The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 1985: Miscellaneous

"Uh, faucet."

Xia Ming asked for a moment, wondering, "Faucet, what's wrong?"

"You're still asleep, you've slept for a day and a night." Han Qianyi said with a bit of smirk.

"A day and a night? I slept for so long?"

Xia Ming was startled, hurriedly got up, and found that it really was a day and a night, Xia Ming shook his head helplessly, and said: "Too tired, even slept ..."

"Xia Ming, are you okay?" Han Qianyu asked worriedly.

"I'm fine."

Xia Ming shook his head.

"It's okay." Han Qianzhen breathed a little sigh of relief, and then Han Qianzhen said solemnly: "Xia Ming, it looks like there is still less than a month left, and it's time for mixed service. What do you think? of?"

"Battle service?"

Xia Ming was slightly surprised, and curiously said, "What is a handyman?"

"The so-called miscellaneous rivalry is to select talents in the martial arts, and this is also a springboard."

When Han Qianzhen talked about this, he was slightly dignified. Obviously, he also paid great attention to this big contest.


Xia Ming froze and immediately asked, "What do you say?"

"You know, there are several lists in this Xuanxinzong." Han Qianyi said again.

"I just came to Xuan Xinzong, where to learn so much." Xia Ming said helplessly.

Han Qianyu did not say anything, but explained patiently: "In this Xuan Xinzong, there are four lists, and these four lists are collectively called Tianjiao list."


Xia Ming was a little surprised.

"That's right! That's Tianjiao."

Han Qianzhen said positively: "However, this arrogant list is divided into four lists of Tiandi and Xuanhuang. These four lists correspond to the status of disciples."

"Among them, Huangbang represents the struggle between the disciples, while Xuanbang represents the ranking among the disciples, and the rest of the top and Tianbang represent the disciples and core disciples, respectively. . "

Han Qianyu said clearly, but Xia Ming was still a little confused, but asked, "What about the true disciples?"

"The true disciples no longer need to rank. The ranking they are fighting for is the ranking outside. They don't pay much attention to the rankings within Zongmen, so they have never made a list." Han Qianyi added.

"So it is." Xia Ming realized suddenly and nodded slightly.

"Xia Ming, this list is not in vain, but it has real benefits." Han Qianyi saw Xia Ming's somewhat careless appearance and could not help reminding.

"What's the benefit?" Xia Ming glanced at Han Qianyi in surprise and couldn't help asking. "There are a lot of old disciples in this Xuanxinzong who want to be on this list for no reason. If they can get on this list, they can get the support of resources in the martial arts. Every month There are rewards issued. For this list, countless disciples have broken blood. "Han Qian

I sighed.

Xia Ming suddenly realized that in this world, cultivation resources are very important. I don't know how many people have delayed their cultivation because of the cultivation resources.

In order to compete for these cultivation resources, they will naturally do their best.

"What's the benefit?" Xia Ming said slightly. "There are many benefits. For example, the martial arts will send out one Xuan Dan each month. This Xuan Dan can help you cultivate. If you can enter the top ten, the number of Xuan Dan will increase. If you can enter the top three, you can Not only Xuan Dan is so simple, but also accompanied by other training funds

source. "Han Qianyi said in a deep voice.

"So many benefits."

Xia Ming was surprised. "Yeah, if not, who would work hard for this list." Han Qianyu said: "Moreover, it is not easy to be on the list. In this Xuanxinzong, there are most miscellaneous disciples, I am afraid there are 50,000 people, this number is increasing every year, however, each year can become

There are only a handful of disciples, and it takes endless effort to become a core disciple. "

"But this list is only one hundred."

"Hundreds ... tens of thousands ..."

Hearing that Rao was using Xia Ming ’s fixation, he could n’t help but take a breath, Han Qianzhen said again: “Xia Ming, logically, it ’s the easiest to enter the top 100 with your ability. However, if you want to be in the top ten, I'm afraid it will be difficult. "


Xia Ming froze, apparently did not expect Han Qianyu to say so, but Xia Ming was not proud, because he knew that in this world, there are countless geniuses, and he himself has some self-knowledge. "Some of the top ten miscellaneous disciples can even challenge them. Among the top three, they are all challenged to the powerful in the early days of the day after tomorrow, and these powerfuls have failed, especially the number one prince. The strength is even more horrible. Some time ago, he even defeated the day after tomorrow.

Mid-level master. "

"So strong?" Xia Ming was startled, how terrible he was even in the masters of the realm of the day after tomorrow, never thinking that there was such a proud man in this Xuanxinzong.

"Yeah ..." Han Qiandi couldn't help but said: "This prince is very strong. At present we know that he is in the state of perfection. He can only be promoted to the level of the acquired state after one step. Once he enters the day after tomorrow, this guy will probably also Flying into the sky, all the way to the mysterious list. "

Xia Ming nodded slightly, feeling that Han Qianzhen was right.

"Then he is the perfect state of heaven?" Charmington paused.

"Yeah!" Han Qianji nodded slightly: "It is logically the case. After being promoted to the realm of heaven, generally, they have gone to the outside door and acted as outside door disciples. The resources of outside door disciples are much richer than miscellaneous disciples, similar to The prince is no exception. "

"Um." Xia Ming nodded slightly, his expression indifferent.

Seeing Xia Ming's calmness, Han Qiandi couldn't help asking: "Xia Ming, don't you want to be on the list?"

Xia Ming froze and said, "On the list? Is there any difference between being on the list?"

"Let me go ... I have said this for a long time, and you haven't taken the feelings to heart?" Han Qianyu stared at Xia Ming with a stunned expression.

"I heard it." Xia Ming shrugged and couldn't help it.

"Then you don't plan to be on the list?" Han Qianyi asked again.

"Is it important to not be on the list?" Xia Ming asked.

"I ..." Han Qianyi was speechless for a while, isn't it important for your sister to be on the list? If it does n’t matter why there are so many people who have broken blood, it ’s all because of the resources of the martial arts. The better your talent, the more you can be valued by the martial arts people.


But do you tell me if I don't make it on the list? It must be important.

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