The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1963: Yu Han

"Okay, okay, my little baby, go to find your brother-in-law. Master wo n’t stop you. When you learn the magic, go wherever you want, go wherever you want. Master will get it back for you. Come, as long as you are happy, everything is easy to say. "


Chen Yuhan opened his eyes and asked excitedly.

"That is, of course, Master is absolutely counting." The middle-aged woman said excitedly.

"Thank you, Master." Chen Yuhan said sweetly.

"Okay, okay ..." The middle-aged woman couldn't shut her mouth. The look towards Chen Yuhan was a kind of softness, a kind of doting. If there is a super strong person doing this again, I'm afraid they will scream in surprise Come, because they saw a big devil who did not blink, but now he is so kind

How could it be women ...

Died in the hands of this middle-aged woman, I don't know how many super-strong men, countless super-strong men saw this man, all stopped, for fear of encountering this man, will be wiped out instantly.

But this big devil, in front of this little girl, was so warm.

Really incredible.

"Yu Han, let's go," the middle-aged woman suddenly said.

"Master, they feel that this little World of Warcraft is quite fun, and they want this little World of Warcraft to play together." Chen Yuhan suddenly pointed at the side of the Water World of Warcraft.

After hearing the words of Water Warcraft, he couldn't help but hesitated and looked at Chen Yuhan in fear. He didn't know why. He felt that if he fell into Chen Yuhan's hands, he would definitely die.

"Okay!" The middle-aged woman did not refuse, but laughed: "Since my apprentice likes it, then this watercraft will be a mount for my apprentice from now on." A little light on this Water Warcraft, there is a light shrouded away, and Water Warcraft is unwilling to shoot

Beating the body, in the pupil, with an unprecedented fear.

In this area of ​​the sea, he is also the existence of a hegemon. It never occurred to him that he now wants to be used as a man's mount. How can he be proud of him.

"Om ..."

Suddenly, a prisoner appeared on the forehead of this Water Warcraft. As soon as the word of this prisoner appeared, Water Warcraft immediately lowered his proud forehead and looked extremely warm.

The middle-aged woman looked at this watercraft indifferently and said without a doubt: "From today on, you are the mount of my apprentice, and you must protect my apprentice well. If my apprentice is wounded with a hair , I ask for you. "


Water Warcraft froze, and looked at the middle-aged woman with a horror, and finally nodded gently.

"If you can grow up with my apprentice, in the future, my apprentice can help you and help you break through that level. Your chance will be on my apprentice. In the future, she will be the leader of Wan Yao, and when you will Will be her left arm and right arm, I hope you will do it yourself. "

As soon as this remark was made, the dazzling essence flashed suddenly in the eyes of Water Warcraft, and it seemed to be seeing the future. Water Warcraft nodded quickly, and said excitedly, "Thank you for your guidance."

Then Shou Wo Wu stretched out his huge forehead and headed towards Chen Yuhan. At this time, Shou Wo Wo lowered his head very low. Even so, it was so huge in front of Chen Yu Han.

Water Warcraft said respectfully: "Master."

"People are not your masters, they make them seem like big baddies." Chen Yuhan left aside his mouth, but this sentence made the water monsters horrified.

"In the future, you can call others Xiaogongju, or the little princess." Chen Yuhan thought for a while, said with a smile.

"Yes, little princess."

"Yeah, people have mounted a horse, huh, the smelly brother-in-law must haven't mounted the horse yet. You must have a brother-in-law to see what they are capable of." Chen Yuhan was excited and dancing. This middle-aged woman was very happy to see it.

"Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I can still see this kind of ancient genius, and my life is enough ..."

The middle-aged woman is indescribably pleased, proud, and murmured: "These arrogant princes have appeared. It seems that troubled times are coming. Yu Han is a breakthrough in troubled times. I also thank God for giving me such a gifted disciple. , I will teach Yu Han well. "

However, no one knows between heaven and earth. From today on, a generation of little princesses will emerge spontaneously. After many years, they will stun the heavens and sweep the universe, leaving a great name.

However, this person is the little princess.

"Tuer, let's go." The middle-aged woman gently lifted Chen Yuhan's pair of jade hands and smiled sweetly. With a smile, the world seemed to be blooming, so beautiful.

"OK." Chen Yuhan replied crisply.


The middle-aged woman nodded slightly, and the jade hand stroked, and a black hole appeared in the space. Then the middle-aged woman took Chen Yuhan's hand and disappeared between this world.

After the middle-aged woman left, she felt that the coercion had completely disappeared in the water, and then the monster couldn't help saying it.

"The master is born, our king is born, our king is born, our trend is coming ..."

Cheers, rang through the world, there seemed to be the call of this monster, they were so excited that they seemed to welcome something.


Look at Xia Ming at this moment!

Xia Ming has entered the World of Warcraft for half a day! This World of Warcraft Forest was shocked even by Xia Ming, and Xia Ming also never expected that World of Warcraft Forest was so horrible. On the way, he encountered a super powerful monster. Strength, in the face of such a super strong, even Xia Ming is avoiding

Its sharp.

But ...

The monster is powerful, and he is even chasing after him. He relied on his own ring to get rid of the monster.

"It's been a day and a half here, it's time to start practicing ..."

Xia Ming also learned more about Warcraft Forest more or less. In the depths of Warcraft Forest, this monster is more and more powerful.

The deeper the forest, the more you leave. Xia Ming doesn't know what kind of monsters there are, but Xia Ming is afraid to move on.

If he keeps going, he might even have to plant it.

Xia Ming took a deep breath and glanced at the World of Warcraft Forest for a moment. Right now, the place he came from was close to the inner wall of Warcraft Forest, between the inner wall and the outer wall.

However, this kind of place is enough for him to fight and cultivate. Thinking of this, in the depths of Xia Ming's eyes, suddenly a cold mang flashed out, and the cold mang flickered, and there was also a murderous breath on his body.

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