied by six people, that is to say, so far, there are only four futons in the whole. These four futons make everyone present look like a meal.

"The poor Nepali took two disciples and occupied three places. I also hope that all of you will give me face."

After that, the extinct Shini was swept away, but before the Extinct Shini fell on the futon, there was suddenly a swordman blocking the way of the Extinct Shini.


The old face of Extinction Shini changed, and he hurriedly retreated. Extinction Shinen suddenly looked at this figure, with a gloomy look, and sternly said, "Xia Ming, what do you want to do?"

Xia Ming heard the words, but looked at the person indifferently, and said coldly: "You have four in total, but you have to occupy three places, and exterminate the god, you really have a big appetite."

"Boy, you're going to stop me?" Extinct shouted harshly.

"Stop you?"

Xia Ming heard the words, smiled indifferently, and said coldly, "Do you deserve it?"

Xia Ming turned to Qin Ze and said calmly, "Qin Ze, you have to occupy a futon."

"Xia brother ... me."

Qin Ze was also surprised, followed by some excitement: "Xia brother I ..."

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry." Xia Ming waved his hand and said.

"Okay, brother, thank you."

Qin Ze expressed a grateful heart. For Xia Ming, he was extremely grateful. He knew that Xia Ming was taking care of him, which moved him very much.

If this happens, many people will only do it for themselves, such as this animal husbandry balance.

Who cares about the lives of others, this is strength.


Qin Ze's soles slumped to the ground, and immediately fell on the futon. As Qin Ze took his seat, all the people present at this moment were staring closely at the three futons, all of which were heart-beating.

When Xia Ming saw this, he nodded slightly, then his figure jumped up, and he fell towards the futon. Xia Ming's faint voice spread out, and he said coldly, "I hope my brother and I will not be disturbed. Otherwise, don't blame Xia someone for being polite. "

There was a little deterrence in the faint voice!

Yes, Xia Ming was deterring the people present. The people who were present just now had a deep fear and fear of Xia Ming. They naturally did not dare to find Xia Ming's obscurity, but Qin Ze, a person with only Xuan level, fell on this futon, and it will inevitably be despised, and there may still be some people who are not afraid of death to steal this seat. This is the foundation of the heavens. Who doesn't like it? Their purpose here

For what? Not for the foundation of this class?

"Hua Sang, you have to occupy a place too." Extinct Shen Ni has a somber face, as ugly as there is ugly, whispered.

"Master ... you!"

"Let you go, you go!" Said extinct Godney.

"Yes, Master!"

The words fell, and Qu Huashang's figure steadily fell on the ninth futon. Now, under the eyes of these people, there is only this last futon. For a time, all the people present were Excited.

Only this last futon is left ...

For a moment, there was a fiery color in the eyes of the audience. At this moment, the extinct goddess suddenly said indifferently: "You guys, this last habit is occupied by the futon poor, and I hope you can give face ..."

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