Within the Qiankun ring!

Xia Ming was holding Tianyuan's magical soldiers, playing, as if he had an inexhaustible strength. After playing for a while, Xiaming had finished his addiction. At this moment, Tianyuan's magical soldiers had changed into a pen.

It's hard to imagine that such a magic weapon has a pen that is the deity. I don't know what kind of talent can create such a magic weapon. Xia Ming looked at the soldiers of the Yuan Dynasty for a moment, and he was anxious, and murmured, "Where should the soldiers be placed? Can't they be placed in the Qiankun ring? If they are seen by others, it will inevitably cause some trouble. , And if it is cut off from the ring with Qiankun, his own God of Heaven

The soldiers could not be removed. "

When Xia Ming was worried, Tianyuan's soldiers seemed to feel Xia Ming's consciousness, and suddenly he appeared on Xia Ming's body. If he looked closely, he would find that Xia Ming had a pen in his eyebrows, The pen appears red but looming.


Suddenly the pen disappeared.


Xia Ming was a little surprised. He couldn't help touching his eyebrows, so he moved his mind, and Tianyuan Shenbing appeared in his hands again. Xia Ming had unexplainable excitement.

"It can still be integrated into the body, yes."

Xia Ming couldn't help sighing, and was able to integrate with the body, even Xia Ming was a little excited.

In this case, he would not be afraid of being stunned.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming took back the Tianyuan Magic Pen, and at this moment, Xia Ming changed his mind and yelled, "Who is it, get out of me."

Here is his ring of heaven and earth, every move, under his control.

"Oh ..."

Just the next moment, the air was shaking, and suddenly something dropped from above, hitting the stone fiercely, Xia Ming fixed his eyes and turned out to be a white-skinned pig.

Xia Ming had a black face and stared at the pig fiercely.

"Oops ... I have fallen to my uncle." The pig mourned, covering his buttocks, and it was so painful that he could breathe air-conditioner. "It's your sneaky pig." Xia Ming couldn't help cursing: "Your uncle, what are you going to do to the Laozi Qiankun ring? What can't you get rid of it, you asshole, eat Laozi's Yuan Shi, eat the bat dragon of Lao Tzu, you ca n’t go to the sky, now that you are done, Lao Tzu immediately get out.


At this moment, Rao Yixia's temper became irritable. The pig lived by himself every day and ate his own food, and now he was almost poor.

He was so polylithic at the time, it's just a little bit like that now, and now I cry nowhere.

"You you you ..." This pig looked at Xia Ming angrily and scolded: "Uncle Ben eats you to sleep with you, that is your blessing. I do n’t know how many people want him to eat that year Uncle Ben ignored it. "

"Go to your uncle."

Xia Ming turned around and kicked in front of the pig.

"You dare to do it, Uncle Ben fights with you."

At this moment, the pig was hiding far away in an instant. Xia Ming kicked it empty. Xia Ming looked at the pig with a black face, and said angrily, "You haven't gotten out of it, believe it or not. After you said that, Xia Ming's mind moved, and Tian Yuan's soldiers appeared instantly. After the pig saw the Tian Yuan's soldiers, he stopped for a moment, and his eyes became a little confused, murmured. Murmured: "How the **** ... how can it be here ... this is impossible ... this should not be

Ah ... how could this be ... "

Xia Ming didn't understand what the pig was talking about and couldn't help but said, "Can you walk?"

If it were n’t for the pig, Xia Ming had roasted the pig in the morning, and he still has to wait until now, where he knows, this pig is like a ghost of Lai Pi. It was Xia Ming, and there was no other way.

"If I don't leave, I won't leave." The pig said dissatisfied, "It's strange here, who wants to leave here."

"Wipe ..." Xia Ming cursed, "You are comfortable, I'm not comfortable."

Xia Ming looked at the pig and said indifferently: "If you are with me, you will eat nothing but food. I do not support idle people here."

"Who says Uncle Ben is a lazy man." The pig yelled, "Uncle Ben is a **** pig in the sky. Besides, Uncle Ben is not these stupid big stupid pigs. Uncle Ben is amazing. . "

Xia Ming teased, "You're still good? I only know that pigs eat besides eating."

"You love it or not."

The pig said casually: "Uncle Ben will follow you anyway. If you let Uncle Ben leave you, you will not be able to do so. If you lose the local Yar's den, if you get Uncle Ben's den back, Uncle Ben will leave you immediately. "

"Your nest, what the hell?"

"That's the Lotus Terrace."

"Lotus Terrace? What the hell?"

Xia Ming suddenly thought of something. The Lotus Terrace seemed to be the Lotus Terrace, but the Lotus Terrace seemed to be stolen by the woman ...

I rely!

Thinking of this, Xia Ming couldn't help looking at the pig. The pig knew how something happened, and knew that his lotus stand was gone.

"The Lotus Terrace is gone," Xia Ming said casually.

"The uncle will not leave." The pig lay on the ground and began to roll, he said in a deceptive manner.

"I uncle ..."

Xia Ming couldn't help swearing. There was really no way to see this pig. I don't know why. In this ring of ring, he couldn't control the pig himself.

It is really evil.

"Okay, you're ruthless." Xia Ming took a deep breath, and then left the Qiankun ring directly. When he left the Qiankun ring, he found out that it was all dark, and Xia Ming meditated directly for one night. A pig suddenly appeared in front of Xia Ming, and Xia Ming opened his eyes and froze, and was frightened.


"I depend, what the hell."

Xia Ming slapped it in the past, and the pig easily avoided it, saying, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Xia Ming exasperated.

"I'm watching you practice." The pig said dissatisfied.

"You are sick." Xia Ming couldn't help it.

"You're sick," the pig said.

"Fucky, don't talk nonsense to you, what do you always do with me?" Xia Ming suddenly realized that his swear words were the most spoken today.

Even Xia Ming was a little depressed, this pig is so shameless, his skin is thicker than the city walls.

"Follow you," the pig couldn't help it.

"..." Even if Xia Ming was speechless for a while, he didn't know what language to use to describe it. Your uncle's pig was born to block himself.

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