The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1962: Chen Yuhan's Weird

"Well, dare to scare this girl, this girl will bake you and eat it." Chen Yuhan looked angrily at the watercraft in front of her.

This Water Warcraft is also furious, and I wish to swallow Chen Yuhan, but ... Water Warcraft is because of fear of Chen Yuhan, and did not dare to continue.

"Roar ..." Water Warcraft hesitated for a moment, still opening its mouth wide, suddenly the heaven and earth aura gathered frantically in the mouth of Water Warcraft. In this mouth of Water Warcraft, a huge light ball appeared, the light ball flowed around, carrying Destructive breath, once the light ball appeared, even the surface of his lower body was short

A bit.

Chen Yuhan looked at the watercraft, and suddenly his eyes were full of tears and tears, and he was crying angrily: "You're a big badass, brother-in-law doesn't want others, even you bully others, oh ..."

"Big bad guys, you are all big bad guys, big bad guys ..."

With the cry of Chen Yuhan, the sea suddenly raged. In the distance, the sea level suddenly rose, and the terrible force swept the whole sea. For a time, countless monsters mourned all over the wild.

A horrible scourge of destruction wandered in this world, and even Water Warcraft looked at Chen Yuhan in horror at this moment, an unspeakable dangerous breath spread all over the body.

Water Warcraft looked scared at the little girl in front of her. These water Warcrafts have now become refined, can also be transformed into a human body, and naturally possess human wisdom.

He couldn't figure out why the sea surface would look like this ... it seemed to be angry, and the power of the sea seemed to swallow him.

That sense of restraint, even Water Warcraft is extremely scared.

Who is this little girl in front of me ...

"Om ..."

The next moment, from above the sky, among the dense clouds, a figure suddenly appeared. The figure was surrounded by a pale cyan light, and the gray mist around it could not threaten her.

If you look closely, you will find that this is a woman!

It's just that ... this woman is wearing a gorgeous robe, the woman looks exceptionally beautiful, but also, there is a noble temperament on this woman's body.

That kind of nobility, as if it is the master between this world, is so unattainable.

Water Warcraft also seems to feel the advent of this person. At this moment, it becomes even more panic, and even the urge to immediately escape.

However, Water Warcraft found in horror ... his body seemed to be stationary, but he couldn't move.


Water Warcraft roared, twisted its powerful body, and the aura in its body was working to the extreme, and it wanted to release its imprisonment.


Water Warcraft's struggle is useless.

This middle-aged woman slowly landed opposite the Water Warcraft, watching the Water Warcraft quietly, and the indifferent voice spread, even the heavens and the earth were silent: "Animals ... dare to commit murder."

Water Warcraft became warm and warm at this moment, it was obvious that he did not dare to offend the middle-aged woman in front of him, for fear that the middle-aged woman would kill him.

"Woohoo ... finally meet someone."

When Chen Yuhan saw the middle-aged woman's jab, she touched the tear marks in her eyes, and when she was in shape, she came into this void, and at this time the middle-aged woman was slightly surprised.

"Auntie, auntie, can you help someone else, they are lost, and they are looking for brother-in-law."

Chen Yuhan came to the middle-aged woman with tears in her eyes. Even the middle-aged woman who was always serious can't help showing pity.

"Little girl, how did you come here?" The middle-aged woman was very puzzled. In this area, the hair is not floating, but the birds are not, and in this area, there are countless super monsters. These monsters are very powerful. , Most people do n’t dare to come to this kind of place. It never occurred to them that a little girl appeared here and was not dead yet.

It's incredible. What shocked him even more ... How could this little girl be able to walk on this sea area ... This little girl's strength is only a prefecture-level realm. Such a realm is almost everywhere ... but little Girls can walk in this sea, and they can also use water

Warcraft hurt, this is really weird.

"They don't know, they just came here somehow." Chen Yuhan tangled for a long time, and couldn't tell how he came here.

The middle-aged woman saw Chen Yuhan, but she didn't know why. At first glance, she liked and liked it a lot. Her disciples were numerous, but she never liked a little girl so much.

It felt like this little girl was closer than her own daughter.

The middle-aged woman heard the words, groaned a little, and said, "So, then you should be my apprentice, how about it?"

"Apprentice?" Chen Yuhan looked at the middle-aged woman with big eyes flickering and asked curiously: "Can I go to find my brother-in-law?"

"Of course I can," said the middle-aged woman kindly.

"Great, thank you, Master."

Chen Yuhan broke his tears and laughed. Suddenly, the gray atmosphere around them was also dispersed a lot. The huge waves that had risen up at this moment also calmed down instantly.

After the middle-aged women saw this scene, the middle-aged women's face also changed dramatically, and then, the middle-aged women became excited again ...

"This ... this is ..."

"Brush ..."

The middle-aged woman brushed her eyes toward Chen Yuhan. In her eyes, there was endless excitement. It seemed as if she was looking at a peerless treasure.

"She ... she was ... yes ... yes ..."

"Hahaha ..."

The middle-aged woman laughed suddenly, and the laughter was full of excitement. Chen Yuhan looked at the middle-aged woman in front of her, and could not help but said, "Master ... you ... you laugh so scary . "

This appearance of Chen Yuhan also instantly attracted middle-aged women. The middle-aged women hurriedly softened and looked carefully at their baby apprentice. The more they looked, the more pleasing they were.

The middle-aged woman said softly, "Little girl, what's your name?"

"The name is Chen Yuhan ..."

Chen Yuhan looked at this cheap master with some fear, she didn't know why, she felt that her master was like a neurosis.

"Okay, okay!"

The middle-aged woman nodded with satisfaction and smiled. "In the future, you will be my disciple. I will pass on all the spells on you and I. I will pass on all that I know to you." " Do n’t learn spells, they need to find your brother-in-law. ”Chen Yuhan glanced at Xiaokou and said dissatisfied.

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