The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1984: Worship

"No, my husband will definitely accept you as an apprentice." At this moment, Jiu Lao suddenly thought of something, looked at Xia Ming deeply, thought secretly.

"Such awesome baby apprentice, the old man can't find it under the guise of looking. He must accept you as an apprentice."

Thinking of this, Jiu Lao's eyes turned around, and Xia Ming looked at it carefully, and then revealed an inexplicable smile.

"Hey, stinky boy, I will cook mature rice for you this time. You wo n’t be able to regret it at that time." Thinking of this, Jiu Lao thought more and more excited, and immediately when Jiu Lao waved his hand, Xia Ming seemed to be The invisible power dragged the general, and then Jiu Lao slightly groaned and waved again. On the side of the wall, there was a case, but it was Xuan placed in the middle of the case.

Patriarch of the heart.

Jiu Lao thought about it and sat next to the counter. At this time, Jiu Lao waved his hand, Xia Ming knelt down on the ground, Jiu Lao smiled, and said, "Cook the rice for you to cook mature rice and see what you can do. "

The voice fell, and Jiu Lao's voice resounded.

"Xia Ming, if you are willing to worship the husband as a teacher today, then give the husband three heads. After the three heads, you will be the apprentice of the husband. The husband will learn everything and teach it to you. You are also a close disciple of the husband. . "

After the speech fell, Jiu Lao waved his hand directly and controlled Xia Ming to start hoeing him. After Xia Ming slaps for three heads, he still did not wake up. Obviously, in the past few days, Xia Ming was also tired by this fairy. It's really exhausting.

I didn't wake up so quietly. I can imagine how tired Xia Ming was.

At this time, the wine old man laughed.

"Shit boy, you don't want to worship the old husband as a teacher. Now you are the apprentice of the old husband. By the way, give the ancestor a grandfather, and you are the official close disciple of the old husband."

When the words fell, Jiu Lao wanted to control Xia Ming's body and **** his grandfather.

At this moment, Xia Ming's body was soft. Suddenly, a cold breath came into Xia Ming's heart, which shocked Xia Ming, a clever, opened his eyes instantly.

However, at this time, Xia Ming suddenly found himself kneeling on the ground and scratching her head.


"Sink ..."

Xia Ming couldn't help but cursed, and stood up instantly. At this moment, Xia Ming could see the person in front of him clearly, and it was not others but eye-catching!

"Jiu Lao ... why are you here?"

Xia Ming asked suddenly.

"I ... what am I doing?"

Xia Ming looked at his body, but couldn't help but look at Jiu Lao and asked strangely. At this moment, the old man with a smile on his face saw Xia Ming's appearance, and finally he couldn't help laughing. "Shit boy, you finally worshiped my husband as a teacher, ha ha ha, stink boy, you're stunned. , This ancestor also worshiped, smelly boy, starting today, you are my old man and my close disciple

Already. "


Xia Ming was startled and looked at Jiu Lao for a moment. He couldn't help but said, "Senior, when did the junior call on you as a teacher, are you kidding me? Aren't the junior asleep?"

"You fell asleep well, but in your sleep you have already worshiped the husband as a teacher."

Jiu Lao looked at Xia Ming with a smile, and said with a smile: "Smelly boy, you can worship at this ceremony, shouldn't you deny it? If you don't, you're bullying the teacher and destroying your ancestors."


The next moment, Xia Ming thought of something suddenly, and Xia Ming was not a fool. From the intention of Jiu Lao, plus just kneeling on the ground himself, it was clear that Jiu Lao forced himself to worship the teacher.

"Senior, you forced the juniors to worship ... you ... you ..." Xia Ming was frightened, and your uncle, who has seen a pit father, has never seen you so pit father. In the past, after all, similar things have happened in this world, but you must also use strong worshipers, you are always endless, you also

Too foolish.

Xia Ming had a black face, and it was as ugly as it was ugly. Xia Ming couldn't help but anger: "Senior, the junior was unconscious, so this worship ceremony can't be counted, please forgive me."

"Don't you dare not confess your account?" Jiu Lao pointed at Xia Ming and yelled: "You little bunny, you don't even confess your account, but you have saluted and worshipped the grandfather, isn't your little rabbit afraid of thunder and thunder? "

"The seniors and the juniors did not know. You forced the juniors to worship you as a teacher. It was meaningless to force them to do so. You also asked the seniors to take back their lives."


Jiu Lao snorted and said, "Small boy, don't think about it, you have already worshiped the old man as a teacher, and you will be the old man's apprentice."

Jiu Lao thought about it and said casually: "Small boy, the old man has some cheats here. You can go and see. By the way, the old man will give you the same good stuff."

After speaking, Jiu Lao just threw out a storage ring. Jiu Lao said: "This storage ring can be stored. It has a size of five cubic meters. There are some gifts for you. Okay, the old man will start now. Once you have practiced in retreat, you should go back first. "Whether Xia Ming promised or not, when Jiu Lao waved his hand, Xia Ming felt a power, and then he left the house and came again at the same time. Jiu Lao's voice said, "Smelly boy, your two hundred contribution value has been entered into your token. You can do it yourself.

Go to the hall to see if you want to exchange anything, you can go to practice now. "


Xia Ming left the hall, and then a shiver nearly fell to the ground. Xia Ming had a black face, and it was as ugly as possible. At this time, Xia Ming couldn't help yelling.

"I am your second concubine, your uncle's bastard, even forced me to worship, **** ..."

Xia Ming was gritted and gritted, and he was stupid. He was forced to worship by this old guy. This old guy is just an old hooligan, which is abominable.

Xia Ming was so angry, Xia Ming secretly thought: "Dead old man, don't want me to worship you as a teacher, don't even think about it, I won't agree anyway."

Xia Ming thought of this, and hummed, and hurried toward his house.

As Xia Ming rushed to his residence, Xia Ming slept heavily and slept for the whole day, at which time Xia Ming was woken up by Han Qianyu.

"Xia Ming ... Xia Ming ..."

Han Qianyu's voice sounded in Xia Ming's ears, and Xia Ming opened his eyes stupidly. This caught the eye, and it was Han Qianyu's face.

Han Qianyi has also moved to Xia Ming's place. The two of them have a room and they live comfortably. After Han Qianyi saw Xia Ming's return, he just fell asleep and thought that Xia Ming was too tired, so he didn't disturb Xia Ming. However, seeing Xia Ming slept for one day and one night, there was no sign of waking up. If you didn't see Xia Ming's breath steady, I really thought Xia Ming was farting.

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