The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1917: Swallowed

Xia Ming's dragon head and others were swallowed in the belly of the snake, which made countless people confused, all of them could not help yelling, but it was only a swearing. If they were to fight with the eight Qi snakes, they would But it is absolutely dare not.

"Send someone over and think about killing this big snake."

At this time, Huaxia also had to react, after all, such a big guy is too dangerous here, and it must not let such a big guy threaten Huaxia.


Immediately, many people were preparing to leave.

However, at this moment Xia Ming and others who entered this snake belly!

Xia Ming and others walked along the belly of the snake, but in the process, they experienced some disgusting mucus. When these mucus were attached to some of the masters of the sky, the masters of the sky changed their looks. They He was horrified to find that his flesh and blood was actually corroding.

Although this process is not very fast, if they continue to wait, within an hour, they will be corroded and cleaned up.


Xia Ming was standing firmly in the belly of the snake. The thick liquid and the stench were disgusting.

"Not good ... trouble this time."

The dragon head that entered the belly of the snake also changed his face slightly, Shen said: "You must go out quickly. If you don't go out, we will be turned into a dead bone in an hour."

Xia Ming's face also became a little gloomy, condensing: "We must find his seven-inch place, as long as he pierces his seven-inch place, we may still have a chance to survive."

"However, this large snake is more than thirty meters long. There are so many mucus on the way, especially the place where the snake gall is extremely poisonous. I am afraid that he has already been poisoned before he has come to this place. "The dragon head couldn't help it.

"It's really a trouble."

Xia Ming was also frowning. For a time, even Xia Ming was also intractable. I never expected that he would encounter such a powerful monster, and the strength of this monster was really great.

"Hmm ..."

At the next moment, Long Xiao in Xia Ming's hand stabbed into the belly of the snake severely, and suddenly the Pai-chi snake roared, and then quickly shook his body. At this moment, Xia Ming and others were all It shook fiercely, and the body was contaminated with this thick liquid.

"not good……"

The leader hurriedly said, "Don't stimulate him for the time being. If he continues like this, we will soon become a pile of bones."

Xia Ming was slightly shaken. He stabbed out from the inside of the snake's belly, but he couldn't pierce the Hachi snake, which was really a monster and really terrible.

"Can't you continue? If you continue, wouldn't it become a pile of bones?" Xia Ming frowned, and for a time, even Xia Ming had no good way.

He thought that with the sharpness of his own dragon Xiao, he could break from the inside. It seems that things are not as simple as imagined.

"Faucet, you lean back, I'll try it."

After talking about Xia Ming's eyes also became sharp, Xia Ming took a deep breath, and then suddenly a icy breath appeared on him.

This breath condenses, even the faucet looks dignified.

"Is that the sword art just again?"

The dragon head carefully looked at Xia Ming, the sword technique used by Xia Ming. The dragon head had seen it naturally and knew the power of this sword technique.

If used with the strength of the sky, this sword technique is probably even more terrible.


Xia Ming's voice had just fallen, and the next moment, centered on him, suddenly there was a terrible icy air rippling, this horrible power rippling, making the dragon head look dignified.

Frozen ice quickly frozen the visceral surface of the eight-kid snake, and the cold air made people shiver.


Outside of this, the Eight Snake Snake roared suddenly, the big snake head turned around, and the tail was raging, it seemed to have suffered a lot of pain.

"court death……"

The eyes of the eight snakes were filled with violent violence, and they ate these people themselves. These people were still so dishonest that they were just trying to die.

The Hachichi snake fell fiercely on the ground next to him, so it seemed that he wanted to smash Xia Ming in his stomach.

"Hmm ..."

The muffled sound rang out, leaving a deep mark on the ground!

However, the change of the Yaki serpent was to make both Han Yuhuahuayun look dignified.

"What happened to the Great God of Qi? How could he make such a self-harmful scene?" Yu Shenghua Yun frowned and couldn't help asking.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with my stomach." Summer Cherry also said a bit ugly.

"Is something wrong with my belly?"

Yu Shenghua's face suddenly changed: "Is it Xia Ming them?"

"It must be them."

"how is this possible……"

Yu Shenghua Yun couldn't help but said, "There is no oxygen in the belly of the snake. They insist on it for at least three minutes, and they will be strangled alive because of lack of oxygen ... How could they still have the ability to blame in the stomach of Yagi."

"Who knows this."

Summer cherry blossoms are also extremely curious, and he can live in the belly of the snake, even he can't believe it, but if there is no stranger in the belly of the snake, how could these eight snakes be so painful.

"No, I can't continue this way." Yu Shenghua Yun couldn't help but said: "The two of us quickly solve the masters around this."

"it is good!"

As soon as they were in shape, they rushed towards the people around them. For a time, the killing was so high that many masters died in the hands of the two.

After all, the two of them are sky-level masters. Among this crowd, the people who can fight with them are very few. Even if there are sky-level masters, they have just been injured under the hands of the eight-dimensional snake. So it is not their opponent.

The two of them were slaughtered, and they were neat and clean, and no one was their opponent.

"Kill, kill these little devils and avenge us Chinese people."

At this moment, the people of the major factions are also red-eyed. These people's indiscriminate killing of innocent people in the Huaxia region is also extremely irritating.

Immediately desperately rushed towards these people and killed the past, but at this moment, the eight-dimensional snake descended from the sky, and patted the crowd fiercely.


With a loud noise, many masters immediately died, and the powerful power of the Yaki serpent was not able to resist by the people present, but the body of the Yaki serpent seemed to have endured great pain. .

That kind of pain was unbearable even for the big snakes. "I want your life ..."

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