The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1918: Snake Gall

The mouthful of Baqi Dashekou spit out the words, and immediately headed for the sea, the next moment, the big mouth snake opened its mouth, and it was the mouthful that swallowed the sea.

It seems that he wants to drown Xia Ming them.


In the belly of the snake, Xia Ming noticed the continuous water, and his face changed slightly immediately: "No, this big Qi snake wants to drown us."

Xia Ming's face was also dark, and he immediately said: "Dragon head, I went to find the snake gall of this snake. I dug his courage, and I don't believe he can continue to mess."

"Xia Ming, you can't." The leader immediately said: "The Baqi serpent is so powerful that I am about to give birth to Yaodan. His snake guts are extremely poisonous, and he will be killed on the spot if he is not careful."

"I can't take care of that much anymore." Xia Ming hurriedly said, "If we don't hurry, we will either be drowned or strangled. There is not much oxygen here."

"I will go with you."

"I'll go by myself. Take care of the people here."

After speaking, Xia Ming looked cold, and then scolded coldly.

"Ling Xuzi."

The next moment, Xia Ming's figure jumped up. On the way, Xia Ming avoided the continuous water, for fear of being touched by this water, and Xia Ming came to a certain distance and stopped instantly. Came down.

At this moment, Long Xiao in the hands of Xia Ming penetrated fiercely into the flesh and blood of the eight snakes. The eight snakes yelled in pain and kept rolling, while Xia Ming grabbed it hard. With Long Xiao, prevent yourself from falling down.

"That's right there."

Xia Ming has a pair of see-through eyes, and naturally he can see clearly, but soon Xia Ming's complexion changes slightly.

Although he found the location of the snake gall, but ... there are thick scales around the snake gall, which are difficult to pierce even by his dragon Xiao. He wants to dig the snake gall. It's too difficult to come out. In addition, the snake gall is dark and black, with a stinky smell that is disgusting. The smell also has a strong pungent smell. Obviously, the snake gall has a highly toxic substance around it. Be careful, you will be instantly poisoned, even if it is a master of the sky

Law bears.

"It's so tight." Xia Ming's face also became a little ugly. It was really too poisonous all around. He rushed in, and he would only be poisoned. Even if a lot of toxins have no way for them, they can't stop them. Such a toxin, after all, the Qi snake has entered the ranks of monsters, and even will soon be repaired

Refining your own monster.

"You have to think of a way."

Xia Ming stared at the snake courageously, thinking for a while, but did not think of any way, which made Xia Ming a little anxious for a while.

"Is there no way?"

Xia Ming stared at the snake gall, biting his teeth, and a sword stabbed severely towards the snake gall, but when Xia Ming's sword stabbed on the scales, there was a bang and a harsh sound Toru, while Xia Ming's body fluttered, Long Xiao pierced the snake body again.

"so hard."

Xia Ming's look changed slightly. The scales were too hard. It never occurred to him that even Xiaoxiao, who had cut his iron like mud, could not pierce. What kind of strength was this guy in the end.

"No, there is less and less oxygen here, so if you go on, you'll be finished sooner or later." Xia Ming's face was not very good-looking. At this moment, he was even a little hastily breathing.

"Yes, why did you forget that guy?"

Xia Ming's eyes lighted up, and he immediately took out a pistol. This pistol was the pistol with infinite bullets. Xia Ming didn't hesitate to fire a shot.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The deafening sound was loud. Outside, the Eight Snakes were also in pain. They kept rolling over the sea, seeming to endure great pain.

At this moment, even the Baqi serpent was slightly regretted, I knew it already, why should I swallow these guys.

But now it is difficult to spit it out.

"Abominable, I will refine you today."

Thinking of this, the Baqi serpent instantly sank his body into the deep sea, and then activated his vitality, madly suppressing the past towards Xia Ming.

However, Xia Ming shot a dozen shots in this body, and eventually did not break the scales, which made Xia Ming's face again difficult to look.

"Damn, I can only try him."

Xia Ming looked at the scene in front of her, and now it is time for life and death. Every minute is very precious. Xia Ming gritted her teeth and immediately communicated the Qiankun ring.

The next night, Xia Ming saw a pig who was sleeping and sleeping on the mountain at this moment. The pig also turned over and snored, looking uncomfortable.

"Throw him out."

Although Xia Ming didn't know the origin of this pig, Xia Ming knew that this pig was very powerful. Last time, even the bat dragon could clean it up. It can be seen that this pig has an extraordinary origin.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming changed his mind and threw the pig out instantly.

"Thrown out ..."

Xia Ming was ecstatic for a while. Before communicating the Qiankun ring, he was unable to drive the pig out at all. However, he did not expect that this pig was thrown out by himself.

The next moment, Xia Ming kicked the pig fiercely, but the pig flew fiercely towards the scales as fast as lightning.

Almost in a blink, I came to this scale.

"Hmm ..."

The next moment, the pig slammed into the scale fiercely, and under Xia Ming's eyes, the scale broke suddenly.


Xia Ming looked at this scene in shock, unbelievable.

His own dragon Xiao was extremely sharp. I didn't expect that in the end, it was not as sharp as a pig. This made Xia Ming a little stupid. Is your mother ... still a pig?

"Who, who dares to hit Uncle Ben."

At this moment, the pig woke up instantly, and suddenly became furious. The pig's eyes seemed to spit out fire.


The next moment, the pig was frightened, and said angrily, "The little demon from where you dare to swallow Uncle Ben into your stomach. Only Uncle Ben swallowed other people's part, never seen it Uncle Ben swallowed up, and uncle Ben sees you as tired and alive. "

Suddenly the pig uttered words, which scared Xia Ming.

"Fuck, there was another talking pig ..." Xia Ming's face turned black, and it was as ugly as it was ugly. He felt that it was purely nonsense after the founding of the PRC. Today she saw Two talking animals ...

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