"Well ..." Xia Ming Gujing looked like a wave, Jiu Lao looked at him in surprise, Jiu Lao secretly thought: "What's going on with this boy? His momentum is just a weaker level than himself People are still irresistible, this kid is under his momentum, indifferent, still

It's really evil. "

"Stink boy, do you worship the teacher." Jiu Laodao, Jiu Lao was also thinking, this stinky boy must be pretending to be, um, it must be like this, obviously he can't stand it or he's stiffening.

"If you do n’t worship, you do n’t worship, and if you kill you, you do n’t worship." Xia Ming began.

"Can you still speak?"

At this moment, Jiu Lao was dumbfounded. Your grandfather, Lao Tzu is so powerful, can you even speak? Is this wrong? Is it that my momentum doesn't work? This is impossible ...

"Yes!" Xia Ming said, "Why can't I talk? I can walk, not just talk."

Xia Ming then took two steps, looked at Jiu Lao with a doubtful look, and some did not understand what Jiu Lao meant. What meant that he could not speak, and he was not dumb.

"Sink ..."

Even Jiu Lao was stunned at this time, looking at Xia Ming with an incredible look, and stunned at Xia Ming.

"You ... nothing at all?"

Now it's Jiu Lao's turn to start doubting his life. What's going on? How could there be nothing in his own momentum.

But where does Jiu Lao know that Xia Ming is pregnant with the Lord of the Three Realms and the emperor of the Jade Emperor, how can he be overwhelming.

If you are known by Jiu Lao, I do n’t know how I will feel. At this time, Jiu Lao was like a deflated balloon, and his momentum was also instantly recovered. If it was hard, he could only come soft. Jiu Lao directly said, "How about a boy worshipping me as a teacher? If you worship me for Master, in this entire Xuan Xinzong, I promise that no one dares to bully you, if anyone dares to bully

Lose you, you come to me, I help you to beat him. "

"Moreover, if you worship me as a teacher, there are still many benefits. You can practice all kinds of exercises and cheats. Even if you have a poor foundation, I can help you make up for it, how?"

In the face of the old and old Xu Xushan seduced, Xia Ming was stunned for a while, this old boy just didn't force himself, and in a blink of an eye began to intimidate and lure, your uncle.

Xia Ming is also a master of oil and salt. He always feels that this old boy must be an apprentice to himself. If it is not, the other party can accept a younger apprentice.

"Improper is improper." Xia Ming shook his head.

"I ... you ..."

Xia Ming's words were angry again, and the old man's complexion turned blue. At last, Jiu Lao snorted and said, "You stupid boy, the old man won't believe I can't accept you ..."

"..." Xia Ming was stunned when he saw it. At this time, Jiu Lao stepped away from here, but Xia Ming couldn't help but trembled. He felt ... I'm afraid he will be unlucky in the future. According to his guess, this wine old man must be such a person, the more things he can't get, the more

I want to.

Xia Ming shook his head and didn't bother. He was unwilling to worship the master.

Next, Xia Ming looked at the fairy grass, and then began to refine it according to the information in his mind. About two days later, Xia Ming finally successfully refined Xianling San through the whole two days. At this moment, Xia Ming was also tired and almost got down and fainted.

Tired, tired like never before. Your mother has n’t slept for two days and two nights.

Fortunately, Xianling San was successfully refined by him. He did not expect that Xian Lingsan was so difficult to refine. He wasted two whole days on his own. This was a success. With such great effort, I didn't get Xianling San.

"Hmm ..."

Xia Ming lay directly on the ground, and began to whimper and fall asleep. At this time, Xia Ming had no meaning to move, and just wanted to lie on the ground and whimper.

"Crunch ..."

At this moment, the door of the house was suddenly opened and came in, but it was an old man dressed a bit sloppy. The old man was holding a wine gourd in his hand. Strong wine.

Jiu Lao stayed outside for two days. However, Jiu Lao would come to Xia Ming from time to time, for fear of Xia Ming's accident.

Jiu Lao walked into the room, sniffing his nose, a strong fragrance of fragrance, rippling open, which made Jiu Lao all shake.

"It has a strong aroma. This is Xianling San."

Jiu Lao stayed for a while, and hurried to the Dan furnace. When Jiu Lao shot it, Ding Gai fell on the ground and thundered, but Xia Ming still slept loudly as if he had not heard it.

Liquor fixed his eyes.

In the middle of the Dan furnace, there is a small liquid. This small liquid floats in the middle of the Dan furnace. The flame below has gone out, but this small liquid looks so obvious.

The liquid appears white, like clear water, and looks colorless, but it exudes a strong fragrance of fragrance. Around this liquid, it surrounds an aura. This aura surrounds the liquid and looks very beautiful .

Jiu Lao saw the liquid clearly and was stagnate on the spot.

"It's really Xianling San ... It's really Xian Ling San, is this stink boy really made?"

Others are not clear, but Jiu Lao is unusually clear. Xianlingsan is a magic drug that can treat injuries. Even if he is used by a strong person, it will have a great effect. The most important thing is Xianling. San also has a special role, which is to gather spirits.

However, Xianling San is extremely precious. Not only does it require a seventh-level refining pharmacist, but it also needs to possess a fairy grass. This fairy grass is also a very rare elixir. Both are indispensable.

Jiu Lao also accidentally found a fairy grass. He was also holding hope and let Xia Ming try. However, Xia Ming was really successful.

"But the real genius." Even Jiu Lao couldn't help sighing at this moment, looked at Xia Ming with a complex look, and whispered softly: "Although your martial arts are a bit worse, Dan Tao's talent is very strong. Give you enough time, you will definitely become a master of alchemy, the importance of a master of alchemy to martial arts

, But to play a super strong. "

Masters of alchemy are extremely rare, but it is even more difficult to become masters of alchemy than martial arts. Xia Ming became a class 7 alchemist at such a young age.

Really incredible. From the perspective of Jiu Lao, if Xia Ming is a fourth-grade pharmacist, it would be quite remarkable. After all, Master Dan Dao is more difficult, even several times more difficult, than this practice.

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