The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2109: Gambling Gambling!

"System, is there a gambling system?"

"It's always been there," the system said coldly.

"That's good!"

Xia Ming suddenly thought that it seemed that he hadn't entered the system mall for a while. Xia Ming groaned a little, and then said, "System, go to the system mall."

"Didi, the host is entering the mall."

Then Xia Ming's eyes changed, but what came into view was something similar to the screen. On this screen, information and styles about these products were recorded!

This screen-like thing looks like a high-tech computer on the earth.

"System, when has the mall system changed so much?" Xia Ming said inconceivably.

"The mall system is all simulated. This system can be changed at any time. The reason why it looks like this is to make the host feel fresh." The system said lightly.

Xia Ming nodded slightly and said, "Oh, I see."

Then Xia Ming's eyes quickly browsed here. Soon, Xia Ming's eyes were fixed on an item. This item is a teleportation jade charm. I never expected that in this mall, you can see the teleportation. Yu Fu, even Xia Ming, were a little excited.

But after seeing the price above, Xia Ming's whole heart was half cold.

This transmission of Yufu is worth 50 million honor points, which is simply stealing money.

However, if there are 50 million honor points, Xia Ming will definitely buy it without hesitation, because the transmission distance of this jade charm is 10,000 miles.

Even at such a long distance, even if he meets the master of the spiritual realm, even in this foolish world, he has the ability to protect himself.

It's just a pity that too many honor points are needed.

Xia Ming's gaze was a quick glance again. This time, his gaze fell on a panacea.

"Enlighten Dan?"

Xia Ming glanced at this elixir in amazement, slightly wondering: "Is there any strange thing in Dan?"

"Of course, the system produced must be a fine product. As long as the system is willing, any elixir can be owned." The system proudly said, "If the host strives to upgrade again, this system will have more benefits waiting. Host. "


Xia Ming heard that he shook his head slightly, made a joke, how much honor is needed to upgrade, let alone say that he does not have it now, even with the upgrade that he would not havetened so hastily.

Xia Ming is slightly emotional about this enlightenment. Enlightenment, as the name suggests, is a kind of elixir that can make people feel enlightened. For example, when practicing, you can enter the state of epiphany. For example, for some martial arts, the speed of enlightenment will also Hundreds of times faster, thousands of times!

This is Enlightenment Dan, but for this price, it needs 2 million honor points!

Two million honor points, twenty draws, is not expensive, but he is only so much 140,000 now, and 140,000 is relatively two million ... That is just one heaven and one underground.

Xia Ming took a deep breath and hesitated. "Enter the gambling system."

"Didi, the host is entering the gambling system."

Then Xia Ming's eyes changed tremendously, but what came into my eyes was a table with the size and six leopards written on it, which were all doubled. As for the guess of the leopard point, it was ten. Times, of course, if you choose a leopard, it will be five times.

Of course, the probability of guessing the leopard is very small, everything depends on luck.

"Didi, may I ask the host, do you gamble?" Xia Ming's voice echoed in Xia Ming's mind, and Xia Ming was silent.

"Gambling!" Xia Ming said.

Although the gambling system is a bit pitted, the benefits are huge. The last time he got a lot of honors, it can be said to be a huge sum.

"Didi, the host is gambling. If the gambling round is not completed, the host cannot give up. If the host gives up, it will forcibly deduct all the honor points of the host."

The sound of the system made Xia Ming nodded slightly. The purpose of doing this was not to let Xia Ming die halfway!

"Ding Ding ..."

Then, Xia Ming heard that the dice rolled quickly in the dice cup, and the speed of rolling was extremely fast, and the sound of tinkling was kept.

The sound is crisp, and Xia Ming ’s ears move with the sound of these crisp ears, but it ’s a pity that in this system, there seems to be a mysterious power that is isolating something. You must know that before Xia Ming But God of Gambling, almost all of this gambling can be psychic.

But gambling is totally unsuitable here, because gambling here is entirely based on personal luck.

"Hmm ..."

The next moment, with a soft ringing sound, the dice also stopped shaking, and the sound of the system sounded.

"Didi, ask the host to place a bet."

Xia Ming hesitated and looked at himself above. Leopards have a profit of ten times from one to six, and the size can only be doubled.

"What will it be?"

Xia Ming groaned and looked at the table. The probability of the leopard was almost negligible. It was too small. As for the size, it was five or five points. How do you guess?

Xia Ming hesitated, and said, "All in."

"Didi, how many honor points will the host bet?"

"One hundred and forty thousand, all bets."

"Didi, is deducting 140,000 honor points from the host."

"Didi, the host bet successfully."

Then Xia Ming saw his 140,000 honor points and disappeared instantly, and then Xia Ming saw that the dice cup was slowly opened under his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, this one came in at five or six or sixteen.

The sudden situation made Xia Ming also excited: "Win ..."

"Didi, congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, winning 140,000 honor points in the field, and the current host has 280,000 honor points. Will the host continue to gamble?"

"Continue gambling, continue gambling," Xia Ming said excitedly.

"Ding Ding ..."

After the sound disappeared, the system had already shaken the dice. Xia Ming's eyes fell on the dice, and hesitated slightly, saying: "Betting small, betting 250,000."

Twenty-five thousand, Xia Ming has thirty thousand left. This is also a way he wants to keep a retreat. Although it is said that thirty thousand can not draw, but can at least once gamble.

"Didi, the host is small and is opening the dice cup."

With the opening of the dice cup, Xia Ming saw the points above. At this moment, Xia Ming stayed on the spot directly, and then yelled. "I'm leaning, pitted ..."

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