The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2110: Explosive summer

"Hit ..."

Xia Ming's eyes glared, almost protruding, with a black face, full of distressed colors, Xia Ming stared at the gaming table in front of him, the above shows that the size is four or five or six.

Obviously, this time he lost, and he also lost 250,000 honor points.


Xia Ming's face is as ugly as it is ugly. This time, I lost a lot, and 250,000 honor points.

"Didi, the host lost. Will the host continue to gamble!"

The cold voice of the system made Xia Ming's complexion move slightly. Not only did he not get anything, but he lost 110,000 honor points. Sure enough, he did not win or lose in gambling.

Xia Ming looked at his panel. At present, there are only 30,000 honor points, and 30,000 honor points. Even a lottery cannot be drawn.

Xia Ming groaned slightly and said, "Gamble, keep gambling."

"Didi ... The host is gambling." The sound of the system dropped, and then the dice in front of Xia Ming's eyes quickly turned, fast, and crackling, Xia Ming stared at the dice cup as if he wanted You can see the points from this dice cup, but the dice cup is very strict, so Xia Ming doesn't see the points at all


Therefore, you can only rely on luck.

Xia Ming had a black face, as ugly as ugly!

"Hmm ..."

When I came to the stop where the dice cup stopped, there was a faint muffled sound, obviously it was the sound of shaking.

"Please host bet."

When Xia Ming saw this situation, he blinked his eyes and stared at the dice cup, his brain was moving fast. How to bet on it, if it didn't, it would be a real loss.

"If it would be nice to be able to bet on Leopard Six, 30,000 would bet on Leopard 6 directly, and return to it all at once ..." Xia Ming murmured softly.

"Didi, the host has successfully bet and is opening the cup."

"Success in betting? Wait, what ... when did I bet?" Xia Ming's face changed, and he hurriedly looked at his panel, and found that the only 30,000 honor points left on his panel were all **** No more.

At this moment, Xia Ming was anxious.

"System, what's going on? When did I bet, you come out and explain it to me? Is something wrong with the system?"

What a joke, bet Leopard Six, this **** mother is nothing, the probability of this leopard is too small and too small, bet Leopard is really a loss to the family.

Therefore, Xia Ming's face is as ugly as it is ugly, and he hasn't bet himself yet, how can he become a Leopard Six? This system should not be intentional.

"Just now the host has bet," the system explained indifferently, "the host can think about it carefully."

"I didn't bet on how I thought about it, shouldn't you want to pit the system?" Xia Ming exclaimed.

"This system is absolutely fair and will never force the host to bet." The system said calmly: "Just the host said that 30,000 directly bet Leopard 6, so the system will execute according to the host's order, all of which are the host's order . "

"I rely! When did I say that?" Xia Ming felt a sense of fainting, and this particular system was just a big pit.

"Host thinks back to himself?" The system said lightly.

"Can I withdraw then?" Xia Ming asked quickly.

"The host has bet and cannot be withdrawn," the system said.


Xia Ming felt a pain in his body for a while. This time he lost a lot of money. When did he say he bet 30,000? Thinking of this, Xia Ming suddenly thought of a sentence he had just said.

"If it would be good to bet on Leopard Liu, 30,000 would be betting Leopard Liu and returning to it all at once ..."


Xia Ming's pupils suddenly shrank, and suddenly said, "Is it because of this sentence ..."

The more Xia Ming thought about it, the more likely it was, it must be because of this sentence that he just sighed and even bet.

Xia Ming hurriedly said, "System, what I just said was obviously a sigh. I didn't want to bet on Leopard Six at all. You are obviously intentional."

"Host has bet and is opening the dice cup."

The system seemed tired of continuing to explain to Xia Ming, and simply told Xia Ming with actual actions that the dice had to be opened.


When Xia Ming still wanted to say, the dice cup suddenly opened. This caught the eye, but Xia Ming was stagnant on the spot.

"I rely on ..."

The next moment, Xia Ming's eyes stared round, staring at the scene inconceivable. In a flash, it became ecstasy. Xia Ming stared at the dice in front of him. Laughed loudly.

"Ha ha ha ... ha ha ha ... developed, developed, this time developed."

Yes, after opening the dice cup, there are three three sixes in sight, and the appearance of these three sixes makes Xia Ming all excited.

"It turned out to be a leopard, it turned out to be three six, mother, ten times, ten times."

Xia Ming said excitedly, "Okay ... a leopard."

"Didi, congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, win this game and get 300,000 honor points."

Then Xia Ming's panel directly added 300,000 honor points. Xia Ming's face was full of excitement. This just output all the honor points. In the blink of an eye, he won 300,000. He said he still made a lot of money.

"Gambling, keep gambling." Suddenly a gambler was gambling, and Xia Ming seemed to regain confidence, and his courage became bold.

As Xia Ming's voice dropped, the system continued to shake the dice, and Xia Ming continued to bet on the reluctant Shu, but Xia Ming did not add all his bets, but instead made 100,000.

However, there is no doubt that Xia Ming won again, and suddenly became 400,000. Xia Ming couldn't shut up and almost jumped off the building with excitement.

Xia Ming was having fun.

Over time, Xia Ming found that he fell to the end and won a total of three million honor points. Such a huge sum of money is much faster than the task.

"Fuck, good luck!" Xia Ming looked at his panel with excitement. With 3 million honor points, he jumped directly from 140,000 to 3 million, which was a big win.

If this is changed to the earth, whether it can leave the earth is a huge problem. The key is that this honor point is more valuable than money. If he can buy it with money, he will not hesitate to buy it with money. .

Xia Ming looked excitedly at the three million honor points in front of him, suddenly there was a feeling of getting rich overnight. "Gambling is really a shortcut." Xia Ming couldn't help but sigh slightly.

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