The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1919: The Death of Hachi

Xia Ming looked at this scene nervously. Xia Ming didn't know if the pig would help, but this pig ate and drank his own food and gave him all the good things. If he didn't help, then It's a big loss.

"Well, who am I? It turned out to be a little snake, and the little snake dared to arrogantly in front of this seat. Today, this seat swallowed your courage."

When the voice dropped, the pig suddenly extended his right paw and grabbed the snake violently. Xia Ming saw it, his face changed, and the next time he caught the snake violently, the pig Speak: "Give me out."

The next moment, the pig gave a loud drink, and the energy in his body skyrocketed, and then a black snake courage was caught by the pig stiffly.


Outside of this, the eight-year-old snake suddenly burst into tears, a painful sigh of grief, and the next time, the entire snake **** seemed to have no strength and became breathless.

"Impossible, impossible ..."

The big snake is full of unbelievable: "My scales, my scales can't be broken even by masters like me, how can it be broken, how can it be ..."

The next moment, the eight-eyed snake slowly closed his eyes, and it looked like he was out of breath.

However, at this time, the pig in the body of the Baqi snake looked at the snake gall in his hand, and said a little bit disgustedly: "It's just a little bit of repair, and so much impurities, it's really disgusting and I'll give it to you. "

The next moment, the snake gall flew towards Xia Ming quickly, and then Xia Ming caught the snake gall like a reflection, and then the pig disappeared instantly. The next moment he entered Xia Ming's Qiankun ring.

At the same time, the voice of the pig came to Xia Ming's mind.

"Boy, calling me in other worlds, Uncle Ben will continue to fall asleep to recover himself."

Along with the sound of this voice, Xia Ming was also relieved. Xia Ming looked at the snake bile in his hand and thought of the sentence just said by the pig.

"What the **** are you?"

Xia Ming muttered to himself, but no one was able to answer his words. Perhaps when he stepped into other worlds, he would know the identity of the pig. Thinking of this, Xia Ming no longer hesitated. Immediately, he moved toward the dragon's head, and when Xia Ming saw the dragon, he saw that the dragon was already a little hazy, and the vitality of the dragon's body It ’s also disappearing. Obviously, the faucet has reached its limit.


Not only do you have to fight the venom around you, you also have to make your breathing smooth. For the masters of the sky, it takes a lot of energy.

"Dragon head, dragon head ..." Xia Ming yelled twice, but the dragon head showed no sign of waking up, Xia Ming didn't hesitate, and directly put the dragon head into the ring of Qiankun, and then Xia Ming saw Chen Xiao again. When I came to Chen Xiao, I grabbed Chen Xiao's shoulders and jumped up. In the blink of an eye, I came to this Bakida.

In the mouth of the snake.


Xia Ming grunted coldly, Long Xiao in his hand went fiercely towards the teeth of the Baqi serpent, and clanged, but Xia Ming was surprised to find that the teeth of the Baqi serpent were so hard that Xia Ming stopped attacking Teeth, but a fierce bombardment in the flesh.


Xia Ming cut a sigh instantly, and then, Xia Ming felt the sea water rushing towards him, and Xia Ming hurriedly took Chen Xiaoyou to the sea level.

Unfortunately, a boat appeared just beside Xia Ming and Xia Ming jumped into shape and immediately came to the boat.

Xia Ming released the faucet. At this time, Chen Xiao was awake and his face changed greatly: "Master, we are ..."


When Chen Xiao saw this blue sky, it was a ecstasy.

"Well, we've come out of the belly of the snake." Xia Ming nodded slightly.

"How did we come out?" Chen Xiao asked quickly.

"That's how it came out."

Xia Ming did not explain, but put his eyes on the feather biochemical clouds and summer cherry blossoms not far away. At this moment, both of them killed many people, and on both of them, there were some Stained with blood.

"It's time to settle accounts." Xia Ming looked sharply at Summer Cherry and others, with a bit of coldness deep in his eyes, and immediately said: "Housekeeper Chen, you take the demon to everyone, and kill the two guys. , I went to destroy the others. "

"Okay, leader."

Chen Xiao was also furious. This group of guys came to the Huaxia area with the Bachi snake, and it was just death.


Chen Xiao's figure jumped up, and he came to the coast. Chen Xiao stabilized his figure, and then screamed, "The demon cultists listen to the order and immediately kill the enemy, leaving no one."

"It's Vice-Chan Chen."

"It's Vice-Chan Chen. Vice-Chan Chen is not dead. Kill ..."

The sudden appearance of Chen Xiao made all the demon devotees startled. They immediately rushed to the enemy and killed the past. The two men, Yu Shenghua Yun, looked at it, but their appearance changed dramatically. They did not expect that Chen Xiao was attacked by the Great Snake Swallowed it and ran out again, how could this be.


The next moment, another streamer came as fast as a flash of lightning. Almost in a blink of an eye, ten prefecture-level masters died.

Such weird swordsmanship, the summer cherry blossoms look also changed greatly.

"It's him……"

Summer cherry blossoms naturally know Xia Ming. During this time, they did not deal with Xia Ming.

"He was alive."

Summer cherry blossoms did not expect that Xia Ming was still alive. How is this possible? You must know that the Great God of Qi has swallowed Xia Ming ...

What he saw with his own eyes! Thinking of this, the sight of summer cherry blossoms couldn't help looking at the distant sea level, and the next moment, on this sea, summer cherry blossoms saw a red blood stain, which was floating on this sea level It looks so weird, but still floating on the sea level

A behemoth.

"Hmm ..."

The pupils of summer cherry blossoms suddenly shrink.

"The Great God of Hachi ..."


A heart of summer cherry blossoms beating suddenly, which made his whole heart tremble, watching the scene in front of him, at this moment, the eight snakes are floating on the sea level. Motionless, it seems that there is no vitality.

"How could this be ... how could this be ..."

Summer Sakura has an incredible face. He couldn't believe the fact in front of him. The Great God of Qi was actually killed. You must know that the Great God of Qi has surpassed the existence of the heavenly class ... But it is so dead ... How is this possible? ...

"Is it him?" The next moment, Summer Cherry set her eyes on Xia Ming's body. I don't know why, but the breath on Xia Ming's body shook her.

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