The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1947: The benefit of the magic soldier

"Good," the system said lightly.

Xia Ming was a little surprised. Before he got Long Xiao, he didn't say to let the blood drop, and the system produced was directly tied to him. Right now, the system was saying that he needed his first drop of blood. It really surprised him.

Xia Ming didn't hesitate. On this day, Yuan Yuan soldiers dripped a drop of blood. After Xia Ming finished dripping, a blood-line connection and a feeling of heart-to-body communication flooded all over the body.

Xia Ming was ecstatic.

"It became ..."

Then Xia Ming felt that there seemed to be endless information coming out of the Yuan soldiers in this day, and they all poured into Xia Ming's mind, and Xia Ming was directly caught on the spot and remained for a long time.

It lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and Xia Ming's eyes finally blinked. In the depth of his eyes, there was a little shivering.

"This ... this ... is this Tianyuan Shenbing?"

Xia Ming gave a shocked look at the Tianyuan Shenbing. He couldn't believe it. The Tianyuan Shenbing even weighed 100,000 kilograms, and this was not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that Tianyuan magic soldiers can evolve various blades. That is to say, as long as Xia Ming is willing, this Tianyuan magic soldier can evolve into a sword, a gun, a whip, and so on.

As long as it is a weapon shape possessed by the world, he can all evolve. This is the effect of the Tianyuan magic soldier, the true magic soldier.

Moreover, the Tianyuan magic soldier weighs 100,000 kilograms. Such a horrible power can be expected to kill the heavenly powerhouse in one blow, but ... **** 100,000 kilograms, who can get this stuff Move ...

For a while, Xia Ming was worried, and in his heart was 10,000 Cao Nima rushing past, teasing me? The monkey monkey's gold hoop is only over ten thousand catties, and his **** is actually one hundred thousand catties ... This is amusement for me.

Xia Ming had a black face, as ugly as ugly.

"System, do you have fun with me, do you make me play?" Xia Ming couldn't help but whispered: "This thing weighs 100,000 pounds, who can handle it?" I am willing to change the weight of the weapon at will. After the host grows to the peak, the weight of 100,000 pounds is not very heavy. "The system said lightly:" Only, this day, the yuan soldiers are only 100,000 pounds. Will follow

The Yuan Shenbing restored the light of the past and changed. By that time, it would be more than 100,000 catties. "


Hearing that the system said that Tianyuan's soldiers would evolve again, Xia Ming didn't have any spectrum in his heart. Xia Ming shook his head slightly and said, "I know."

Then Xia Ming's heart moved, and suddenly Yuanyuan Shenbing became smaller this day, and eventually it became a pen. This pen is not small or small, just for Xia Ming's use.

"This pen should be the original form of Tianyuan Shenbing?" Xia Ming couldn't help but glance at this pen. The sharp point of this pen is even more wonderful. As for any wonderful use, Xia Ming still has to be verified. After all, Tianyuan God There was not much information left to him in the soldiers.

Charmington paused and said, "Change ..."

With Xia Ming's intentions, Tianyuan's magic soldier instantly evolved into a stick, and on top of this stick, the golden luster and texture were also engraved, which looked extremely mysterious.

"Surely changeable?"

Xia Ming was ecstatic for a while, and couldn't help holding the sticks immediately, slamming down on the mountains below.


With a loud noise, the ground in front of him was hit with a crack. The terrible force made Xia Ming shake.

"Good weapon."

Xia Ming was ecstatic in his heart, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Change." Xia Ming changed his mind. Suddenly, the Tianyuan Shenbing changed again. It turned into a sword. This sword looks more like Long Xiao, except the sword body and the hilt. But it is surrounded by golden lines, looks strange and unusual, sharp.

"it is good……"

Xia Ming couldn't help but yell, and then a sword was swung out.

"Hmm ..."

A boulder was torn apart, Xia Ming was trembling in his heart. This sword is tens of thousands of times better than Long Xiao, but just a stroke. This boulder is torn apart. Such a magic weapon is truly unmatched.

Xia Ming was a little excited and couldn't help asking: "System, shouldn't this magical soldier be found out?"

"As long as the host is unwilling to change his mind, it is difficult for others to find the secret." The system said lightly.


Xia Ming couldn't bear it, Rao was in Xia Ming's mentality, and he couldn't put it down. Tianyuan magic soldiers looked like magic soldiers.

Xia Ming looked at the Tianyuan Divine Soldier in his hand and changed his mind into a spear and started playing.

However, Xia Ming didn't know ... He played in the Qiankun ring too much, but it was exploding outside.

"Boom ..."

Outside, in the sky, Ziqi came tens of thousands of miles to the east. It was huge and powerful, but no one knew where Ziqi came from to cover Cangcheng. Where did this Ziqi come from? Yes, such a scene, all the people between heaven and earth saw it, all horrified.

"One hundred thousand miles from the east of Ziqi ... what ... what the **** is this? Is the heavenly sacred man born?" Someone said in shock.

"One hundred thousand miles from the east of Ziqi. This thing is the best thing to cultivate. Hurry up and practice quickly."

"Yes, yes, hurry up."

"You cultivate a hair, and you are in a spiritual state, are you? As long as you cultivate, you can absorb it, and you are not afraid of being killed."

All kinds of shocks rang out, and all the people present were shaking and watching the scene in front of them, and there was a lot of discussion among them.

In this other place!

Here is a fairy mist and aura, and one of the old men suddenly opened his eyes, and made a countenance, looking horrified.

"It turned out that Ziqi came 100,000 miles east ... is it about to start?"

Thinking of this, the old man waved at his hand, and a light fell from the sky. This light also fell into a great religion, and suddenly said: "The door is heavenly, and you can go down to experience the mountain."

As soon as this statement came out, countless people in this mountain were shocked, and even countless high-rises were listening to the voice with a trembling face, and immediately humane.

"It is the ancestor. The ancestor will never be born. I did not expect him to preach the law."

"Hurry up, do what he says ..."

Not only this place, but also other places, all are so magnificent. For a time, Tianjiao was born and the world shook.

The days of Tianjiao come again.

Some villains are hidden from the world, for fear of being affected. After all, the birth of Tianjiao is not something they can provoke. Therefore, the true continent is chaotic.

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