The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2076: Is this soul out of tricks?

Xia Ming couldn't help but take a step towards this water polo. The water polo looked very strange, because the water polo inside seemed to have water flowing, which was very strange.

Xia Ming approached the water polo step by step. Without paying attention, Xia Ming stepped into the water polo altar step by step. When Xia Ming stepped into the jade near the altar, suddenly ...


There was a slight sound!

"Brush ..."

At this moment, the water polo suddenly turned on. The sudden condition of the water polo also scared Xia Ming. Xia Ming wanted to step back, but at this moment ...

"Buzz ..."

This water polo seemed to have a very strange power, pulling Xia Ming towards the water polo. This sudden scene made Xia Ming also caught off guard and was pulled in an instant.

"Xia Ming ..."

Bai Bingqing noticed these strange things, and her pretty face changed slightly. Immediately, she stretched out her hand and grabbed Xia Ming. It was unexpected that Bai Bingqing caught Xia Ming's power. Strong, so Xia Ming was dragged into this altar in an instant.


When the two stepped into the altar of this altar, the altar suddenly lighted up. This altar seemed to be surrounded by a mysterious force. It was shining with colorful lights. Just like this wonderland on earth.

Both of Xia Ming's faces changed slightly, and they hurried back immediately, but they found in horror that their bodies suddenly became stiff, and they could not move much in the blink of an eye.

"What's going on?" Bai Bingqing was startled, and said in a panic.

"Don't move," Xia Ming hurried.

Bai Bingqing heard that his face changed and he did not dare to act. At this moment, their bodies became stiff. Xia Ming's eyes stared at the water polo in front of him. At this moment, some changes took place in the water polo. .

Because the water polo turned black, it looked weird.

"What the **** is going on?" Xia Ming's mind kept thinking, and his brain was moving fast. At this moment, the two of them were unable to move.

"Do you want to enter the Qiankun ring?" Xia Ming changed his mind, but there was also Bai Bingqing here. If this person knew his secret, it would be extremely unfavorable to himself.

Xia Ming hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to enter this Qiankun ring, after all, he didn't know what would happen next.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming changed his mind, but then, it changed his face.

"not good……"

Xia Ming was horrified to discover that there seemed to be a magical power in this meditation, and his body could not even enter this ring of heaven and earth, how could this be?

He used to enter the Qiankun ring in the past, which is no disadvantage. He can enter at any time. He never expected that at this most critical moment, he could not enter. How could this be ...

"Pig two, come out soon." Xia Ming resounded quickly in his mind.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Xia Ming just shouted a few words, and the voice of Er Er resounded in Xia Ming's mind. Xia Ming heard a burst of ecstasy. Fortunately, he could also communicate with Er Er.

"Pig two, please help me quickly. What the **** is going on? Why can't my body move?" Xia Ming hurried.

"Can't move?"

Zhu Er heard the words and said with a little surprise, "Boss, aren't you picking up girls? Are you playing with a small whip? If you play with a small whip again, I will not be involved. If I was known , I was turned into a roast pig. "


There were three black lines on Xia Ming's head for an instant, angrily: "Your uncle, I'm in danger now, play with a small leather whip, what do you want?"

"Are you in danger?" Zhu Er heard this, and then she was slightly relieved. "As long as you're not playing with a small whip, you say it early."


Xia Ming was speechless for a while, Xia Ming asked a little strangely: "How did you know the small leather whip? It seems that there is no such thing in this world, right?"

"Hey!" Speaking of this, Zhu Er's brilliant flicker, excitedly said: "Boss, do you know, I found something like a small box in your Qiankun ring, this thing After I opened it, I was able to perform a passionate drama. It was so cool. Boss, you

Is there any more of this stuff? I'm here to give you a little bit of it, it's not enough to watch. "


Xia Ming didn't understand the meaning of Zhu Er, and couldn't help asking: "What more can you say?"

"It's just a small box with a man and a woman in it, which is performing a passionate drama." Zhu Er said excitedly.


Xia Ming heard the words, immediately became stunned, and said inconceivably: "You ... how can you turn on the computer?"

"Um? Is this little thing called a computer? It's a good name." Pig Er nodded slightly, making a thoughtful look, and said, "Call it a computer in the future."

"How did you open it?" Xia Ming couldn't help it.

"Just a button, he opened it by himself as soon as he pressed it?" Zhu Erzhang said, "Boss, don't you know how to open this thing, right? I teach you these things inside, really It's too powerful, and I will find a sow in the future and give birth to a litter. "


Xia Ming had an urge to choke this pig two, and the horse egg said that the pig had finished eating and fell asleep, after eating, but the guy turned on the computer and saw that he had a T on the computer. Blockbuster, this **** ...

It's just a colored pig. It's so abominable.

Xia Ming suddenly thought that he was still in distress. Why did he discuss these things with Zhu Er? Xia Ming's face was dark again, and he secretly exclaimed: "Because he was taken aback again ..."

Xia Ming said angrily: "Pig II, show me immediately, what is going on? Why can't my body move? If you don't, you have to become a roast pig."

"I'll take a look."

After hearing the words, Er Er was also startled by Xia Ming and said in a hurry.

Houjie is running aura. In front of Houjie, a black hole appears. This black hole looks abnormally weird, but if there is an expert here, it will definitely scream out in surprise.

"Tear the space ..." This scene is probably scared to death by many people, tearing the space, but this is the tearing space, how stable this space is, you can see from this master's fight, the top masters are here Fighting in the film space, but this space can still be settled, it is conceivable how difficult this space is

Crushed. But ... this pig II just tore up the space ...

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