The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2075: Weird breath

"Let's go too." Bai Bingqing's voice resounded, and Xia Ming saw that the number of people around him was gradually decreasing. Obviously, they all ran towards the gate of punishment on this day.

"Huh!" Xia Ming nodded slightly, his body leaped up, his body turned into a light, and he walked away. Although Xia Ming could not fly, Xia Ming could rely on some support around him. It ’s as fast as lightning. This speed is also quite fast. The distance of five kilometers before and after this is right.

For Xia Ming, they were just ten minutes of work.

If they step into the realm of spiritual gathering, this distance is just a little effort.

Xia Ming and two quickly approached the water curtain, and when they were about to hit the water curtain, when Xia Ming waved his hand, there was a gap opened instantly, and Xia Ming and Bai Bingqing stepped into this. Within the gate of heaven punishment.


Xia Ming's body quickly passed through the air. Once he entered the gate of punishment, Xia Ming stopped instantly. However, what he stayed at this moment was not only Xia Ming, even Xia Yun who had just stepped in. Top and others also stopped one after another!

In fact, this is why they can't stop, because they saw that there are several holes in front of them, and these holes have almost become a circle.

It seems that these holes are all the way in, but where are so many water holes?

Therefore, no one at the scene dared to enter.

Xia Ming's complexion also became extremely dignified. Obviously, these holes could not be rushed into. After all, no one knew what kind of danger would be encountered inside.

"So many holes, where are they real?" Someone couldn't help cursing.

"Damn, why are there so many intersections, if this is the wrong way, then there is still life?"

"It's really troublesome ..."

"Yeah, it really isn't so easy to obtain torture on this day." The people present were slightly dignified, watching the scene in front of them.

"Well, I don't believe it. There is no way out for so many routes. My luck has always been good. I want to see it."


As the voice just dropped, there was a figure in a coarse linen, and when he moved, he borrowed a bit in the air and steadily landed in front of one of the holes.

Under these many eyes, the figure lifted its feet into the water hole, and as this person stepped into the water hole, other people also stared at their eyes and looked at the scene in front of them.

After the figure stepped into the water hole safely, the people present couldn't help but said, "He's fine ..."

"That is to say, these water holes are not dangerous?"

"Let's go in soon."

"Walk around, let's ..."


These people have stepped into this water hole, and even Xia Yunding and others have stepped into the hole. At this time, Bai Bingqing looked at Xia Ming around him and said quietly: "We want Where are you going? "

Xia Ming narrowed his eyes and said softly, "Let's go this."

Then Xia Ming's finger pointed at the other gate, but when Xia Ming only wanted this gate, Bai Bingqing stayed on the spot directly and couldn't help asking: "Xia Ming ... Are you feverish?"

Bai Bingqing couldn't help looking at Xia Ming because the door that Xia Ming was referring to was really the door they just came in. What a joke, they just came in through this door, this went out through the door, this It's playing in and out.


Xia Ming heard the words and took a look at Bai Bingqing. Bai Bingqing's serious face made Xia Ming smile a bitterly, and said, "We are the door to go out."

"Why? Aren't we going back again? You don't want to get the punishment of the day?" Bai Bingqing's eyebrows were raised, and he was very strange about Xia Ming's approach.

This is all coming in, this is going back, what does this mean?

Xia Ming reluctantly explained: "I'll explain to you, I'm afraid I can't explain clearly. Let's go out from here first, and after you walk in, you will understand."

Bai Bing looked at Xia Ming suspiciously and couldn't help but said, "Well, let me see, what the **** are you doing?"

Having said that, the two walked slowly towards the door, and when their bodies touched the water curtain, their bodies followed.

"Brush ..." When they entered the place where they came in, a huge change took place in their eyes. Above them, a dark blue ocean appeared, and this dark blue ocean was on top of them. The sky looks so beautiful, you can even see some other

His creatures swim around here.

However, these creatures seem to be invisible to them.

The appearance of such a scene surprised Bai Bingqing.

"What's going on? How could this be so?"

Bai Bingqing was puzzled. They had just entered through this gate, but when they went out of this gate again, they came to this weird place. What happened?

Bai Bingqing stared at the scene solemnly, while Xia Ming looked calmer, as if he had known that some changes would occur.


As soon as Xia Ming's gaze fell, he fell in the most middle position. In the most middle position, there was an altar-like thing, but whether it was an altar or not, Xia Ming was not very clear, but in On top of this table is a light blue beam of light.

At the top of the beam of light is a water polo. This water polo is probably the size of a human head.

This water polo is crystal clear and looks very beautiful. With this sparkling light, this water polo looks even more beautiful.

Xia Ming stared at this water polo. The whole water hole is the only one that is the most special, because in the water hole, everything else is backed by this water polo.

"What's this?" Xia Ming frowned slightly, staring at the water polo in front of him solemnly, afraid to have the slightest intention, after all, such a water polo appeared in the whole water hole, it was really weird.

"Is it a sacrifice thing?" Bai Bingqing also noticed the water polo and condensed.

"It doesn't look like it?" Charmington paused.

Bai Bingqing also took a deep look at Xia Ming. I don't know why. Only when he followed Xia Ming would Xia Ming's strangeness and mystery be discovered. In Xia Ming's body, there seems to be an unfinished secret.

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